Origami involuntarily uses what and not who to express his emotions.

"Something" seemed to have sensed Origami's thoughts as well, and snickered as if it was very funny.

"What exactly am I, it doesn't matter now. The point is, what's your answer? Do you... want power? Do you want power that is incomparably powerful, not losing to anyone?"

Origami frowned, holding her breath.

For a split second, she wondered if she had become delirious due to the damage caused by using the display device.

However, she quickly remembered.

In Kurumi's memory, she also encountered similar "things".

That thing gave her the power of the elf, and then used it as a tool to hunt and kill the elf, and then erased all her memories after she learned the truth and threw it into the neighborhood.

So the elves were once human beings.

But now, the monster that turned humans into elves appeared and appeared in front of him.

Thinking of this, Tobiichi Origami felt a chill rise in his heart.

"I don't need the power given by others!"

Origami said so with contempt.


Something short answer.

For some reason, even though he couldn't see his expression, he felt that something suddenly sneered.

"Isn't it obvious that you have always been working hard for revenge? Now, you have the power to revenge, why don't you want it?"

Something said so, and handed an item to Origami.

It was a gem-like object emitting a pure white radiance. That dreamy light instantly captured Origami's gaze.

As long as you absorb it, you will get the same power as the spirit.

That perfect brilliance was so alluring in Tobiichi Origami's eyes. In "Phantom"'s interesting sight, the girl instinctively stretched out her hand...

Then, stop in mid-air.

There is no pie that falls from the sky in this world.

The primordial elves are constantly creating elves, naturally they have their purpose.

"It looks like you can't make a choice?"

As if regretting something, the phantom shook its "head" and sighed.

She had already decided on a test item and suddenly changed some of her thoughts, which was undoubtedly not a wonderful thing for her.

However, this does not affect his actions.

Mirage, whose real name is Takamiya Mio, grabbed the gem and slapped Tobiichi Origami's chest fiercely.

Chapter 46: The Road of Kabbalah and the Fire Sword

Miss Irena is very sad.

Really sad.

Not long ago, the group leader, who seemed to have some blood ties to the Middle East, asked himself to teach him the occult knowledge and check his proficiency in elven spells.

Miss Irena naturally agreed.

To be honest, she was still quite happy in her heart.

After all, as long as this wave is finished, the next thing you can talk about is the charges for the outsourced works of the Terra Mine.

Therefore, she readily agreed to this matter.

In order to better understand his mysticism, she chose to teach several elemental techniques with varying degrees of difficulty and let them use them.

An occult idiot, after learning magic, will definitely realize how difficult it is to train a graduate worker... ahem, trainee witches or even real witches.

At that time, the worth of the outsourced witches will naturally rise, and the commission they can get will naturally increase.

So, what's the situation now?

As if a ghost had seen Zhong Kui, Miss Irena looked at a certain boy who was controlling the elements with ease, with a stunned expression like that of Landale.

In front of her, the boy who was supposed to be an idiot in mysticism sat calmly in his place.

Around him, energy **** that symbolize different elements are constantly fluttering.

blue ice.

red fire.

white light.

Black dark.

Like planets revolving around a star, the elements that once exploded would show the world what destruction was in order.

Looking at the four elements coexisting at the same time, Miss Irena's face suddenly became extremely distorted.

Dominant elements are not a rare subject for mages.

After all, the most well-known category of Masters is the Evocation Master.

Throwing out those who point a holy light, and then add points to the big sword, fighting, and legendary body, the terrifying human cannon is what most people know about the master.

Dominating different elements and strengthening the power of teammates is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

After all, except for the embarrassing reaction of overloading, in most cases, if the element reacts, the effect is 1+1>2.


Human energy is limited.

Even the per capita genius mages would find it difficult to control multiple elements because of the affinity of the elements. Therefore, the evocative mages who control multiple elements and carry out ruthless bombing are basically legends.

Thinking of this, Miss Irena's face became more and more distorted.

Why, a magic idiot can spontaneously control the four elements just by listening to himself talk about how to sense the power of the elements! !

Learning magic is extremely difficult.

It is common sense even for Miss Irena.

Even if she is as smart as she is, she has worked for her teacher Xingchen Witch for a long time... ahem, he has been a graduate student for many years before successfully graduating.

Even so, she was still close to Feng Aotian's existence.

It only took her three years to become a witch.

This is the proudest thing in her life.

However, from today, it seems that she can no longer be proud of it.

"Have you really never learned magic?"

I can't imagine that a guy who can control the four elements is actually a magic idiot, Miss Irena, covering her head and groaning in pain.

As an extremely narcissistic witch, Miss Irena has always felt that every witch and apprentice witch should be treated equally.

After all, they were all Muggles compared to geniuses like themselves.

Miss Irena looked at the boy in front of her, her delicate little face was full of distress.

Kai, who did not want to be named, has always refused to believe in the existence of super hybrids.

He has always believed in his excellence, maybe only someone Chu can share his brilliance, but if there really are super hybrids in this world! In that case, wouldn't the young master of the Gattuso family become a commoner below the critical blood limit?

At this moment, Miss Irena's mood is probably that of Caesar at that time.

If there are people in this world who are more talented than him, doesn't that mean he is also a Muggle? !

This guy must have learned magic.

Irena said fiercely in her heart.

So wrong! Of course it couldn't be her Irena who was wrong, so it must be that Su Han remembered something wrong!

He must have learned a lot of magic before, but he was accidentally blocked by the elevator door several times in a row, and he lost his memory! !

With this kind of luck, Miss Irena looked at a guy who literally wrote "I'm a genius" on his face, waiting for his answer.

Then, the boy's voice full of resentment rang out.

"If I had learned magic, I would still have to cut my wrists with a knife all day long, and let blood to make blood!"

The boy whose profession is a blood mage replied irritably.

When the Eye of Darkness was just implanted, he also tried to use elemental power to directly start the road of elemental bombardment.

However, the problem is that mages in the magic world often become mages first and then implant the Eye of Darkness, while Su Han is completely the other way around.

He has theoretically infinite magic power, but he can't use it at all.

He didn't know how to open the elemental field of vision at all, and naturally he couldn't control the elements. After thinking about it for a long time, he could only reluctantly give himself a knife to see if he could control the blood.

In fact, he succeeded.

However, such success is clearly not happy.

If it is not forced by life, who wants to be a blood mage who self-mutilates every day?

Those resentful words fell in Miss Irena's ears, making Miss Irena's face a little complicated.

She should be comforting the group leader now, or comforting herself.

"Boss, you are also quite miserable."

After a long time, she looked at the boss whose face suddenly darkened and comforted dryly.

"But maybe you should be happy, anyway, you've finally discovered your talent now, haven't you?"

"It's just an elemental talent."

In response, Su Han shook his head.

"The advantages of my profession are all-element affinity and infinite magic power. If I learn spells other than element magic, my talent may not be high."

"Furthermore, now I have begun to enter the specialization stage. For me at this stage, the advantage of all attributes can only be said to be more adaptable."

Full element affinity, infinite magic?

And still dislike the little improvement brought by all elements?

This is definitely Versailles! !

On Miss Irena's forehead, a delicate "Well" character could not help but appear.

The guy really dared to say it.

You have to give this guy a stumbling block and let him understand that genius is not useful until it develops well.

Suddenly I remembered that when the people of the Witch Association were frantically analyzing the elf spells, they found that all the spells revolved around a "nameless tree", and there was a little smile on the face of the girl.

In order to analyze that thing, several big witches of the Witch Association began to lose their hair.

"Boss, you said before that you have written down all the elf spells I sent you before."

The witch, who was obviously injured by someone's Versailles declaration, held Su Han's hand with a "worship" smile on her face, as if she had seen an idol star-chasing girl.

That action made Su Han, who knew how much the witch in front of her looked when she didn't touch the principle, the corners of her mouth twitched.


This guy is more vengeful than himself.

"Since this is the case, I think you should also have some insights into the core of elven spells."

The girl who just wanted to fix Su Han's wave continued to maintain that nympho-like tone, then retracted her hand and turned it around in the bag she was carrying.

Soon, a parchment scroll appeared in her hand.

"I think, with your ingenuity, you must be able to see something."

In Su Han's slightly reluctant expression, the bright smile on the girl's face became brighter and brighter.

Sure enough, to deal with Versailles lovers, you must directly overwhelm him with problems.

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