However, Chong Gong Zhenna did not have those thoughts.

She looked to the side with difficulty out of the corner of her eyes. There, the girl who looked more than 70% similar to her did not flee the scene.

A faint cold wind blew on the inner thighs, making Shina Chonggong's heart become cold.

defeated himself.

utterly defeated.

Then, what will happen to the self who is waiting for the defeated person to die next?

What will happen to the sister who can't escape?

The endless darkness seemed to have come, causing Chonggong Zhenna's heart to feel sad for a while.

"How do you feel?"

Just like Rabbit still didn't understand why a white elephant who made the war of aggression into the Great Patriotic War wanted to find fault with him, he didn't understand why Chong Gongzhen asked Su Han, who was charging his head.

In all the battles and resistances of Miss Chonggong Zhena so far, Su Han is only impressed by the torn armor and the fully revealed carcass and the now tattered, short skirt that can't even cover the fat...

What does that guy Westcott mean by sending this kind of naive to hunt him down?

Could it be that the guy in Westcott decided to change his route, instead of using satellites to spread the sky, he planned to learn from the lion king dating agency to seduce himself with beautiful girls, let himself indulge in beauty, be hollowed out, and then carry out sneak attacks ?

Thinking of this, Su Han's expression became serious. If he really sent all the beautiful girls who belonged to DEM, he didn't know whether the recovery ability brought by the Eye of Darkness could withstand it.

If it really unfolds like this, then Westcott will be a formidable enemy (surely) even tougher than Otto.

"What are you here for...for?"

In the face of Su Han's questioning, Chong Gongzhen did not answer, but asked in a rather hoarse voice.

Because Erya told me that Tobiichi Origami is here.

Su Han, who was trying to clear up the variables for the decisive battle, thought.

Honjo Erya told him that Tobiichi Origami, who had turned into an elves, seemed to be circling around Shiori Wuhe all the time, so he chased after him.

However, if you say it like that, will it affect the force a bit?

As if he had turned some kind of neuropathy, Su Han thought for a while, and there was a mysterious and very strong smile on his face.

"You're not, have you guessed it?"

"Is that so?"

The expression on Chong Gongzhen's face was a little miserable, and the energetic voice of the past had also become like a dying deer.

In Su Han's confused expression, she opened her mouth.

"Then I will listen to you and let my sister go."

Chapter 57 You are living together, is it true?

On the Internet, there is a fetish called Benzi.

"Books" on the Internet refer to fan comics, usually with "****" plots, so they have a little rustling flavor.

With the changes of the times, the meaning of fan comics has gradually disappeared, and replaced by thrashing things.

"Let go of my sister, I will listen to you in everything."

Su Han, who somehow felt as if he had entered the Lihua world line, tried to reach out, lift Miss Mana's chin, and look into her eyes.

The amber eyes that were the same as those of Shiori-san were full of anger, confusion, and a hint of timidity.

"As long as you let my sister go, I'll be very obedient."

As if afraid that Su Han didn't understand, she looked at Shiori Wuhe, who couldn't react at all because the situation was changing too fast, and struggled.


Did you really enter the battle world line?

Su Han, who felt like he had entered some strange world line, looked at the disheveled girl and scrutinized it carefully.

I always feel that if I turn black at this time, the next thing will be the feeling of ** unfolding.

"So, Su Jun, have you had enough?"

While Su Han was thinking about whether he should try to tease him again, Shiori Wuhe, who finally came to his senses, trotted to the side of Shina Chonggong and complained to Su Han along the way.

Shiori Wukawa is not a very smart person, but he is definitely not a stupid person either.

Judging from the fact that Chong Gongzhen let herself escape, then went up to give her head, and then Su Han calmly snatched her equipment and knocked down her old sister, she probably guessed some stories.

Su Han, who has left a deep impression on himself, definitely has a very scary record in DEM's files.

That case can even frighten Zhenna to the point of desperately fighting him, just to buy himself time to escape, and to compromise after the defeat, only to ask him to let him go.

"Su Jun, what did you do to DEM?"

Shiori Wuhe knew that Su Han was a boss-level character a long time ago, but he didn't expect that he could bring such a terrifying sense of oppression to the entire DEM family.

"It's nothing, just solved your sister, your sister's colleague, and your sister's boss within three seconds, and then extorted your sister's boss's boss."

The words that sounded like tongue twisters fell into Shiori Wuhe's ears, causing her to stagnate while she was supporting Shina Takamiya.

"To put it simply, not long ago, I beat the strongest magician in DEM with two guards, Erha, and then exchanged Erya with those three Hanhans."

"Because of this, my relationship with them is not very good."

Su Han, who sentenced Westcott to death in his heart a long time ago, spoke very seriously.

Su Han and Westcott have a very bad relationship.

Or, to the extreme.

First of all, Westcott is one of the three creators of Mio Takamiya, the source of all tragedies in this world.

Secondly, Benjo Erya has endured even more than one lingering pain at the hands of the madman in Westcott, and Benjo Erya is Su Han's three best teammates.

According to the original plan, he should have bought a plane ticket to London by now, and then send him a cleanup and send him to reunite with his ancestors.

However, as mentioned in the Angels of the Second Asia, Westcott will work hard to capture the elves next.

This is good news for Su Han.

The elves are mostly problem children.

The seven sins that have been appearing under the illusion of Sister Yu, if someone sees the real body, they will ignore the three sevens and twenty-one, lose their temper, and then play pranks.

The eight dance sisters, who have high-destructive angels, are constantly playing games to keep the opponent alive. Even if they hear words like "it's safer to be with my compatriots", it is estimated that they will completely ignore them.

As for the six ghouls floating in outer space, it is even more problematic.

She "locked" her heart directly, and didn't pay attention to others at all.

Obviously, even if Su Han's identity is her clan, they probably won't buy it.

Rather than talking directly, it would be a better choice to wait until Westcott and Elaine can catch them, beat these troubled children, and then rescue them.

"Is that so?"

In fact, I don't understand at all why Shiori Wuhe, who has such a bad reputation for Su Han, pulled his sister up with a subtle expression.

"Do not..."

"not like this."

Takamiya Mana, who was supported by Shiori Wukawa, murmured in a low voice that was almost indiscernible.

"He is the only elf with a murder record."

"The last homicide was recorded two days ago."

Su Jun, did you kill someone recently?

Wuhe Shiori, who had been living in an apartment with Su Han for the past few days, was taken aback for a moment and looked in Su Han's direction.

In the past few days, Su Jun has basically been with himself except for the few hours when he skipped class.

Is there any misunderstanding here?

Miss Wuhe looked in Su Han's direction, with some doubts in her amber eyes.

"Although I sometimes run wild and become enthusiastic because of the hypervariable factor, most of the time I'm just a support or a strategist."

"Well, although I can't compare to Marquis Zhuge Wu, Wang Yangming and the like, I can barely be considered a strategist."

So far, the boy who had not really fought a few times in the real sense gave the expression that made Takamiya Mana look like he had seen a ghost.

God **** counselor?

The operation of your strategist is to drop directly from the sky, savagely beat the strongest combat member of the enemy to the corpse on the spot, and then leave gracefully?

I have general Zhuge Liang, can I kill the traitor Lu Bu?

What a **** world line is this! !

Unlike Admiral Zhuge's rage beheading Lu Bu, Chonggong Shina, who was almost speechless, had another thing to pay attention to.

Hypervariable factor...

What it is?

"Murder and arson, slaughtering dragons and slaying ghosts and other coolies, only a stupid goose like Hollander would do it. I absolutely don't do it."

In response, Su Han just shrugged.

"If you didn't come to this world in a hurry and didn't bring your teammates, most of the people you are negotiating with are Fu Hua, the owner of the key of knowledge, Yu Duchen."


When I came to this world, I was in a hurry.

As these words fell, Shiori Wuhe and Mana Takamiya were stunned.

This discourse is a bit informative.

"Don't you think I'm really just a simple elf?"

As if encountering something very surprising, Su Han looked at the two girls who were in a sluggish state with a surprised expression.

Isn't Su Jun a pure elf?

"It seems that none of you understand the origin of elves very well."

Origin of elves?

With the words falling, Shiori Wukawa and Mana Takamiya couldn't help but hold their breath.

The catastrophe that destroyed the world, the monster full of mysteries, the existence denied by the world.

This is the spirit.

There is no doubt that the elves are mysterious existences.

Institutions around the world have been exploring their origins, but often come up with nothing.

The origin of the elves has also become an unsolved mystery.

Although this pair of sisters belonged to opposing camps, they were both occupations closely related to elves. Of course, they had a heart to discover the mysterious origin of elves.

"Originally, I shouldn't have said these things to you, but, for the sake of being a cohabitant, let's explain it to you a little bit."

Because the next step is to take Wuhe Shiori to find a certain AST team member who has turned into an elves, Su Han said with the mentality of getting a vaccination in advance.

"Elves, in fact, are demi-humans incarnated by humans after absorbing spirit crystals."

The understated words fell in the ears of Chong Gong Zhenna, and her beautiful amber pupils shrank violently.

Are all elves human?

"In this world, there are psychic adaptations and neighbors."

Very bluntly, the young man opened his mouth to explain to the two stupid sisters who were obviously around the elves, but knew nothing about elves.

"People with high aptitude for elves will be endowed with certain powers and become quasi-elves after entering the neighborhood, and those with quasi-elves will become elves if they are given a spirit crystal."

"If Erya and Kurumi hadn't lied to me, that's it."

to be given?

The extremely sensitive words made Shiori Wukawa and Shina Takamiya frown slender brows.

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