So, if they leave this world, will the elves still cause spacequakes?

Thinking about some kind of development, Wuhe Qinli felt his mouth dry for a while.


Since Shiori-san's storage capacity has an upper limit, then it's better to let all the extra elves go to another world.

In this way, my sister will not suffer from a major air disaster that may be caused by the excessive storage of spiritual power.

"Rein, what do you think about the so-called road leading to another world?"

Compared to letting her sister continue to be a storage tank for spiritual energy, Kotori, who was looking forward to being kidnapped by the elves, looked more serious.

Murasame Lingyin was silent, just looking at the big screen next to her.

On top of that, there is an index table representing the favorability of Shiori Wukawa and Su Han.


If you don't pursue the vigor and vigor of love, you can already fall in love. If something happens next, there is a high probability that it will slowly climb to about 80.

Even a shy girl will start to become a little bold if her favorability exceeds 80.

Not long ago, Muramame Reine, who threw Yatojin Tohka out to attract firepower, looked at her old attack and daughter's goodwill towards a certain man who broke through the friendship line for some unknown reason. , met Medusa.

Physicist Schrödinger once proposed a thought experiment.

Keep a cat in an airtight container with a small amount of radium and cyanide. The decay of radium has a probability. If the radium decays, it will trigger the mechanism to break the bottle containing cyanide, and the cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat will survive.

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, since the radioactive radium is in the superposition of two states of decay and no decay, the cat should be in the superposition of the dead cat and the living cat. This cat that is both dead and alive is the so-called "Schrödinger's cat".

Today, Muramame Lingyin and the cat of the cat abuse master Schrödinger are very hot topics - she is now in the quantum superposition state of the old attack running with people and the sky above her head and her cabbage slamming into the pig's face stupidly .

"Qinli, are you planning to let Su Han bring the elves directly to another world?"

It took a long time to suppress his desire to directly hit Su Han to the sky, side by side with Liu Ge, he took a deep breath and said.

Although it is very angry, the problem of dealing with it still needs to be dealt with.

In Miss Takamiya Mio's vision, the development of things obviously should not be like this.

Su Han is an apostle from another world.

Those who are given the power to transcend the world should be the elite no matter what world they are in.

He was trained in that environment, no matter what he thought, he should be a man who knew how to keep secrets.

Knowing what can be stored as a hole card and what can be used as a smoke bomb to cover up intelligence should be the basic skill of a qualified fighter.

Under this premise, Shiori Wuhe would obviously choose to continue to save the elves, constantly store spiritual power, and achieve elves.

At that point in time, his real old man should wake up.

If you can't wake up, then it's time to confiscate the angel of the seven sins to simulate Emperor Keke, and restart the timeline to start the original ancestor plan.

Obviously, from a theoretical standpoint, this is a perfect plan.


Also just theory.

How come this guy has all the tricks at once! !

Murasame Lingyin, who had finally managed to use hypnosis to get the words out of Su Han's mouth before, wanted to cry inexplicably.

The premise that Gokawa Shiori is willing to attack the elves is that there is only one way to save the elves.

The reason for her saving the elf was her kindness, not because she saw a beautiful girl like Irena, the scumbag witch, and went to rescue her.

If there is another way to save the elves, Shiori Wukawa will continue to bite the bullet and attack the elves?

The whole tower is messed up.

Thinking of this, Murasame Lingyin's face had a touch of sadness that made Wuhe Qinli feel pitiful.

Now a new approach has emerged.

Just send all the elves straight away.

Su Han is almost the guy who wrote "I am the top of the world" on his face. If he wants to raise a few elves in his own world, it is estimated that there will be more murderous comments like "The officer is suspected to be supporting jk", what? Nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, Murasame Lingyin's face became more and more embarrassed.

It was obvious that Kotori Wuhe had planned to give up the plan to let Shiori Wuhe continue to act as a spiritual power storage device. It is estimated that it would not be long before she told Shiori Wuhe of this new plan.

By the time...

Thinking of this, Murasame Reine's face became more and more embarrassed.

Her plans may be cut in half.

"I think...there's a big problem with this plan."

As if trying to rescue a dead donkey, Murasame Reine took a deep breath and said words that she felt a little weak.

"Things should be considered in the worst case. After all, Su Jun is a high-level person in another world, not ours. We are not qualified to let a passenger accept a task that he should not accept."

"Ling Yin, do you have a fever?"

In this regard, Miss Wuhe Kotori looked at her right and left hands with a look of extreme astonishment.

This is not difficult to understand.

Because it was already mentioned in Chonggong Zhena's speech that Su Han was on the way to get the blood of the vampire, and it was also the way to take Zhena back to his own world for treatment.

Tatsumiya Mio, who had probed Su Han's memory, understood that the Second God's Key, One Thousand Worlds, was a tool that would draw energy on its own.

Qianjie Yicheng is extremely efficient in absorbing energy. Even if it does not require the so-called external force bonus, it only takes one year to start the world journey.

So, for Su Han, running with the elf is really a matter of waiting for the key to cool down and taking a few people with him.

How can this be?

Takamiya Mio, who was planning to be beaten in a mess, took a deep breath and tried to calm down while pressing his aching head.

"However, we must also understand one thing. Su Han has nothing to do with us, and we have no position to ask him to help."

It makes sense.

It is a good character not to impose responsibility on others.

However, when these words fell in Wuhe Qinli's ears, it made her look as if she had seen Zhong Kui.

Hey, hey, Reine, are you serious?

The relationship between Su Han and our side is indeed normal, but the relationship with the elves is outrageous!

Wuhe Qinli wanted to say something but stopped, stopped and wanted to speak again, and after a long silence, he spoke.

"Lingyin, can you look at the comparison table of favorability between Su Han and those elves before talking?"

Takamiya Mio did not continue to speak, but just covered her head, like Miss Mu who couldn't find a follower.

Calm down, calm down.

There is no way out, and there is definitely a way to reverse the plan back to the original planned route.

Just calm down.

Takamiya Mio took a deep breath, then let it out, trying to calm down.

Yes, calm down.

calm down...

"However, what you said also makes sense. If we go to someone to ask Su Jun, there seems to be a problem."

Wuhe Qinli's delicate little face had a little contemplative attitude.

Finally, is the reversal ushered in?

Tatsumiya Mio felt that tears of emotion were about to flow from the corners of his eyes.


Wuhe Qinli looked at the favorability table on the big screen in front of him, as if heaved a sigh of relief, and then said seriously.

"If the affair between my sister and Su Han becomes a couple, then it will be no problem. At that time, I can directly ask my sister to ask Su Jun and let him leave with a few more people. In that case, everything will be solved, right? ?"

Like pouring a barrel of gasoline on the fire that was about to go out, Wuhe Kotori's analysis came into Murakami's ears one after another.

The string called Reason made a sound that was on the verge of breaking.

The handle of the cup Murasame Reine was holding suddenly let out a groan.

"Although my elder sister's affection for Su Jun is not as outrageous as eighty or ninety, but it is still seventy-five."

"Su Jun's favorability to her sister is a little lower, but with such a high level of charm, how could he hate her, and his favorability to her is about seventy--as long as someone pushes a little bit, it will turn into a level of liking."

"Considering that Su Jun is currently single, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to match him with his sister."

Wuhe Qinri, who knew exactly how strong the relationship between Su Han and Ye Dao Shen Tohka was, clapped his hands, and then dropped the commander's cape on him as if relieved.

To be honest, she didn't think that Su Han had any childhood sweethearts in her own world.


A childhood sweetheart or something, in front of the Heavenly Fall Department, there is only the road of a defeated dog, isn't it?

A little smile appeared on the face of the girl who believed in her old sister's charm, and she was not worried about her old sister's emotional journey.

"The biggest sacrifice here is that our family may have to leave this world and follow Su Han to settle on the other side."

"Compared to the frequent occurrence of space earthquakes, the old lady is on the verge of an explosion. This kind of small loss cannot be called a loss."

The voice of a girl who could finally let go of the ideological baggage of being hostile to her older sister one day was lighter than ever.


"Ringyin, please rest first. I will report the situation to the Lord Speaker of the Parliament. If there is no accident, Ratatoskr will be disbanded in a short time."

"When it's time to disband, I'll treat you to a children's meal."

After saying this, the girl who represented the fifth mass point jumped out of the conference room.

With a crisp sound of the door closing, the conference room suddenly became silent.

Only a sluggish **** remained.

Chapter 61: Chong Gong Mio's Destiny and Su Han

Takamiya Mio is desperate.

Really desperate.

As one of the two super bosses in this world, Miss Takamiya Mio actually has a very high profile.

With the three angels of "Nothing", "Infinite" and "Infinite Light", she is almost invincible in this world.

Even the descendants of the wizard family who inherited the inheritance of the ancient wizards are just grasshoppers who may cause some harm to her in front of her.

If it weren't for the fact that she loved her lover too deeply, and she focused all her attention on making her lover detached, it would be very easy for Miss Takamiya Mio to rule the entire earth.


Now the great **** has ushered in his own good day.

"Although my elder sister's affection for Su Jun is not as outrageous as eighty or ninety, it is still seventy-five."

"Su Jun's favorability to her sister is a little lower, but with such a high level of charm, how could he hate her, and his favorability to her is about seventy--as long as someone pushes a little bit, it will turn into a level of liking."

"Considering that Su Jun is currently single, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to match him with his sister."

Recalling what his friend said not long ago, there was a slight twist on Mio's delicate face.


God's near-perfect plan was snapped away.

The reason is that a certain guy didn't take the leaking of the key to space - the thousand worlds one multiplication seriously.

Because of that guy's actions, everyone in Ratatoskr now knows that there is a way in this world to save the elves without sacrificing Shiori to attack.

The team, which was formed by a group of neurotic good-hearted people, suddenly cheered, and now everyone is popping champagne to celebrate.

Thinking of this, Mio Tatsunomiya's hand holding the cup shrank slightly in anger, and with a sound of shattering, the theory was that the extremely hard ceramic cup had been shattered.

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