"The elves... are mostly good boys."

"There is something easy to understand about elves."

Facing Shiori Gokawa's speech, Takamiya Mana's tone was also rising.

In the Ten Days Talk, there is such a story.

The villain Chapleto, who was good at forging documents, concocted a confession on his deathbed, deceiving the venerable priest into believing that although he did all evil in his life, he was regarded as a saint after his death, and was revered as "Saint Chaplet". Tow".

Understanding is an important part of communication.

If you can't understand a person or a thing, then everything will be normal.

The reason why the priest did the stupid thing of extolling the villain was undoubtedly deceived by the villain Chapletto.

Language is an art and a deception.

Recalling the messy appearance of Tobiichi Origami's house, Takamiya Mana's hand could not help clenching a little bit.

Chong Gong really has enough reasons to suspect that his sister was deceived by a certain evil spirit.

She still can't forget the horrific scars left by the Spirit of Time sucking human blood in the alley and the Spirit of the Spear on the homes of her companions...

Elves are monsters.

No matter how good-looking they are, they are still monsters.

I have to make my sister understand how dangerous spirits are.

If I can't explain it in a short time...

Then, you can only be sorry.

Being forcibly abducted to a safe area may not be a good feeling, but it is definitely better than being bewitched by elves and repeatedly used in lies.

Lancer is a super dangerous guy, and he almost won the lottery to meet his sister without being an enemy.

If you drag it on and wait until the lancer finds an abnormality, it will be very troublesome in the future.

After all, as one of dem's trump cards, he is his enemy.

If he is recognized, he will have absolutely nothing to do next, and it can even be said that his sister may be implicated.

She finally waited until the time when Lancer and her sister were not together, and came to save people.

It can't be delayed any longer.

I feel that my old sister is completely bewitched, and it is difficult for me to convince her girl of the emotions in her eyes at this moment, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sharp blade.

"Sister, the last time I ask you, you really don't want to go with me—"

"Go what?"

The voice of Takamiya Mana, who had been hated by Shiori Wukawa for quite some time, stopped abruptly like a duck pinched by her neck.

She turned her head stiffly and looked over, the boy with black hair and black pupils was standing not far away at will.

"Go to DEM to accompany Westcott's neuropathy to do magic transformation?"

Seemingly aware of Chong Gong Zhenna's gaze, the young man said as if he was joking, and then snapped his fingers.

As the words sounded, Chong Gongzhen suddenly found that all the people around were given some orders and walked outside the mall one after another.

A chilling chill, from the soles of Chong Gong Zhenna's feet, all the way up to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

lancer, has come.

Chapter 56 Release my sister, I will listen to you in everything

A chant formed in one motion with a finger, rattling a tooth, etc. This is the shortest chant, and can activate magic in an instant.

This is the magic known as "One Project" in the Moon Occult Mysticism.

Including, but not limited to, the magic bullet r shot activated by the finger, the magic eye activated by viewing, and—

Hypnosis that even apprentice magicians use.


A very clear snap of fingers, as if possessing some kind of magic, expel people who do not have the power to resist magic power one by one.

Soon, there were only three people left on the set.

"Long time no see, Mana-chan."

Shi Shiran, a teenager who learned some basic magic from Tohsaka Rin, stood in front of the Wuhe sisters and looked at a certain DEM ace who was knocked out by his punch not long ago.

Different from the unpleasantness when he just arrived, his voice is very clear at this moment, as if the sunshine boy is chatting with the little sister next door.

"What have you been doing lately?"

That scene, in the eyes of an unconscious girl who was beaten by her, was meaningless and ferocious like a ghost.

Damn, has your whereabouts been discovered in the end?

It was very clear that the girl who was definitely not Su Han's opponent had an unprecedented gloomy expression.

To be honest, at this time, you can basically give up resistance.

The lancer's fighting ability is overwhelmingly strong.

That is the speed and slaying that can calmly win against the top five magicians in the world.


If you give up resistance, what will Shiori-san do?

I didn't quite understand why Lancer wanted to touch his seemingly unremarkable old sister, Chong Gongzhen, the corner of his mouth pulled a difficult arc.

But now, she seems to understand something.

Not long ago, DEM executive director Westcott decided to launch a revenge plan after being forcibly asked for a genie by lancer.

The secrecy level of the revenge plan is very high, and even I only know that it will be a strike project realized by space-based kinetic energy.

Westcott is a very vengeful person. This is something that everyone in the financial world knows, and lancer should naturally understand this.

Therefore, he probably guessed that Westcott would retaliate, and then decided to use some partial methods to deceive information.

When lancer came into contact with his sister, he most likely noticed her relationship with him, and wanted to use this as a trap to get himself caught, and then use himself as a springboard to attack dem.

Thinking of this, Chong Gongzhen's head, which couldn't calm down because she saw her sister beside high-risk elements, finally started to analyze it.

A bitter smile formed on the corner of her mouth.

If there is no accident, he will be defeated next, and then he will be arrested and imprisoned, and he will be interrogated.

He recalled hearing the interrogation brought by an instructor who had served in the spy warfare unit during his professional training.

"Physical assault, mind control, sexual assault, these are all common methods of interrogation on the battlefield."

Recalling the words of his former instructor, Shina Chonggong's small face showed a look that was close to being generous.

However, seeing Shiori-san next to her who didn't seem to understand the situation, her expression changed again.

If he doesn't confess, will he attack his sister?

She suddenly revealed that she is related to dem's self, and she will definitely be used by the lancer to interrogate her own assistance.

Thinking that the punishment that his instructor had previously described might fall on his sister, Chong Gongzhen felt cold hands and feet for a while.

The self who has received special training is probably able to withstand all kinds of torture.

But if lancer lets himself watch his sister suffer...

Just imagining that scene, Chonggong Zhena felt the pain in his heart like being pierced by thousands of needles.

Sister must escape! !

Sister is actually an unimportant role.

The lancer is a guy who is used to starting with important roles and has no interest in marginal roles.

This is part of the mental model that the DEM builds through the scenarios in which someone appears.

Then, if the useless sister runs away and confesses after being tortured, she might actually be spared.

after all--

His goal should be himself and the things behind him.

So, you have to fight.

In order to buy a little escape time for my sister.


Without hesitation, Chong Gongzhen pushed Wuhe Shiori away, and pressed his hand to his waist in the next instant.

Suddenly entering the elves haunted area, how could Chong Gongzhen not bring equipment?

Because Aileen was killed because she forgot to carry the Phenomenon Device, DEM's development department built a smaller weapon overnight that could be used for reinforcement.

And the decoration on Chong Gongzhen's skirt is one of its achievements.

The essence of that thing is a small display device, although the effect is not very strong, but it is enough as the most basic reinforcement.

Now that it has been discovered, let's have a good fight!

"hensh—, uh—!!!"

In the opening line of the random field, a shudder has been smashed on the head of Chong Gong Zhena, and she almost cried in pain.

The next moment, the girl who was holding the hand of Miss Mana just now quietly grabbed the corner of the girl's skirt.


Before Miss Mana could react, the boy had already tore off the ornament and a whole piece of fabric with incredible speed and strength.

"Your speed is really super slow."

In the frozen expression of Miss Mana, the speed Westcott described as a boy who was faster than the display device to create a random field, very casually tore the cloth with a cute pattern sewn, and pinched out the image. It's something like an electronic component.

Instinctively, Chong Gong Zhenna stretched out his hand, wanting to grab back his weapon.

The shaman's lineage is chronological.

Orthodox wizards have little combat power without the display device, let alone an artificial wizard like her?

Excluding the display device, she is an ordinary person who has undergone special forces training and a certain degree of human transformation. She must get the display device to have the ability to fight the elves.

Fortunately, the lancer was not wearing a spiritual outfit.

The physical strength of a spirit without a spirit outfit is actually just a little bit stronger than a normal person.

You still have a chance.

Like a vigorous female leopard, the girl endured the pain, jumped up, and rushed in Su Han's direction.

Facing the girl who was charging at him, Su Han just tilted his head, and then activated his poor little spiritual power.

The next moment, he turned into a shadow and disappeared directly.


Miss Chonggong smashed to the ground, and let out a pitiful cry.

The boy who had just turned into a shadow stood beside her leisurely, his fingers close together, and he directly crushed the miniaturized display device.

It took no more than three seconds from when Mana-san tried to transform to the moment she fell to the ground.

"The backhand is weak, the forehand is weak, the footsteps are loose, the reaction is slow, and you want to compete with me on the same stage?"

Su Han, who was completely abusing vegetables, looked at the real lady who was lying on the ground, like someone who did not want to be named Long, with puzzled voice in her voice.

He didn't quite understand why Cai's foot-picking Zhenna dared to attack himself.

"Also, your fat time leaked out."

As if to remind, but also to tease or tease, the boy squatted down, facing Miss Mana's face, and opened his mouth.

"Blue and white strips? It's unexpectedly anime-like."

was molested.

For most girls, it's all about wanting to scream and then slap someone directly in the face.

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