Bestowing, this kind of saying that the upper ranks give the lower ranks things made her feel a little bad in her heart.

"The thing that gives crystals to the human spirit is..."

"do not know."

Before Wuhe Shiori's question was fully asked, he was interrupted by Su Han's answer.

"I came here because I owe Tokisaki Kurumi some favors, so instead of her, I investigated everything about elves all over the world, trying to infer information about the 'primordial elves' that even the 'Angel of Books' couldn't detect. ."

"If I knew, I wouldn't be looking for elves all over the world, trying to gather information about the original."

The young man looked at Shiori Wukawa with an expression like he was looking at an idiot.

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and threw the fruits and vegetables that Shiori Wuhe had placed on the side into the shadow, and then clapped his hands.

"Let's leave it alone when you go home and cook. Erya just contacted me, and there is an elf nearby now."

"That elf knew you well before he became an elf, and I need you to be a trap."

Having said that, the boy glanced at the girl next to him who had fallen down because he was transformed into a shadow, pulled out his mobile phone, and made a call very skillfully.

"You don't have to worry about this guy who is very close to the unnamed Ni, I have already called Wuhe Qinli."

Su Han, who knew very well that if Chong Gongzhen didn't adjust his body, he would die sooner or later, glanced at a guy with excess self-awareness, and then Shi Shiran explained.

"Although this guy is a subordinate of a lunatic who has time to clean up in a sense, he should clean it up, but, considering that she was deceived by Westcott, she should fix it. That's it for now."

Shiori Wukawa's expression was dazed.

Her acquaintance has become an elves?

There are not many people around her who can be called acquaintances.

Except for the group of waste wood floating in the sky, there are only classmates.

Among my classmates...

A beautiful white figure crossed Shiori Wuhe's mind.

"Tobiichi Origami?"

Instinctively, Shiori Wukawa called out the name of a classmate who seemed to be on leave for a long time.

In this regard, Su Han nodded.

Crown - Tobiichi Origami (Angel).

This is something determined by this article II.

The amnesiac former AST special forces member wandered around after causing a silent phenomenon, and then, under the traction of the idiot's instinct, chose to circle around Shiori Wuhe.

Just like Su Han can use his spiritual power to turn into a shadow, Kitaichi Origami can achieve photonization similar to the famous acting ape in the world of pirates - Monkey D. Kisumu.

Probably because of vigilance, the kite Origami has been running around with that ability all the time. Su Han turned around in a big circle, but was stunned that he couldn't find anyone.

"Next, I'll ask you to be the bait."

Su Han, who was mocked by Miss Erya before, "Susu, you were actually crushed by a girl in terms of charm" looked at the girl who seemed to be called "Magnetic King" and said very seriously.

"After all, Tobiichi Origami will follow you instinctively even if he loses his memory."


If you lose your memory, you have to follow yourself?

Shiori Wukawa's face became more exciting than ever.

Even more wonderful than Shiori Wukawa's expression was Mana Noble.

The girl who always thought that Su Han was trying to arrest her through her old sister and then attacked the DEM looked at the guy who had already expressed the same meaning, and her delicate little face was slightly distorted.

If there are no lies in Su Han's words just now, then, if nothing else, he is looking for Shiori Wuhe probably because Wuhe Shiori has a friend who turned into an elf and chose to approach him, and Shiori Wuhe is his sister Nothing at all.

Moreover, from the tone of his evaluation of AST and DEM, the so-called AST and DEM are completely irrelevant things in his eyes.

In his eyes, only the elves and the so-called primordial are the only things to be concerned about.

Other things don't matter at all.

So, all his actions so far are meaningless brain supplements?

The origin of elves is actually all human?

Lancer is a traveler from another world?

Tobiichi Origami did not die, but became an elf?

Anxious to come to save the people, but instead of being rescued, Miss Chong Gongzhen, who was beaten up, fell into infinite confusion.

There is no doubt that what happened today has directly destroyed her world view for her.

However, for Chong Gong Zhena, who is a sister-in-law, all the words I heard today were not as shocking as that sentence.

"Buy food and go home to cook, put it away first."

Is Lancer living with his sister?

Thinking of this, the delicate little face of Miss Chong Gongzhen began to twist slightly.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

It seems that he sensed something was wrong with his sister, Shiori Wuhe looked over and said with concern. .

"Just a little concerned about something..."

I didn't expect that when I met my sister, the girl who met the creature named brother-in-law widened her eyes, and her amber eyes were full of disbelief.


"You are living together, is that true?"

Chapter 58 What is Professional Interpretation?

Miss Chong Gong Zhen didn't like Su Han very much.

There are many reasons.

For example, he beat himself, beat himself, beat himself...

Every time they meet, they are beaten violently. The man named Su Han is undoubtedly a shadow in Chong Gongzhen's life.

If possible, Chong Gongzhen is undoubtedly looking forward to encountering adventures, picking up a ring and summoning an old grandfather, shouting "30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, don't bully the poor girl" and left chicly, and then Rub this **** to the ground after three years.

After all, she can only look forward to the plot of the golden finger falling from the sky.

A guy who is probably only at the level of normal special forces without his equipment, in front of a monster who is easily the Ice Age, he is really a dish.

If nothing else, no matter how hard I work next, I will continue to practice like an ascetic. In front of a guy with an absurdly high starting point, I am probably just a growing soldier.

After all, he was a stranger who didn't take AST or even DEM in his eyes from the beginning to the end.

Even if you don't know what technology is used to cross the world, Chonggong Zhenna can imagine how amazing the purity of that technology will be.

With the power to cross the world, Su Han, who is wandering in different worlds, can't win by himself, a useless piece of wood locked in a single world! !

Probably because of this reason, Miss Chonggong's mood was a little gloomy before.


There seems to be some turning point now.

"When you go home and cook, let it go first, Erya just contacted me."

There is no doubt that this is a very informative statement.

Excluding Erya, who is a passerby who doesn't know where he came from, a lot of things can be analyzed in this discourse.

For example, Shiori Wuhe and Su Han lived together.

For another example, Su Han and Wuhe Shiori also ate together.

Then, a man and a woman of the same age live together, what should such a relationship be called?

This guy might be his brother-in-law.

Well, here comes the question.

If this guy is really his brother-in-law, can he use the old sister to teach a good lesson to a guy who will only be pressed to the ground and rubbed on the ground to seek revenge on his own.

The eyes of Miss Chong Gongzhen, who finally felt a trace of possible revenge, lit up a little.

Different from the brighter and brighter eyes of Masamune Takamiya, Shiori Wuhe's face became more and more stiff.

After reuniting with his old sister, he was asked if he was living with a certain boy. This kind of development was undoubtedly a bit... difficult for him to answer.

Cohabitation, only from the literal point of view, should mean living together.

However, just like the original meaning of the book is just a doujinshi, and now it has indeed become a small yellow book, with the changes of the times, the so-called cohabitation has indeed acquired a new meaning in the new era.

Two people who are in love temporarily live together, and are now generally used between the opposite sex.

Just like seeing Lin Daiyu Fengxue Mountain Temple, Chong Gong Zhenna held her hand in Wuhe Shizhi's bewildered look, with a very serious expression.

"So, sister, are you living with Lancer now?"

"You, what are you talking about!! Really, don't talk nonsense."

Shiori Wukawa's face flushed for a while, and his voice stuttered.

Because the elves mostly cook waste wood, after living in the elves' apartment for a while, all the elves moved back to their own homes.

A future without rice cooks is not the future the elves want.

Undoubtedly, those who live directly in Wuhe's house have a share of Su Han.

Feeling the scorching gaze in her old sister's eyes, which was like wildfire in Australia, Miss Shiori Wukawa's expression was unprecedentedly stiff.

After all, the term cohabitation is too ambiguous.

"So, sister, are you living with Lancer?"

The girl who was counting on the old sister to help her out of her anger hugged her old sister's hand and asked very hastily.

"Gu... let's just live together."

Shiori Gokawa tried to brush it off in an indistinct tone.

"Su Jun doesn't have a residence in Changkong City. He temporarily lives in my house for meals and accommodation. That's about it."

"Su Jun is usually very busy, not because"

Then, she met her sister's stunned and slightly surprised eyes.


Shiori Gokawa felt like he was in super trouble.

"A boy, you live with your sister."

The girl blinked and looked at her old sister with a bright smile on her face.

"What, what's wrong."

"Have a leg~."

Miss Mana made a face at Su Han, then hugged her sister's hand very affectionately, and looked at Su Han with Miss Wuhe Shiori's flustered expression.

"I'll probably stay at my sister's house for a while, and then get to know Su Jun again."

She is very articulate, especially on the word "good".

In the face of Chong Gongzhen's slightly threatening remarks, Su Han showed no expression on his face.

Get along with it.

Being able to get along very well is regarded as making a cute-looking friend, and it is a pleasing thing after all.

not getting along well...

Clam, since they don't get along well, Su Han still wrongs himself?

Just pull out the seven wolves, the Noble Phantasm of the Dutiful Son, and release the real name.

There are a thousand ways to keep you out of Ratatoskr.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, I'll go back first."

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