"Of course."

In this regard, the narcissistic witch held her head high and looked proud.

"Isn't it a joy to have something in common with a beautiful girl like me who hides the sun?"

Almost got it.

Su Han's expression was like a mocking soybean sweat.

Being compatible with Irena, a scumbag witch, is simply an insult to his character as a three-good boy.

He is the savior of the sky city, the pioneer of the new fire project, and the big zb who is about to reverse the tragedy of the battle world and build a sweatshop in Terra... ahem, this is crossed out.

All in all, although he was going to strengthen his blood, and also implanted the Honkai Beast gene, his next goal was to capture the crystal of the reversed spirit transformed by the power of despair, but Su Han felt that he should be a good boy.

"Okay, don't talk about that meaningless thing."

Su Han, who obviously didn't intend to continue to argue, spoke to Irena.

"About the issue of division, how are you talking with the great witches?"

"Hey hey, boss, are you starting to care about this now?"

Hearing Su Han raise the question of division, the girl next to the Witch Association was stunned and asked.

If she remembered correctly, Su Han was going to fight with a certain Lord God next time, and if he was a little careless, he would directly burp. In this case, Su Han was still asking questions.

Is this the capitalist?

Irena was instantly awe-inspiring.

Even God can't stop him from thinking of squeezing surplus value.

With a little respect, Irena spoke and began to report the offer from the Witch Association.

"The association's request is four to six."

"Sixty percent, why is this?"

As if encountering something very surprising, Su Han was stunned.

Hell, 30% still can't satisfy those vampires of the Witch Association?

It's just that hundreds of apprentice witches and some human labor are dispatched, and it actually takes a full 40% of the product. This is too **** up.

I really saw a live vampire.

Su Han thought.

When he asked Anti-Entropy, Destiny, and World Snake for funds and technology, none of them asked for money.

What the heck.

"70% belong to other people, and 30% have to look at the faces of the big witches."

As if thinking of something very unpleasant, Irena-san's face also showed a little sadness.

Although she is also a witch, she is not the same as the Witch Association.

The source of her points is basically the commission given by Su Han.

After hearing Su Han's request for a score of seven or three, the big witches were obviously angry all of a sudden.

They have to stand and earn money.

So, the boss should not be angry next.

Looking at the boy whose expression suddenly lost all expression, Irena-san felt a little uneasy in her heart to be honest.

This guy is a flat-headed brother star. As long as the reason is right and there is a chance of winning, he will swing a knife at God. If this guy is provoked, he will not run to his own world overnight, and directly fight with the Witch Association.

"So it is."

When Miss Irena's heart was about to touch her throat, the boy suddenly laughed, his voice very pleasant.

"I promised them. Thinking about it carefully, it is too much to ask for 40%. It is really inappropriate to ask for so much income from my friends who helped me analyze the elf spells."

"So, I will provide them with free labor tools to set up a mine. In exchange, when their factory is established, I will take 10% of the proceeds."

huh huh-

Miss Irena widened her eyes, her sapphire eyes filled with disbelief.

Hell, not only was the group owner not angry, but he even distributed mining facilities and processing facilities. In exchange, he actually only took 10% of the Originium results.

Boss is this crazy?


Really suspicious.

Seeing Su Han's relaxed and happy expression, Miss Irena could not help shrinking her body, her expression a little frightened.

There's no need to get angry with the dead.

This is something that a lot of high-level bosses in works will say.

The reason why they can calm down even when they encounter super disgusting people is that they have already regarded the person opposite as a dead person.

The dead are the greatest, and there is no need to care about the dead.

As a bit more evil, it will even let the opponent enjoy a wave before death and feel the beauty of heaven...

Then, go to hell.

And now Su Han's expression makes Miss Irena, who has watched some movies when she has nothing to do, feel tight.

This guy, shouldn't he be thinking about whether to import the collapse bomb from Destiny, and then import some big Ivan from Mao Xiong, and throw it all directly into the Witch Association.

thought here. Irena-san felt a little panic in her heart.

"Boss, calm down, if you think the other side wants too much, you can continue to discuss not to turn into a flat-headed brother!"

As if asking something bitterly, the girl persuaded a guy.

"What are you thinking?"

As if encountering something very strange, Su Han rolled his eyes.

What the **** is this expression of worrying that he will directly throw Mio Takamiya aside and directly airborne the Witch Association to liberate Heiyuan with all his strength?

In your eyes, who am I?

Su Han mourned, sighed, and spoke to a witch.

"People from the Witch Association, is it useful to ask for Originium?"

The question came out, causing Irena on the opposite side to be stunned.

"They do have a large number of interns. They can repair props through magic, reverse the time of miners, and turn them back into non-infected..."

"But, can they turn Originium into cash?"

Very casually, Su Han threw a question.

"Turn Originium into real gold and silver for coinage, into silk and satin favored by the upper class, into rare antiques, into chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea?"

Irena was completely stunned.

Looking at the boy with the golden rate skill, she seemed to understand something.

What witches need is not Originium.

The backbone of their world is magic, not Originium, so giving them a lot of Originium is really useless.

"The Witch Guilds themselves do not have the ability to realize Originium, and they have to sell all the Originium in the end."

Having said that, the boy smiled.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, like a sly male fox.

"What do you think is the best way to deal with Originium for retail investors, ahem, witches?"

"Is it a long way, risking being hacked to visit the nobles of Ursus and the risk of being extorted to visit the merchants of Casimir, or entrusting the association to deal with it, and then being smashed by a layer of wool?"

"Or, dealing with a cross-world group that is honest and reliable and has invested in itself?"

Very blunt, the young man opened his arms like a MLM boss with a sincere expression.

"This is the best era. Every official witch can use her witch identity to exchange for mining equipment and processing equipment, and then use hired workers to build factories, mine Originium, and then use Originium to exchange for gold and silver jewelry."

"And all they need to pay is to maintain the instruments with magic power, hire a few mechanical masters from the Destiny Consortium to control the machines, and hire a few miners to dig small mines that are difficult for large machines to handle."

"no pain no gain."

"They will exchange their hard work and sweat for real money."

"As long as the management is good, every witch can live a beautiful life that only the great nobles can enjoy."

Those words fell in Miss Irena's ears, and she was stunned.

This guy, the group leader, is actually so kind?

"Boss, are you... helping the poor?"

Irena asked cautiously.

Before Su Han could reply, her face suddenly became stiff again.

Almost forgot, this guy is the holder of the gold rate, and he can make money in any business.

Gold and silver, these things that cannot be exchanged for points, are really no different from wasteland.

What he is doing now is not so much to encourage witches to start businesses, but rather to use a pile of waste to send a group of poor ghosts to Beidri, ahem, not Terra.

Considering that the production tools are directly thrown to the witches, he doesn't need to pay any employment fees, and he doesn't even need to pay for hiring miners and driving masters.

Moreover, because the output of Origin Stone is linked to their own income, those laypeople who add money must not directly work hard?

Thinking of this, Irena suddenly looked at Su Han and spoke slowly.

“Just ask, what if retail investors don’t start out with enough money to hire miners and machine drivers.”

In response, Su Han took out a contract from his pocket.

"The World Snake Loan, find out."

"I'm very considerate, and I even helped them figure out the way back to the loan."

After the boy took out the contract, he took out another piece of paper and drew the icon of anti-entropy on it.

"If the loan is not paid due to poor management, as long as the facilities are repaired and returned to the Destiny Consortium, then you can enter the Anti-Entropy Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and repay the debt with work."

Guys, isn't this straight from the beginning to the end?

That scene made Miss Irena gasp for several breaths at once.

"Doesn't your conscience hurt? Boss."

After a long time, Irena-san, who seemed to have sensed what the **** the so-called ten draws were, made such a voice.


Su Han's light words fell into her ears.

"Every time you introduce a witch to Terra, you can get 100 points."

? !

And this thing?

Irena suddenly felt that her boss was kind and kind. He was obviously just a young man, but his whole body exuded a Buddha-like light.

This is not difficult to understand.

One witch is one hundred points, ten witches is one thousand points, one hundred witches is ten thousand points...

10,000 points are enough to buy three gold rates and there is still 1,000 le left!

"Is this a foster care?"

The witch-san, who was knocked down by her invincible banknote ability, murmured.

She suddenly felt that Su Han was super handsome.

Facing Miss Irena's **** speech, Su Han just rolled his eyes.

God Tower Meow's care.

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