In Theresia's escape plan, Babel hired Sarkaz mercenaries to **** Rhodes Island. However, due to the leak of information, the escorting mercenaries were killed by the army of the regent, and Theresia was eventually assassinated in the middle.

The cause of Teresia's death is still full of doubts. If there is anyone in this world who knows the real cause of her death, it is only a doctor.

However, the Doctor was sealed in the sarcophagus of Cut City for unknown reasons, just like Ward in "Charles Dexter Ward Incident", and lost his memory.

Therefore, Thearesia's cause of death has also become a mystery.

Now, however, the possibility of solving the mystery has arisen.

It was a person with a face that was 70% similar to the Doctor. He was probably the blood relative of the Doctor, and he was the most likely person in the world to know the truth. She couldn't just watch this guy die.

"Kill me the Faus—"


This kind of anger really stopped abruptly before he could express his emotions.

Very casually, the young man stretched out his hand, and with the shocked expressions of W and the mercenaries, he grabbed the lightning-like arrow.

The purple thunder rioted, jumped, and roared in his hands, but it couldn't even burn his skin.

The sniper who can threaten the target with ultra-long-distance physical attacks, sometimes uses special methods to summon ballista-like mechanisms for sneak attacks, or uses high-destructive ballista arrows to attack the sniper has always been a lot of newbies in the game nightmare.

However, is Su Han a so-called cute new player?

Don't be kidding, he's a real opener!

"If you want to kill me, at least you have to replace this with Qi Qilei, and then turn on the limit mode."

Very brisk, the boy who didn't even remove the hand covering Irena's eyes was fiddling with the arrow like a child holding a branch to prepare rapeseed flowers.

And the arrow hit the edge of the second arrow by coincidence, causing its shooting angle to shift——



Mephisto's scream of dying resounded through the sky.

As if being aimed at by a sniper, the arrow, which still had electric current, pierced through Mephisto's left chest without error.

Blood bloomed in the air like a flower, and Mephisto's body was indeed the exact opposite of the gushing blood.

Su Han is not a person with superb martial arts, but after a small amount of reversal spirit crystals were swallowed up by the Eye of Darkness, he was strengthened even among fusion warriors.

Obviously, it is not difficult for him to move a slow-firing arrow and let it fly in a new direction.


The sniper who accidentally injured his best friend also let out a painful cry.

"Goodbye, my dear fellows."

Very casual, the young man threw the arrow in his hand again like he was hitting a balloon with a dart.

As the arrow was thrown, the mourning sound in the distance disappeared completely.

"Avenge Lord Faust!!"

In the distance, there seemed to be angry voices from the members of the Phantom Squad, but with a flash of red feathers, that voice was completely vanished.

They looked at their companions in confusion, at a loss.

"We, why are we here?"

Not long ago, the sniper who shouted to avenge the commander looked very confused.

He remembered that he seemed to have come here with the superior to handle a major event.

But who is the commander?

Looking at the herds who have been taken away from control and the snipers who have lost a lot of memory, even as a member of the Tower of Babel, who has seen many exceptional characters, w will still have such a shock after seeing this scene. feeling.

The ability to control the mental power of hundreds of herds, the ability to modify other people's memories at will, and the ability to directly catch Faust's sniper...

Is that guy really human?

"Okay, game over."

The boy's intimate voice quietly appeared on the side of W's ear, and W could even feel the moist water vapor spreading out from his auricle.

That sound made W stand stiffly as if he had been thrown on the ice sheet all day and night, sweating coldly.

Heck, how did this guy get to him all of a sudden.

"I'm glad for your help just now. Well, although it didn't work, I'm also happy to express my thanks to you, Miss Dabuliu."

"No, no thanks."

Miss W's expression was very stiff.

"Since you don't need to thank me, then just answer a question for me."

The response that did not follow the routine at all fell into W's ears.

Killing all the characters who showed murderous intentions to himself, the boy seemed to be with his good brothers, holding the mercenary girl's shoulders, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

"Can you explain a little bit, why did you want to help when you saw me?"

Chapter 8 I've seen your sister

Dabuliu panicked.

Really panic.

This is not difficult to understand.

At this moment, the man who strangled your neck was the man who killed Faust and Mephistopheles.

In terms of Originium skills, he can take away the consciousness of manipulating hundreds of thousands of people in just a split second, and he can also modify the memories of snipers lurking thousands of meters away at will.

In terms of physical strength, he can easily catch Faust's Originium skill, and throw the arrow wrapped in lightning thousands of meters away, hitting the sniper with one hit.

In addition, he has teammates who can go back in time, as well as a special ability that is suspected to be space teleportation.

And you are a weak and helpless American cockroach.

Just like a certain French Baixi swordsman in Bobo's Bad Adventure, Dabuliu-chan ushered in a desperate encounter.

It can be felt that his subordinates have become blind-eyed like those herds and snipers, and the mercenary girl has a difficult smile on the face.

Calm down, you are more or less here to save people. For this guy, you are considered a friendly army, and you will not be directly smashed like Mephisto or Faust.

As a traveler who has wandered in several worlds, Su Han has eaten a lot of kickbacks, so his strength has improved very quickly.

To be honest, unless Ark World is a testing ground for a god-level civilization, or a pike system in the background world jumps into a genuine one, Su Han feels that he should have no natural enemies in this world.

The question is God's key warning, angel warning, demon king warning.

This is why he has a casual expression, and even after attracting the attention of the rectification movement, he dares to find a hotel to sleep even if he does not go straight to Huanglong.

Anyway, just type .jpg.

Even if Irena didn't find information about the old sao snake, he could choose to go back and drag this second Ya over, use her invincible book of omniscience to lock the whereabouts of the old sao snake, and then capture him.

After catching the old sao snake, things are also easy to handle.

If it can be solved through coercion and inducement, then coercion and inducement.

If it can't be solved through coercion and inducement, then pull Yuanban Rin over, take out his soul, pour it into a random o's body, and then find thirty Sakaz big men to go round the rice, it's his turn to recruit until.

If you still can't do it, you can only use Yu Duchen or ask Su for help.

As long as the old sao snake can be fully served, then he can directly change his name to Rasputin and hold a feast for the nobles of Ursus, and then control the entire mineral industry of Ursus.

Among them, the mines that are particularly good for mining are directly exploited by large machines, and they are owned by themselves. The mines that are not very good are contracted to the witches, so that they can work intensively.

Of course, the witches who are in charge of cooperation and negotiation may question their sincerity in cooperation, but Su Han believes that as long as he gives the money in place, those witches will probably shut up.

When your layout is fully completed, you can lie down and wait for the money to fall from the sky.

If you encounter a real shortage of points, you can also sell the wealth of nobles, and then import Originium from Yan Kingdom, Kazimir and other countries to exchange points.

All in all, I will definitely not leave Ursus for the next period of time.

How nice to stay in Usas.

Every day, I can see that Originium minerals are constantly being exchanged for points. Otto also gave him a whole team of babysitters. When he is free, he can tease Leidian Yayi's secondary illness, and go out for a walk and rua bear.

Someone whose alignment is probably chaotic neutral thought so before this.

However, Da Buliu's sudden intention to go forward to rescue him now caused some doubts in Su Han's heart.

Why does this guy have an expression like I know you.

Could it be that the future self used the Twelve Bullets?

Su Han couldn't help but think about a possibility.

However, is there any place in Ursus that is worth using the Twelve Bullets?

I am a profiteer, and I don't get involved in the political struggles of this world at all. I belong to a profiteer who runs away after making money. There is absolutely no reason to find madness.

The more you think, the more confused you are, the closer you are to the oldest man-made satellite.

Su Han, who was too lazy to think, looked at a guy who was a riddler like Queen Kai in the plot, with a smile on his face.

Su Han, who was just here to hunt for people, looked at the mercenary girl who seemed to have an intersection with him, raised his eyebrows, and said.

"Can you explain it to me? Otherwise, I'll take you to see Mephistopheles."


w looked at the big hole that the herds were digging next to, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Why can someone say such terrible words with such a gentle expression! !

"W sauce, if you don't do it, I'll tie you in the basement, and tear up your treasured photo of the princess in front of you."

"Sauce W, don't you really think about taking the lead? If you don't, I can only take the princess to visit your little secret room."

"Dear Miss W, I sincerely ask you to help me. Of course, if you don't help me, I won't hold any grudges."

"www, say you're single, I have a younger brother, or I'll take the time to paint his portrait someday and show you. If you're right, you can call me sister, if you're wrong. , you can call me mother."

Looking at that bright smile, Miss W's ears echoed the low laughter like the devil in the past.

The young man in front of him really makes people think of the woman who is a cold goddess when she doesn't smile, but who is an epic cheater when she smiles.

These two guys are definitely blood related.

Absolutely! !

To be honest, w really wants to laugh at Su Hanpi with a smile, and then say a few words in the same tone of voice he used to tease.

"I've seen a woman who looks like you, but that woman seems to have fallen asleep in the coffin."


w recalled the death of the two fellows in front of him, w can be sure that this guy is probably the blood relative of the doctor's scourge, who can twist his neck with one hand.

Now that her neck is strangled, if she dares to say that, she will have to go directly to the ground to see Lord Theresia.

"You have a sister."

After being silent for a long time, w, who was asked by a disdainful woman to choose between the two titles of sister and mother, made Su Han's expression suddenly change.

"How did you know?"

Very rare, Su Han was stunned.

"I've met your sister."

Chapter 9 Sister Ta Zi and the old sao snake, which one do you like?

"elder sister..."

The young man was stunned for a moment, his arms around w's neck relaxed slightly, and his expression was a little suspicious.

"You know my sister?"

Sure enough, this guy is the scumbag's younger brother.

Looking at the young man who obviously really had a sister, W was relieved in his heart.

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