Apparently, she didn't know that Su Han would think of directly activating the Noble Philanthropy for the Dutiful Son, and then let go of her hand and jumped up and down to leave.

"There are still things in the company, waiting for me to report."

"The essence of elves is human beings. If you report it to your superiors, you may be able to change their attitude towards elves a little bit."

After saying this, she looked at a guy who had an extremely bad relationship with DEM, snorted, and reminded him.

"Director Westcott has a hunting plan specifically for you. Even if you are strong, it is best to avoid it."

Westcott, the biggest lunatic in the world, is a super villain who is so pure that he can't be washed.

It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to be targeted by such a guy.

However, in the face of Chong Gong Zhenna's reminder, Su Han just rolled his eyes in his heart.

He wasn't the one to match Westcott's wits.

Hiding directly under the protection of Mio Takamiya, isn't it bad to be a tortoise?

Westcott's three moons can't break Takamiya Mio's defenses.


That guy is really a scumbag.

Even if that guy really enters the Aotian mode, he can get rid of Irena, who also has time ability, to cast time magic on himself, and go back a few days, or even a few months ago, to take Weiss, who has not turned on the Aotian mode. Court pinned the hour hand to Big Ben.

In fact, Su Han, who values ​​Irena quite a bit, thought.

Perhaps, after waiting for this round of things to be resolved, it is time to prepare to learn some magic.

So far, the only understanding of magic is the **** of elements and the elf spells that Su Han has learned on the spot.

Whether it is the witch path in the witch's journey or the magician in the moon world view, it is a good career.

The former has all kinds of strange and magical spells.

The lower limit of the latter is extremely low, but it also has the upper limit ability to protect the celestial sphere.

He is the holder of the Eye of Darkness, and theoretically has infinite magic power. If he learns magic well, he is quite promising.

I decided to go to Tohsaka Rin and Irena to help me introduce a few teachers when this wave of things is sorted out.

When it comes down, he is also an orthodox mage, not an explosive madman who only knows how to explode.

But having said that, for the male law, the orthodox route seems to be the element blaster who has been bombarded all the way.

Su Han thought about it, then smiled and shook his head.

Half of his eyes of darkness have been transformed into a source of blood energy, and he is still thinking about the transfer route of the Demon Emperor, which is outrageous enough.

However, there is nothing wrong with learning more spells.

after all--

Men's law is the profession of sages per capita, so I can't be too embarrassed.

Su Han, who has decided to exploit the people of Goose City, ahem, the great witches, and earnestly study to be a literate capitalist, put the study of magic on his schedule very easily and happily.


In Chonggong Zhenna's puzzled look, he walked in front of Chonggong Zhena and stopped her.

I don't understand why Su Han stopped his Chong Gongzhen for a moment.

"You'd better stay here for now."

Before Chong Gongzhen could speak, the young man opened his mouth and expressed his request.


In response, Chong Gongzhen frowned.

In the 30-year battle against the Primordial Spirit, Eren wanted to kill Mana, who was useless. But because of Westcott's "bad taste", Chong Gong Zhenna was kept in cold storage until two or three years ago and made a lot of changes to her.

Therefore, she has almost no impression of what happened thirty years ago, and her cognition of the world is basically taught by people in DEM.

In her perception, DEM is a good company even though it smuggles arms, monopolizes most of the display device market, and does many internal affairs of small countries.

Therefore, after learning that the essence of elves is human, Chong Gong Mana, who trusts her company very much, quickly chooses to return to the company and prepares to report the information.

So, how should I explain that DEM is a black-hearted company that is even more outrageous than Rhode Island?

Looking at the girl in front of her who had undergone a lot of transformation, with only about 10 years left in her life and a weakened mind, Su Han thought about how to be straightforward and briefly explain the reasons for not letting her leave.

Soon, he had an answer.

Under the shocking sight of Chong Gongzhen, he spoke very seriously.

"Really, you're dying."

Chapter 59 Shiori-chan, I am your suitor

"You're already dead".

This is the classic words of the protagonist Kenjiro in "The Fist of the North Star". The scene is often after the boss is turned into a lover by Euler.

The words between Su Hanna and Kenjiro's classmates only differed by one word, and fell in the ears of Takamiya Mana, which made her whole face change.

what does this mean?

The expressions of Shina Takamiya and Shiori Wuhe, who was on the side, changed a little.

"What's the matter with you?"

A very difficult expression appeared on Chong Gongzhen's face, whose heart was trembling slightly.

She felt a very bad breath.

"Literally, your body can't hold it anymore."

The young man spoke very casually.

"Human body modification is a very common means of strengthening. Compared with strengthening programs such as learning knowledge, exercising the body, and practicing martial arts, it is effective and has a large increase, but it often has side effects."

The boy who had undergone the transformation enhancements such as the fusion of the eyes of darkness and the implantation of hypermutation factors shrugged.

"Your body that has been treated with magic power has about ten years of life left at most."

"Wait, really has undergone human transformation?"

Shiori Wuhe, who was stunned together with Mana Takamiya, finally reacted, and his amber eyes were full of anxiety.

In this regard, Su Han did not intend to hide it, and explained it very bluntly.

"The display device is a piece of equipment for orthodox wizards - a demi-human race. Except for a very small number of super geniuses, artificial magicians trained by ordinary humans only eat ashes in front of wizards."

"It's not to say that humans are not necessarily inferior to the wizarding family in terms of manipulating display devices. After all, there are some perverts who can break this barrier with talent, but after all, they are a minority."

"The probability of their birth is like Einstein, Prandtl and Yang Zhenning. One or two in an era is the probability of winning the Lotto."

After saying this, Su Han couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the girl who was just an ordinary middle school student before being frozen.

"The level of the top five in the world is already quite close to the ability of the wizard family. Do you think Zhenna's talent is really that high?"

"Most of her achievements now are at the expense of her vitality."

The manifestation device was prepared for demihumans - wizards, not for orthodox humans at all?

People who can reach this level have doubts in their bodies?

The words containing a lot of information fell in the ears of Chonggong Zhena, making her whole person as if she was struck by lightning, unable to speak.

Elaine, Sir Westcott, Sir Eliot...

That was the name of one of the few magicians in the world who were better than her.

Recalling those names that only existed in legends, Chonggong Zhena's heart was like a storm.

The origin of DEM is Sir Westcott and Sir Eliot. They invented the display device like aliens that suddenly appeared, and then established the DEM society, becoming a giant in the financial circle and the field of arms.

Coincidentally, some of the top wizards in the world are also some of them.

Dr. Maxim invented the machine gun, but he was obviously not good at using it.

Photographer Barrett designed the most terrifying sniper weapon, but his marksmanship was so bad that his friends couldn't stand it.

It is obviously extremely rare that the talent of invention and the talent of use appear in one person at the same time.

No, no, maybe they're not good at using visualizations either.

However, the worst gunman in the human race will be sharpened by a monkey who will also be armed with a gun.

A terrifying thought flashed in Takamiya Mana's mind, and the beginning in my memory was that the face of the girl from the DEM club became extremely pale.

"You, you're lying to me... right?"

She said words that she already had a hard time believing, and questioned the boy beside her.

In this regard, Su Han just spoke very plainly and introduced an angel.

"The Angel of Books - Ratziel, is a book that includes information retrieval pages and blank pages. Ability is the omniscient ability to obtain information, as long as things other than the future can be found on the information retrieval page. ."

"Its owner is my friend Honjo Erya. I don't think Benjo Erya will lie to me in this regard."

So, is it really only ten years left to live?

Hearing Su Han's words, Shiori Wuhe's heart suddenly became empty.

Shiori Wuhe is a very gentle person.

Because of the misfortune in her childhood, she was extremely sensitive to despair, and she was extremely disgusted with that period of time. She cherished family and friendship incomparably.

Now, her sister is told that she can live at most ten years.

As if being twisted by a knife, Shiori Wukawa felt a pain in her heart, which made her whole body feel like her body was twitching because of discomfort.

Is there no way to change it?

The girl with pain in her heart looked at her sister who was used by DEM, her expression seemed to be covered with a faint cloud.

"But, you don't need to care about this kind of thing."

"After all, it's not difficult to replenish her life. There are many ways to make her survive."

Just when Shiori Wuhe was lost, the boy's voice fell into her ears, letting her heart be lifted all of a sudden, and the dark cloud on her face dissipated.

It's Su Han.

He was the most knowledgeable and most reliable person among all the people he had met.

If it were him...

You must know how to save Mana's life.

Shiori Wuhe looked at the boy once again, with anticipation surging in his eyes.


It was him after all.

Able to travel alone across other worlds because of a reliable person who promises to investigate the truth about elves alone.

"It's very simple. Since the lifespan has been deducted for several decades, then the lifespan will be increased by hundreds or even thousands of years."

In this regard, Su Han stretched his back and narrated his opinion in a lighthearted manner.

"Look for a vampire, beat it with a mouth full of teeth, and then let it voluntarily give Xiao Zhen the first hug. Not only will Zhenna not die, but she will even gain hundreds, or even thousands, of lifespans."

"If the hypervariable factor is implanted, as long as it can be successfully activated, even a short-lived type like Su can live for 50,000 years."

"Learn from Lutuo Apocalis and play a wave of mechanical ascension, uploading consciousness is a little cyberpunk, but it is also quite good as a means of survival."

In just an instant, several methods that could change his life against the sky were spit out from his mouth, which made Shiori Wukawa's tense heart relax.

A sense of peace of mind arises spontaneously.

Sure enough, Su Jun is really a very reliable person.

The girl who has been tied together by the scumbags called by Elliot, the king of dog licks, thought.

If there were more people like Su Jun in the organization, I would definitely feel a lot easier.

She thought about it this way, and then she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Su Jun is a genuine world traveler, and it is a bit embarrassing for Qinli to ask his own broken organization to recruit people on the same level as him as his assistants.

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