Your ability will bring about change for yourself.

You only need to use your ability a little, and the other party's memory and thinking will be read by yourself, and you will know whether the words in his mouth are credible.

I want to get the best luck every day, I want to stick with different cute girls, I want to eat meat, I want to have the spicy taste other than the seasoning package to stimulate the taste buds.

I want to have someone who understands me to embrace, I want to travel the world, I want to read two books a week, I want to witness what civilization is all about, I want to rob the rich to help the poor, I want to leave my professional book to study philosophy, I want to liberate all mankind.. .

When he activates his ability, his thoughts and demands will appear in his mind.

For him, sticking with cute girls all day, eating meat, spicing up his taste buds with a spice bag, traveling the world, and reading two books a week are all pastimes that can be achieved at any time.

However, the remaining projects are not easily achieved.

"Witness what civilization looks like and liberate all mankind..."

Takamiya Mio whispered, that kind of thing that was as illusory as a dream seemed to be the direction of effort for the young man.

For the young man who seemed to yearn for the liberation of all mankind, both power and power had to be gathered.

Because that is the basis for changing the world.

He has a completely different idea of ​​fighting against Honkai, which is completely different from Bishop Otto, who is secretly protecting Honkai, and the overly kind anti-entropy leader. To this end, he needs to accumulate his own strength to destroy the old order and then reshape the world.

For this reason, he no doubt longed for power.

"I need the power of primordial spirits."

That was the last sound after waking up from the dream.

"Try to take the opportunity to speculate on the person I want to revive, and then pull it to my own front, and let me join his team?"

"It's really a guy who likes to play tricks."

Takamiya Mio shook his head.

However, he would never let his loved ones follow that guy to practice those great but dangerous plans.

So, after Xiaozhen is resurrected, just find a reason to send him away.

It was generally understood that the woman who was helping Su Han shook her head next, and then looked at the girl who fainted because of the loss of half of the spirit crystal, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Summoning an angel does not require the entire spirit crystal.

To this end, the choice she made was to cut the spirit of the elf in half.

One of them was given to Su Han as a power to summon an angel.

The second is left to the elves to keep them alive.

In the weakest state, meeting the most gentle person, it is easy to fall, isn't it?

An expectant smile appeared on the face of the Primordial Spirit, who was looking forward to Shiori Gokawa's attack on all the spirits.

Before, she had always believed in the charm of Shiori Wuhe, and did not add any tricks to the encounter.

Now, a little bit of it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

It was already conceivable to imagine the scenes where Nanami, Yamiko and even Rooku were attacked, and a relieved smile appeared on Mio's face after a long time.

After experiencing several incidents of almost dyeing himself green hair, everything ushered in a turning point.

Except that the cooling down of Lao Shizi Qianjie Yixian is really terrible, and the efficiency of Su Han bringing back the blood of the true ancestor and the efficiency of Shizaki Kuangsan are greatly reduced, everything is in line with his own wishes.

========Dividing Line========

"Boss, your business is really not authentic."

It's like seeing a dirty and unequal transaction... No, it's just seeing an unequal education Irena doesn't know when to come out on someone's sofa, holding a bottle of fat house happy water, Tucao.

As Su Han's tool for obtaining elf spells, this girl who was already thinking about how to be a qualified black intermediary as much as possible came here after Chong Gong Mio left.

A certain guy opened the group chat again in his spare time, and streamed the whole live broadcast. Therefore, Miss Irena, no, or a few group friends on the line including Tokisaki Kurumi They all witnessed the whole process of the dark transaction just now.

Next, Mio Tsonomiya will deprive the angels of the three unfortunate children Liu Gu, Qi Sin, and Ba Wu, and give them to Su Han.

In exchange, Su Han needs to go to another world to bring back the blood of Tokisaki Kurumi and the True Ancestor after the so-called One Thousand Worlds cooldown is over.

Mio Takamiya's mind should be quite simple.

Since in terms of ingenuity, he has been crushed into an oil road used by the Tokyo underworld to deal with corpses, then it is better to open the skylight and speak eloquently.

She chose to take the angels of the three elves in exchange, so that Su Han needed to bring some of the things he desperately needed at the highest efficiency.

So, what is the so-called highest efficiency?

"Thousands of worlds is a very valuable weapon. In less than a month after I just sent Tokisaki Kusan away, reactivating it will cause irreversible damage to it. I don't think you want to watch me accept it. After paying for the money to start a trip, I'll just shoot gg because the ship is damaged."

Wait a year to cool down.

After exploring the world of the blood of the true ancestors, cool down for another year.

After obtaining the blood of the true ancestor, he returned to Honkaikai to deal with the black-hearted boss Otto. After dealing with it, he went to Tokisaki Kurumi, and then it was cooled down for another year.

And then only came to Mio Takamiya with the blood of the true ancestor and Kurumi Tokisaki.

"In just three years, everything you asked for will be delivered to you."

Recalling the speech of a certain guy in the group live broadcast, Miss Irena simply didn't know what to say.

Anyway, Miss Tokisaki, who was taking care of things in Collapse World in place of Su Han, almost complained about several pages of chat.

"Second God's Key Thousand Worlds, isn't that thing still in the world of snakes?"

"Su, didn't that fusion warrior go to the Sea of ​​Quantum long ago and haven't come out yet?"

"Also, doesn't Bishop Otto want to reverse the timeline and change the fate of his goddess' tragic death? Why is it related to the true ancestor?"

Flicking through the words of a time elf who had been told never to come, Irena looked at someone who was drafting a mine agreement with the Witch Association and covered her face.

Man, this guy didn't tell the truth from start to finish.


Considering that Su Han has been preparing to kill and set fire since he came to this world, let alone three years, this guy has not met with Chong Gong Mio's sword in three months. He is probably attracted by the beauty of the elves around him, and he forgot to do it. live.

"First, dig a hole for the gods, and then exchange the empty gloves with white wolves for the power of angels to weaken the gods... Boss, your courage is really getting fatter."

Irena looked at the guy who really brought the skill of walking a tightrope to the extreme and complained.

"Using your previous description of Takamiya Mio, that guy's ability and nature are completely a little god."

"Fighting against a guy who is quite outrageous even if he is not omniscient and omnipotent, boss, your heart is big enough."

In Irena's view, Su Han is not weak, and can even be said to be strong.

In the entire group chat, the only person who could fight him was Dadalia, who was activated as the executive officer of the Eastern Kingdom and was given the power of the Ice God by the gods.

However, Su Han is not weak and is also compared with the people in the group chat.

Takamiya Mio is a monkey version of God.

That guy is basically unremarkable, but judging from the English names of the angels of the elves and the name of their own angels, it is not difficult to see that her prototype is a certain Lord of Armies.

Although this guy seems to have screwed up his brain because of the love issue, but it is an existence that is on the side of the only god.

Compared with Takamiya Mio, he should actually be regarded as a dish.

Thinking of this, Miss Irena had to applaud Su Han in her heart.

"Boss, fight with the little god, you are really super brave."

She sighed in admiration, and then received Su Han's extremely strange gaze.

"Compared to Yawei, Chong Gong Mio and the all-knowing and all-powerful Emperor Tian Tian have a higher affinity."

The young man seriously mentioned a certain **** who left the reputation of "Cowardly God" in Indo-European mythology.

Emperor Shatian, Persian - in early Indian mythology, he was praised as the all-powerful and all-knowing emperor,

However, the main function of this omniscient and omnipotent God in the Hindu scriptures is to act as a stepping stone, and is often played around by other immortals and gods.

Compared with the Lord of Armies, Su Han felt that Chonggong Mio was actually more like a certain Heavenly Emperor Neng who had been pulling his hips all the time.

"Probably understand what you mean."

Although I don't know what Emperor Shitian is, after hearing the so-called "Cowardly Emperor", I can probably guess that the guy Su Han mentioned will be Miss Irena, who has a slightly subtle expression.

"So, boss, you will continue to salt the fish and wait for Chong Gong Mio to send the three angels over before taking action?"

Miss Irena's expression became serious.

Although Su Han looks very rambunctious, he is actually a very cautious guy.

Not to mention, in the feathers on his neck, ghosts know how many sets of half-true memories, waiting for those with mental abilities to step on the pit.

Theoretically speaking, Mio Tsonomiya, who was a little god, behaved like a goddess, and to a large extent he was crippled by that set of half-true and half-false memories.

In order to ensure that he can guarantee an overwhelming advantage in the battle with Somiya Mio, he will choose to abolish all factors that may increase the power of Sogiya Mio before starting the elf spell.

And now, among the ten elves, six are near him, and one has been sent to another world.

If Chong Gong Mio gave the last three angels to Su Han...

Thinking of this, Irena's body trembled slightly.

Next, there will be a war between the madman who usurped the power of the gods and the gods above.

It should only exist in ancient mythology, and the battle of gods and men that decides the direction of a world will appear.

"Boss, what are you going to..."

"Next is the fight to the death."

As if talking about the price of apples in the vegetable market, the young man opened his mouth with a flat voice.

"Me and her, only one person can stand on this sky."

Chapter 66 Next, I will never appear in front of the elves

The Fake Witch—a broom with a lantern and a mirror attached to the front.

Whether living or non-living, all objects change their properties as long as they are irradiated by light from a broom.

Simply put, it's a transformation.

Turn yourself into a plump beauty, AST members into bunnies, missiles into carrots...

Of course, missiles that have been turned into carrots will still explode.

This is an ability that does not affect other people's own attributes, but can forcefully change other people's external abilities.

To put it simply, the bomb will explode even if it explodes. Even if the dragon is turned into a Burmese cat, it will not prevent it from slapping the heads of the mercenaries.

However, the change of form will eventually have an impact on the person being transformed.

This angel might have little effect on a guy like Su Han who is powerful enough to fly bricks, but for a character like a swordsman who is very skilled but not physically strong, it is like a natural enemy.

Imagine the scene where the swordsmen are suddenly turned into frogs when they are about to perform their arrogant stunts.

He couldn't even hold Ta Miao's sword, so he played the swordsmanship of a hammer.

For a specific member, the strength of this angel's blow is absolutely exceptional.

Of course, if it just changes the shape of the target, it is obviously not worthy of the title of "change angel".

"It looks pretty good."

The boy who had turned into a different-colored pupil at some point stood in front of the mirror, looking at his new appearance and sighing with emotion.

The left eye, which used to be black in the past, has turned into a bright golden color, and twelve Roman letters are neatly arranged in it.

"how do you feel."

Too lazy to hide it, Mio Chonggiya, who appeared directly in front of Su Han with the face of Murasame Reine, looked at the young man who was undoubtedly imitating Emperor Keke, and said.

"The power of the ever-changing mirror."

The true ability of the angel of change - the fake witch is shown in the second stage - the ever-changing mirror. The fake witch at this stage can be simulated as other weapons just like the Void Manzang of the collapsed world.

Although the effect will be weakened a lot, it is indeed a power that can manifest many armed forces by itself.

"In a sense, as long as it is not completely crushed, it can deal with the power of angels."

Faced with the question from Takamiya Mio, the boy gave his own evaluation very frankly.

"I don't know if the ability of this thing can simulate props such as a thousand worlds and a crossing gate."

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