There is no doubt that this cup has become a prop for her to dissipate her anger.

After crushing a cup, Tatsumiya Mio, who finally regained her normal heart, took a deep breath.

The most urgent task now is not to fight with this group of people who were not on the same path from the beginning, but to think about ways to save them.

Your plan is not over yet.

As long as Su Han disappears, everything will return to normal.

Yes, he just needs to cooperate with himself and hide for a while.

Or, missing for half a year under the influence of unknown forces.

Takamiya Mio, who knew exactly where his plan went wrong, recalled the face of a certain boy, clenching his silver teeth tightly, as if he was about to crush something.

It is obviously unreasonable to let him disappear directly.

The reason is also very simple.

She still needs him next, Su Han is a necessary anchor for the True Ancestor Plan.

Really offended him to death, what about the follow-up of the elfization plan?

So, let's negotiate directly and honestly.

The woman who is the **** of this world takes a deep breath, and then breathes it out repeatedly.

Su Han came to this world for the power of Tokisaki Kurumi.

In a sense, his biggest purpose here is to gain the power to reverse time.

Reversing the timeline, you can do this yourself.

As long as you are willing to catch the seven sins at any time, and then revoke her angel imitating Emperor Keke, Mio's eyes are dimly lit.

Sure enough, I was confused because of the sudden occurrence of things.

As God Himself, why do you have to play these careful thoughts here.

Su Han is a daring guy, and for the help Tokisaki Kusan promised, he dared to investigate himself.

Then, what if he appeared in front of him in person, showing "power" and "profit"?

Takamiya Mio took a deep breath and calmed down.

She didn't see much about Su Han's memory.

However, even with those few memories, she was able to learn a lot of information.

For example, Su Han and Otto have a bad relationship.

Among the partners who had a bad relationship, Su Han was the weakest.

He couldn't even disobey the order given by the blond man.

There was no doubt that such an unfolding would make him unhappy, but his abilities did not allow him to rebel against Otto.

In fact, he should be very short of a strong partner.

This may be the reason why he is willing to form a team with Tokisaki Kurumi and befriend the elves.

He needs help to change his situation.

If he is a smart person, he should know what to do when he shows "strength" and "profit".

Thinking like this, a smile appeared on Takamiya Mio's face for the first time.

==========Dividing Line==========

For Su Han, Yuanichi Origami was surprisingly easy to handle.

This is not difficult to understand.

After all, she's an idiot who revolves around Shiori Five Rivers.

On the way Su Han took Shiori Wuhe to the hotel, the girl who cared about Shiori Wuhe even after losing her memory jumped out after following him halfway.

In the famous online disk fan high school Dragon in the Dragon, the description of the White Dragon Emperor Albion and the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig "the purer, the more powerful".

The red dragon and the white dragon, who only have each other in their lives, are constantly becoming stronger and stronger by virtue of pure obsession, and they have become stronger through continuous practice and become the legendary dragons.

Well, even though the two days together, the dragons haven't been able to beat the **** and the ass.

However, this kind of truth has made a small change in the world view of the battle.

Tobiichi Origami's obsession with Itachi Shiori did not make her stronger, but made her a **** who made Shiori Shiori shiver.

He took Shiori Gokawa's hand, walked around the playground and aquarium, went to the hotel, and then wrapped his arms around Shiori Gokawa's waist, making a kissing gesture...

Soon, Tobi jumped out of Origami.

Watching the most important person in my life being forcibly kissed in front of me, except for some xp abnormal Xiongtai that makes people want to move the hospital overnight, they will fall into rage.

Therefore, even Tobiichi Origami could vaguely feel that someone was his acquaintance and still chose to charge in anger, and wanted to give Su Han a set of Infinite Boss Punishment Punch.

Then she was beaten.

Tiger, brilliance burns

Type: Anti-human / Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

By thinking at an ultra-high speed and forcibly reflecting it on the body, subjectively speaking, ultra-high-speed action equivalent to using "time stop" can be realized.

It is a Noble Phantasm made of steel-like spiritual power cultivated in the hellish city of Yves. Not to mention the body, it can even escape from the invisible prisons of time and space.

Before, Yuan Yi Origami took the advantage of the first mover and made Su Han run around the entire commercial street for a dozen laps, but this time it was the other way around.

Tiger Hi plus Heiyuan, beastmuch.

After breaking the defense, he was a shudder, knocking Tobiichi Origami directly.

Then, in the red envelope, it was passed to Tokisaki Kuangsan with the Nine Bullets (Tet) to help the forced child who was forced to buy and sell to connect with the past timeline and restore his memory.


Then, of course, keep knocking out and send it back to be a maid.

Dresses that fit snugly along the curves of the body, tutu skirts that look like blooming flowers, and a veil of light that extends from the headband that floats around the head. Those are all made of stunning pure white.

It looked like a bridal gown that only pure girls could wear—or it was reminiscent of an angel descending from the darkness.

Is there really someone who is willing to call such a beauty?

"How could it be reluctant."

The boy holding a book in his hand murmured, then looked to the other side.

In the kitchen not far from him, Tobiichi Origami, who was wearing a white wedding dress, was using her elf power to continuously roast beef while washing fruits and vegetables.

"With all due respect, sir, no girl likes you like this."

After waking up, the girl who had been working in the kitchen for nearly an hour, on the grounds of "paying for treatment", seemed to notice Su Han's gaze and spoke.

There was no expression on San Wu's little face, but he could feel the resentment.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all."

Su Han naturally pulled out a book from the side.


An auxiliary Noble Phantasm that automatically records events around the owner, and something on the same level as an automatic typewriter, is completely useless in battle.

The advantage is that it can record ineffable feelings or feelings that I have not discovered myself as sentences.

One of the few Noble Phantasms of Xiao An.

This book is different from another Noble Phantasm that perishes with the enemy, and may be very capable in life.

When you are holding a girl's hand, her heart is like a deer jumping in the woods, love has not yet been fully formed, but the fragrance has begun to diffuse. "

"You have to guess, who is this?"

The boy who was already using his Servant abilities as much as possible smiled and read the words that made Tobiichi Origami's face green.

There are wrong people in this world who have held hands with Su Han, but Tobiichi Origami happened to meet one.

It was the light of her life.

Tobiichi Origami loves, or is morbidly dependent on Shiori Gokawa.

In the disaster many years ago, Origami lost everything, and it was Shiori Gokawa who hugged her at that time.

Origami, who lost her parents, pinned her heart on her, and finally managed to keep herself.

There is no doubt that the record just now from the omnipresence of records is undoubtedly extremely terrifying news for Tobiichi Origami.

"It's Tohka, not Shiori."

"Don't be so nervous."

As if comforting, Su Han, who had been raising Miss Tohka as her silly little sister, put away the book in her hand.

If he doesn't put it away, Tobiichi Origami will commit the following crimes...

Then he continued to beat himself up.

That kind of development is interesting, but it doesn't seem very gentlemanly.

So, before the DEM action, will there be any new fun?

Su Han thought.

Chapter 62 The Reformation of Terra Mine and the Coming of God

Before DEM drove the remaining elves to a dead end, it was probably quite a leisurely thing for Su Han.

Let Tobiichi Origami cook a meal for himself, then tie himself a napkin, wash his hands, pick up a knife and fork and eat...

Well, it's a meaningful day.

The teenager lying on the edge of the sofa touched the corner of his mouth, and then burped involuntarily.

"That's why you let the girls leave right after they've finished cooking?"

It's like encountering something that is simply incomprehensible, and someone in the group chat made such a rant.

"Boss, this is the rhythm of being the king of loneliness and widows!"

The source of that voice was Irena.

This girl, who represents Su Han and the big witches who are frantically fighting with each other, has also started to go online in the water group after work is over.

"Lonely king or something, that sounds pretty good."

Su Han, whose Servant is Xiao An, flipped over his Noble Phantasm at will, and curiously probed the thoughts and attitudes of the people around him.

After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at a witch who had been thinking about making money all day, and complained.

"By the way, are you qualified to speak to me?"

"Irena, it's just about the opposite sex, you seem to be worse than me."

"Men or something, why should I contact those guys who really don't get along?"

In this regard, Miss Irena rolled her eyes and expressed her attitude very directly.

Men only affect the speed of her killing.

She doesn't even care about beautiful girls, why should she contact that kind of guy?

Her current goal is to make money to be a rich woman, and then travel the world, even multiple worlds, and write her own travel notes.

How could she be stagnant until she was completely exhausted?

"Of course, boss, you are an exception."

It was as if she suddenly remembered something, and the girl who was following Su Han's meal seemed to remember something and said.

"Your thinking is quite understandable. You are one of the few men I can deal with."

"Should I be honored for this?"

In response, Su Han rolled his eyes.

It is not something to be happy about being evaluated as a fellow by this scumbag witch.

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