If she hadn't been beaten up by society later, Miss Irena would probably be a little angel with a wicked personality.

It's a pity that in the end, she could only drink fountain water in an extremely expensive city, and she was also ridiculed by a group of onlookers as the poorest witch in the world.

The situation of blackening (scraping) happened to her like this.

Except for a certain Jin who did not want to be named, most of the protagonists in the stories have walked out of a new path after blackening.

Irena is no exception.

She started the group chat as if she was destined to do so, and then she took several big orders with her extraordinary ability (pointing to shaking people) and made a big profit.

Now she is living a fairly prosperous life with the valuables given by a group owner whose ancestors may have something to do with the Middle East.

However, as a strange woman who has turned black (?), how could Miss Irena just stop at eating and drinking?

She is going to be a super rich woman! !

Even if the gold rate she had been staring at was bought by a big dog owner, it was just a small setback.

Since the gold rate was bought by that guy, then tie up with the guy who will never lose money in business, earn points, and then wait for the next gold rate to be brushed out.

In fact, that big dog is worthy of being the holder of the gold rate, and he decided to hire a group of graduate students from himself... ahem, the witch is a laborer, in order to open the mechanized Originium processing station and her luxury The carriage adds to the building blocks...

So, boss, where are you?

Not long ago, the girl who arrived in this different world sat in a cafe looking melancholy.

"Cuckoo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Opposite the coffee shop is a large square, where the crumb-eating white pigeon happily utters the author's cry.

What about the interview split and the signing of an intermediary contract?

The girl who was called by someone to teach him a little magic and talk about some business projects had no expression on her pretty and delicate face.

When she came here, the sky was clear, cloudless, and the sun was shining like golden threads.

And now...

The sun is approaching, and the sunset has already spread.

Irena, who was completely muttered, continued drinking coffee, her hand trembling slightly while holding the coffee cup.

In Irena's vision, when she arrives in this world, Su Han should come to pick him up quickly, and then ask himself to guide him in magic.

After all, that guy was in a hurry to supplement mysticism to deal with the so-called primordial elves.

But now the reality is...

After sending a private message to Su Han, it turned out that Miss Irena, who was not online at all, looked at the clerk who was bowing apologetically to her with a blank expression.

"Miss, our shop is about to close... What's your next itinerary?"


"I see."

Irena-san, who roughly understood what she was going to do next, stood up, sorted out her clothes that were supposed to be strange to people in this world, and walked out of the store.

She raised her head and looked at the setting sun in the sky with a blank expression.

The thing to do now is to quickly find a hotel to stay, and then wait for the lost group owner to come to him.

Just when she was about to make a decision, without warning, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

who? !

The witch who was living in an unstable magical world felt the faint chill, and her heart trembled.

In ancient times, witches were an elegant and vulnerable profession.

Once they appear on the battlefield, they will be the enemy's nightmare. In order to kill these large-scale destructive characters, the hostile army often trains excellent assassins to assassinate the vulnerable witches...

After that period of history that was very dark for witches ended, a new item was added to the witches' courses.

That is close combat.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the unknown person, it was like being triggered by some kind of stress response, and the technique to strengthen the body was suddenly triggered, and then Irena's very slender elbow erupted with huge energy, smashing it hard behind her. go.

That blow was extremely fast, as sharp as the legendary swordsman suddenly pulled out a famous sword.

The demeanor of that blow, even the world champion would be frightened when he saw it.

After all, that was completely out of the realm of humans.

However, such a punch, which can only be described as terrifying, was easily picked up by one hand.

"Irena, what are you trying to do?"

Then, the voice belonging to the young man sounded again.


Realizing that she seemed to have made a mistake, Irena's expression froze.

She turned her head stiffly and looked over.

With delicate features and a handsome face, the boy held his arm expressionlessly.

Did you almost knock your boss down?

When she felt someone pat her on the shoulder, the girl who subconsciously got a set of punches had an embarrassed but polite smile on her face.

"Boss, you are finally here."

Without any hesitation, the gray-haired witch, who was no longer a little angel, chose to change the subject.

"Boss, have you encountered a headache, so are you late?"

"If so, I might be able to help."

"There is indeed a problem."

In this regard, he finally used the method of teaching advanced arithmetic to make Yatoshen Tohka fall asleep, and the boy who should have slipped away to collect blood energy stretched his waist.

"Next, I may need to find an inaccessible place to experiment with elf spells to prepare for a sneak attack on Mio Chonggiya."

"You also know that I don't know much about this line of work, and I need someone to help me, so I will most likely pull you in next."

"Hey hey hey-"

As if encountering something very surprising, Irena was stunned when she looked at the boy who had not been in this world for a long time.

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I've already told her everything I want to tell Takamiya Mio. Next, let's not get to the point, are you going to fall in love with Shiori Wukawa?"

Su Han rolled his eyes and said.

"It turns out that the decision has been completely filmed."

Irena suddenly realized.

In response, the boy nodded.

"Well, if nothing else happens, the next thing is a decisive battle."

=========Dividing Line============

This girl, Tobiichi Origami, started to become special about five years ago.

She was smart from a young age, with excellent academic performance and athletic ability.

But after all, that is within the scope of common sense, and at most it is just the extent to which the mother can be proud of in the parent-teacher meeting and the three-way negotiation.

The subject he is good at is arithmetic, and the subject he is not good at is Mandarin.

The food I like is barbecue, and the food I don't like is celery.

My future dream is to be a lovely bride.

The world is full of common sense, and no one doubts it.

As long as you do things well within your ability, friends and adults will praise you, and you don't need to pursue anything beyond the impossible.

I didn't realize it, but kept thinking that such a gentle world would last forever.

However, that summer five years ago, everything surrounding Origami suddenly changed.

In the dream, the world was burned to the ground by flames.

Is it that dream again?

It was not the first time that the girl who dreamed of the destruction of the world opened her eyes in her bedroom.

In her bedroom, Tobiichi Origami opened her eyes and got up to take a shower.

For Tobiichi Origami, a lot of things have happened recently that have upended his worldview.

For example, the elves that he has been hunting are actually humans.

The origin of all sorrow in the world is nothing but a ritual of three anomalous races.

Thinking of this, Tobiichi Origami's eyes flashed with resentment that seemed to materialize.

Her parents died at the hands of runaway elves.

So far, she has been living for revenge.

But, not long ago, she lost that reason.

"Vengeance or something, it's really boring."

Not long ago, the male spirit who decided to build up his strength said this to himself.

"Whether the tragedy of the elves, the tragedy of human beings, the source of everything is thirty years ago. The death of your parents is indeed a tragedy, but it is also a drop of water in the real tragedy."

To be honest, such a statement is undoubtedly irritating.

After all, that kind of tone that points to the country is simply the best fuel for anger.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, Tobiichi Origami believed that he, who had just been kidnapped by him, would definitely kill him.

"I don't like revenge, because revenge is revenge after tragedy that cannot be changed. I prefer 'change' to that."

At the moment when he was angry, the man said this.

"Or... turn things around."

If you want to change the sadness of this world, you cannot achieve it by killing one or two elves. What you need is the power to reverse everything.

The man with an almost absurd plan then stated his policy, sent himself an invitation to join them, and asked him to help them find out about the Wuhe family and DEM.

Probably because of the vision of the future that will reverse the world line, or just shocked by its spirit, or because of sympathy for the tragedy of the old enemies, the elves, Tobiichi Origami mysteriously agreed.


He has successfully completed his task.

Like being an honor student in the past.

I just need to wait here, wait for the elf boy to reverse everything, then forget everything and live a life of common sense.

The girl clasped her left breast lightly, as if asking something.

Really happy.

But, it's also really frustrating.

For a long time, the girl who has always aimed at revenge feels that her heart is empty.

It would be great if you had the power.

Compared with the rescued, she wants to be the one who saves others.

"I said you...want power?"

Just when Origami was in a trance, she heard a voice that could not be distinguished from a male or a female.

Hearing the words that came suddenly, Origami, who was actually hungry for strength, widened her eyes and sat up staggeringly.

So I found that there was something that did not know the true face of Mount Lu at the source of the sound.

It is undoubtedly extremely impolite to use things to describe intelligent creatures, but the thing in front of Tobiichi Origami is something that can only be described by something.

He can clearly recognize that he exists there, but he can't see his actual appearance, and there is even an illusion that the whole is shrouded in noise.

"what are you?"

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