"In this world, I don't remember that I have been in contact with many people. Since you have read my memory, at least have a face-to-face with me."

The very sharp words fell into the ears of Mio Takamiya, making her face hidden in the shadows become more and more solemn.

Yes, everything so far has been inferred.

Should it be said to be a knight of the apocalypse fighting against Honkai?

Tokisaki Kurumi was not mistaken. Although this guy looks like a fool, his abilities are top-notch.

If he didn't suddenly want to come to him, he would probably be able to find out his true identity before long.

Really annoying guy.

Takamiya Mio took a deep breath as he looked at the young man who had locked a certain range of his identity.

However, fortunately, this guy is more inclined to be a businessman than to be a knight of the apocalypse.

And businessmen are greedy.

"Make a price."

Looking at the boy who wrote me **** his face, Takamiya Mio opened his mouth.

"Prices out of Ratatoskr's detection range."

"All you want is to get me out of Ratatoskr?"

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the boy made himself a cup of tea and spoke to himself.

"Those who have caused trouble for the bigwigs, if they have no value, are not entitled to take the money to go on vacation. They will only have their hands and feet broken and thrown into prison, or even chopped up and fed to the dogs."

The boy sitting on the sofa poked the tea leaves with the lid of the cup, took a sip, then raised his head, and opened his mouth to the existence of the mood that can only be judged by feeling the movement of spiritual power.

"I think there should be a reason why I can drink tea here instead of being sent to the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun."

"Considering that you didn't kill and take it, that thing shouldn't be on me, it's something that needs to be taken."

"Excluding the super-change factor that I have on me, only the blood of the true ancestor and the body of soul steel are left."

The boy who was completely playing with reverse reasoning smiled, and that smile fell in the eyes of Mio Takamiya, as sharp as a famous sword that a famous craftsman spent his entire life forging.


Totally seen through.

An extremely absurd mood arose in Takamiya Mio's heart.

Yes, her everything is in front of the guy in front of her, and she is no different from being naked.

"I need you to get the blood of the True Ancestor."

After a long time, she opened her mouth and said.

The process and reason of the matter have basically been surveyed, and the next words have reached this point, there is no need to sell off.

"In other words, have you made two requests now?"

The boy who would send all the elves he knew away when the time was right stretched his back and stretched out three fingers.

"Unblock Lord, Hurricane Knight, and Fake Witch, I want two of them."

This is definitely the big mouth of the lion.

The Angel of Key Unseals the Lord, whose abilities include, but are not limited to, seal a certain thing or concept, move in space, liberate the potential of the body, and break the link between molecules, the terrible angel.

The angel of change is a fake witch, which has the same effect as the first god's key, Void Wanzang, and can simulate all the angels of the elf angel.

Even the most simple angel of the wind, the Hurricane Knight, has the ability to bind the target and the extremely terrifying ability to penetrate damage.

There is no doubt that these are terrifying weapons.

If it weren't for the fact that the holders were harmless little guys, the chaos that could be caused is absolutely unimaginable.

"What do you want them for?"

Facing the reward Su Han asked for, Mio Tatsunomiya couldn't help frowning.

Su Han's request was obviously outrageous.

Angels are weapons corresponding to spirit crystals.

If you want to use them, you can basically only fuse the crystals and recycle them through your second angel, the Paradise of Reincarnation, and then give them back to others.

There is no doubt that the former is impossible.

The spirit crystal was prepared for Shiori Wuhe, and she would never give those things to anyone until the spirit transformation completely failed.

In the latter case, it is necessary to show an angel, which is also a very bad choice for Mio Tsonomiya, who has always wanted to hide his identity.

"Simply put, a large part of the reason I came to these elves was that their angels were interesting and wanted to see if I could get them."

"For this reason, I chose to stand on the same front as the elves."

The boy surrounded by a group of elves shrugged.

To be honest, he felt that the elves were outrageous. They obviously possessed all kinds of angels that were not weaker than the keys of God, but as a result, they were beaten repeatedly.

"However, if you stand on the same front for too long, people will get acquainted."

"I don't have the habit of attacking acquaintances."

"So naturally, I can only start with the elves who are not familiar with it now."

The boy who was not really interested in the angels of the elves stared at the mosaic, and his eyes turned imperceptibly.

"Sounds like insanity."

It's a pity that Takamiya Mio, who didn't notice a change in someone's expression, spoke up.

This is a fact.

Obviously, he chose to contact elves in order to explore the power of elves, but in the end, it was not easy to start because he was familiar with it.

This kind of development can be called a walking comic cartoon.

In response, Su Han just shrugged.

"After all, I was originally a person with a bad mind."

"Besides, whether it's Yoshino, Tohka, Miku or Niya, they're all very likable girls, aren't they?"

"In the elves, everything is fine, except that Tokisaki Kurumi, the half-hearted villain, made me physically uncomfortable."

The boy said that if Irena was present, he would definitely roll his eyes.

There were very few people in the group chat that had been renamed the dimensional face base group. Therefore, the people in the group had a good relationship and were quite harmonious.

However, the relationship between most group members is only harmonious.

The words of Su Han and Shizaki Kuangsan were considered a special case.

When the relationship between the two of them is good enough to get the certificate, people in the group chat will not be too surprised.

As a result, at this time, you directly say that you can't handle it?

What the **** is this?

It turned out that this guy's relationship with Tokisaki Kurumi was unexpectedly bad?

In fact, it was a headache for Su Han to send Tokisaki Kusan away, and Mio Chonggiya, who had been thinking about how to make Su Han trick him back, was moved.

Perhaps, she could send the transaction directly.

"It is very unreasonable to ask for two angels just for the blood of the true ancestor and leaving Ratatoskr."

Like a calculating businessman, the beauty hidden behind the phantom spoke up.

"So, what additional requirements do you have?"

As if encountering something very interesting, the boy raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Bring Kurumi Tokisaki back."

Takamiya Mio's speech was extremely concise.

"That's a super charming and beautiful girl. I've been moved for her more than once. You asked me to catch her back immediately. Let's not mention the cooling issue of Qianjie Yicheng. You don't think it's a bit like turning your face directly or something. Is it too much?"

Su Han grinned, his expression seemed a little unhappy.

"You are a smart person, you should know who to follow can get more benefits."

Takamiya Mio made his own voice again, reminding him.

In response, Su Han narrowed his eyes, then smiled and bowed his knees to the Lord God in front of him.

"Master Primordial Elf, you must know that Tokisaki Kurumi is my best friend, a brother and sister."

"Let me shoot her—"

"I have to pay more!"

Chapter 65: The Seven Sins of Sadness and the Countdown

A grotesque space with twisted Gothic buildings and cross tombstones.

A woman sits on a cross with her back to the orange sunset.

It was a tall woman wearing a spiritual outfit made of orange like the sunset and black like the night sky.

He looks like he's in his early twenties.

The slender limbs and plump upper circumference, the perfect body proportions, even the photo models must sigh.

A head of beautiful and shiny long hair spreads out under the wide brim, as if gathering all the advantages of women in the world, the beauty even gives people a feeling of artificial creation.

Such a beauty sits still on the cross, as beautiful as a painting.

If no one saw that her eyes were dark.

For the vast majority of elves, the white-haired beauty, who was a **** stepmother, held a crystal that looked like a cut emerald and stood behind the beauty.

As the gem left, the beautiful woman's body shrank rapidly, turning into a gloomy girl with a slender figure and disheveled hair.

The seventh spirit - the seven sins of the mirror field.

A girl with extremely pessimistic and negative thoughts who is extremely unconfident in her original appearance, and even thinks that other people's praise is very unreasonable.

This elf who likes to travel the human world during the silent phenomenon time, the girl who has fooled AST countless times, fell down in front of the real hunter.

Her angel of a battle with any enemy in theory is just too ridiculous in front of its creator.

"Fake witch (Haniel), get it."

Lord God, who had reached a cooperation with a visitor from another world, muttered while holding the fragment of the spiritual crystal, which was about half the size of a complete spiritual crystal.

"Master Primordial Elf, you have to understand that that is my goddess. It is inappropriate for you to let me take action against her and deceive you."

"I won't do it if I don't pay more."

Not long ago, the guy who asked himself to give two angels as a reward for leaving Shiori Gokawa and exploring the blood of the true ancestor answered himself.

That guy is asking for the fake witch, the unsealing master, and the three angels of the Hurricane Knight as a reward for his actions.

Honestly, such a request is absolutely outrageous.

After all, so-called angels are armed with spirit crystals. If you want to get angels, you are destined to integrate into spirit crystals.

Giving things like spirit crystals to humans other than Shiori Gokawa was undoubtedly something that was disgusting for Takomiya Mio.

It was the prop she used to resurrect her old attack, and no one had the right to touch it.

But here comes the problem.

The blood of the true ancestor is also related to the resurrection of his old attack.

Moreover, without Su Han's assistance, she would not be able to find Tokisaki Kusan at all.

To sublime human beings to the same life as oneself, one of ten qualities with special significance is indispensable. If the third one is lost, the plan of elvenization will be difficult to carry out.

To be honest, the current situation is absolutely terrible for Takamiya Mio.

However, Takamiya Mio was not in a hurry.

At the last moment, the elf who hugged the boy once again smiled.

What if you are crushed in the field of intelligence?

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