Tatsumiya Mio looked at the man who offered the word "plan" but didn't say its official content, his voice was cold.

"So I'm going to die?"

He was obviously blocked by the gods at the door, but instead, the young man chose to restrain the blood that could create a natural disaster if it erupted, scratching the back of his head in distress.

"That's really a headache. After all, if you're really angry, it's too late for me to kneel down and beg for mercy from now on."

"If I knew earlier, I wouldn't take the order from Tokisaki Kurumi."

"However, since I've already received it and I've been approached by the enemy, I can only admit that I'm unlucky."

The boy who was good at elvish art muttered to himself like a neurotic, and then simply lay down on the sofa.

"Do whatever you want, I lie down and don't let go."


Isn't this guy afraid that he really kills him?

Looking at the man who really touched all the defenses directly, some doubts arose in Mio's heart.

She looked at the corner of the boy's mouth that seemed to have a little playfulness, and the beautiful eyes hidden in the phantom couldn't help condensing.

This guy knows that he has something to do with him.


After all, if he simply wanted to kill him, the most appropriate development would be to liberate the angel at the moment he was discovered, instead of appearing in front of him and talking to him about these endless things.

"Since you know that I don't mean to kill you, then you will be put on such a disgusting face here."

Very cold, Takamiya Mio opened his mouth.

The sound is still mixed with noise, but the tone is cold, making it feel like the cold snap of winter.

As if he received some signal, the boy jumped up from the sofa, he laughed, but there was a little playfulness in the depths of his eyes.

"So, Master Phantom, what are you looking for me for now?"

"If you tell me to stop investigating you, I'll run away with the pretty girl in my neighbor's house and possibly become my sister-in-law's loli, and I'll never appear in your sight again."

Do you want to run away with your old mother and daughter? ! !

It was like seeing a picture of soybean sweating on a screen in a row, and the fire was like an erupting volcano, surging through the limbs and bones of Chong Gong Mio.

She instinctively stretched out her hand, wanting to call her angel to wipe the **** in front of her from the world, but when she was halfway through, she was forcibly stopped.

calm down.

calm down.

Tatsumiya Mio, you have to understand that this guy probably found something from the particularity of Shiori, trying to use this kind of speech to explore information.

This guy is the strongest group of apocalypse knights in the headquarters of destiny, and every word of him may be a trap.

"Clean up some uninteresting temptations."

The anger surging in the limbs and bones is enough to directly open the breath of fire one to nine, and even enough to develop a few profound meanings, Chong Gong Mio forcibly suppressed his anger, and said in an extremely cold tone.

"Has it been discovered?"

The young man scratched his head, looking distressed, but in a very happy mood.

Jumping your face in front of the high gods, although it is very deadly, is really enjoyable.

The young man looked at the sudden appearance of Lord God, and asked with a smile.

"So, do you have any commission for me?"


If the reward is calculated based on the 4,000-word guarantee, the previous reward is considered to be over.

Some people may not believe it, after all, my update is quite crotch.

However, I seem to have written very few, but that is basically because many of my chapters are two-in-one, or three-in-two.

To be honest, although it was during the bounty period before, I was quite slack.

12,000 words for three shifts in two days, or 6,000 words for two shifts a day, and sometimes 4,000 words if I lie down and quit.

The bounty that was expected to be repaid on the 15th was dragged on to the 22nd.

Honestly, that's too slack.

I used to be a teenager, and I should try to recover.

It is my duty to guard the glory of the cat guest! ! !

On the 24th, school is off.

During the holidays, I have to work hard, get up, and be a hard-working author.

So, let's continue to open the bounty here.

The addition rules are as follows.

15000 as a reward (not too recommended).

One hundred and five blades and one change (strongly recommended).

One hundred and five monthly tickets.

It's hard.

Next up is a bounty update for the Fun-Find version.

If a book friend has women's clothing, post the picture in the book friend group, add one more update, and the upper limit is three.

Interesting (in fact, easy to copy) appear in the post, add one more update, no upper limit.

The bounty is on offer until the end of the month.

Chapter 64 Those are my siblings and friends, and I have to pay more! !

Commission, a very simple word.

Entrusting things to others or other institutions is entrustment.

However, there is clearly a price to be paid for wanting to entrust others.

"Are you asking me for a price?"

As if encountering something very strange, a little surprise flashed in Mio's eyes.

"Of course."

In a natural tone, the young man Shi Shiran smiled and spoke.

"Although my household registration is in the destiny, in theory, I should be a member of the Knights of Apocalypse, but I still prefer to be a businessman."

The Knights of Apocalypse, the collective name for the warriors who fought against the collapse.

They used the power of the disaster with the ultimate goal of destroying civilization - Honkai, to resist the erosion of that terrible power with their will, to fight the source of their power - Honkai.

However, there are too few men among the knights of the apocalypse, so this term has gradually disappeared, and it has become a Valkyrie.

Takamiya Mio is not optimistic about the apocalypse knights who can only use the power of the abyss to describe the Houkai energy, and even thinks that they are pathetic.

They risked being eroded to death, fighting against beings far more terrifying than themselves, and what they did was as ridiculous as Tokisaki Kurumi trying to kill himself with Kekedi.

However, while thinking of them as pathetic, Takamiya Mio will respect them.

Under the premise that the dawn cannot be seen, those professionals who barely survived the age of 30 passed it on from generation to generation, defending their race and civilization with blood and tears.

However, no matter how glorious the profession, there will always be a few wonderful people.

Takamiya Mio looked at the young man who claimed to be a businessman in front of him, with an indescribably complicated expression.

She had imagined countless times what he would do when she appeared in front of this guy in the form of a phantom or even a god?

Will it be a desperate resistance, fighting until he has to use physical means to hit him and lose his memory?

Or hide his fangs and follow himself, grovelling, then swinging the sword at himself when necessary?

Or, to send a signal to his partner who is in the middle of the world and make him prepare to leave, mocking him for not getting what he wants?

All of the above developments have appeared in Takamiya Mio's mind. Obviously, in order to control Su Han, Miss Takamiya Mio also took great pains.

But now the fact is...

"My predecessor, Monkey. D. Playing ape. Polsalino once said that as long as the money is in place, the four emperors will be useless."

Like a social animal who had been selling insurance for ten years, the boy who had probably already owed his integrity was enthusiastically selling everything he could get his hands on.

"Simply put, as long as you can give me the right price, a set of genetic enhancements including the God's Key with Herrscher's power, blood from the True Ancestor, stigmata, and supermutable genes, you can give me some time. Come over."

"Simply put, as long as you can pay enough price, I don't mind pretending to be a mechanical cat."

The young man who was destined to fight the **** in front of him did not see any discomfort on his face.

Takamiya Mio looked at the young man who directly called himself a businessman with an incomparably complicated expression.

There is no doubt that Su Han's current behavior has caught her off guard.

She really never thought that a guy whose profession is a knight of the apocalypse would be doing this kind of thing all day.


What this guy proposed is also interesting enough.

Listening to the moment Su Han mentioned about the blood of the true ancestor, the heart called desire surged in Mio's heart.

Yes, that was the strength she needed.

Only by holding it in his hand can he start to resurrect his lover in another way after he fails with the elven method. ,

Can you get it for a small price?

A rare, impulsive heart arises in Takamiya Mio's heart.

"It looks like there is something you need here."

As if he sensed something, the boy suddenly spoke with a smile on his face.

"What is the prop that touches your desire?"

"Representing immortal blood, genetic modification of a certain degree of strength? Or a mechanical body that can carry consciousness?"

"Or is it the key of God with the power of the lawmaker, and the so-called universal **** violence machine?"

"In terms of strength, I think you are not lacking. The effect of genetic modification and the key of God is difficult to resonate with you. After all, you are the source of the elf angel, and you have a more bizarre and unique ability than the key of God and the genetic modification project. strong force."

"Then, the rest of the projects are basically related to the resurrection of the dead."

"You want to resurrect something?"

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the boy clapped his hands, which made Takamiya Mio's face suddenly gloomy.

This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

His mood swings were a little big just now. That guy's ability to perceive spiritual power, which is essentially the life force of the planet, was unexpectedly strong, and he was aware of the abnormality.

It was even directly speculated that he was working hard to resurrect something.

"Since you have guessed this step, then you should understand why you attracted me to you."

Takamiya Mio, who was too lazy to cover up all this, opened her mouth.

"Because, my contact with the elves intermittently affected your plan to resurrect someone?"

Su Han smiled and clapped his hands.

"If I guessed correctly, you came here to make me disappear."

"I remember Tokisaki Kurumi said that Mio has the ability to read and delete other people's memories. You didn't kill me, probably because you probed my memory in the past and noticed something useful to you."

"Otherwise, you should just kill me and throw my body."

The words that made Takamiya Mio's expression froze again were spit out from his mouth.

"And—, then, here's the problem."

"Who are you?"

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