With that thought in mind, she quickly unfolded the picture scroll.

Then, the picture scroll of the ancient tree from the wizard village was completely unfolded.

Three pillars, ten primordial qualities, twenty-two paths, and three layers of mysterious veils symbolizing "nothingness", "infinity", and "infinite light".

The picture scroll fell into Su Han's eyes, and his expression suddenly became strange.

Three pillars, ten primordial substances, three layers of energy rings, four worlds, and twenty-two paths.

This is the most well-known occult symbol of Jewish esotericism, the tree of life.

EtzhaChayim - the tree of life, is part of the Jewish philosophical tradition "Kabbalah".

When Su Han was a child, he saw some down-to-earth bearded priests using eggs to promote their sect among uncles and aunts.

The extremely enthusiastic bearded brother, among a group of people who could not distinguish the three Semitic religions at all, recounted that the etymology in Hebrew means oral transmission, transmission. It has long been the most mysterious teaching of Jewish thought.

At that time, Su Han happened to be fine, and listened to him talk about the secret religion.

Probably because the pattern was too conspicuous, Su Han remembered very clearly the content of the missionary meeting that was maintained by eggs.

Sure enough, did you stop for a while?

The girl who just wanted to fix someone's problems in Versailles, looked at the boy who was silent for a while, and laughed.

The boss, that illiterate in mysticism, can't recognize this no matter how he thinks.

Take a good look at the situation.

Mr Apprentice.

Next, admit your ignorance, worship Irena-sama's wisdom, and then listen to the class as a student.

The smile on the face of the girl who thought so was brighter than the morning sun.

However, the next moment, the smile disappeared.

"The Road of Kabbalah and the Fire Sword."

With Irena's unbelievable expression, the boy opened his mouth and said the meaning of the pattern.

Chapter 47: The plot rampage

In the beginning, people were contaminated with uncleanness because of the bewitchment of snakes, and were expelled by God from the Garden of Eden with a tree of life in the center.

The Garden of Eden is a paradise on earth.

According to the "Bible, Old Testament, Genesis" records, God created human ancestors in his own image and placed them in the Garden of Eden.

Because of this story, the Garden of Eden has naturally become a paradise in the hearts of the Semites.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

A certain branch of Judaism does not think so.

From the point of view of Jewish esoteric Kabbalah, the Garden of Eden is just a state, not a real land.

According to the records of chapter 2, verses 8-9 of the "Old Testament Genesis", the tree of life is located in the center of the Garden of Eden, and Kabbalah sects use this to describe the so-called path to God.

Human beings are in a separate kingdom. Through meditation, they penetrate through the material points that symbolize the ten virtues, so that the human body as a small universe can complete the spiritual traversal to the realm of gods.

Perhaps because of the most basic reverence for God as believers, the Kabbalists did not think about crossing the triple veil after the ten mass points and reaching the realm of God.

And the twenty-two paths that connect the ten mass points, which symbolize the ten virtues, are called the path of the fire sword—the path of becoming a godlike being.

To put it simply, Kabbalah is the Western version of the spiritual cultivation method, which is similar to meditation practice, overcoming all kinds of temptations in the world, severing the demons in the heart, and reaching the realm of heaven and man (original man).

This is not so much a religion as a religious branch of a philosophical faction, because of some past experiences, Su Han has a little understanding of it.

"If I remember correctly, this should be for Kabbalah and the Fire Sword Road to complete the sublimation of life."

Su Han looked at the pattern that was actually different from his own impression, thought for a while, and said with Irena's expression as if seeing Jonathan forcibly kissing Dio.

Miss Witch, who wanted to pick up Su Han for a while, turned her head with difficulty and looked at a young man who claimed to be an idiot in mysticism, his movements were stiff like a rusty machine.

She felt like she was living in a dream.

This picture has always been a topic of baldness in the Witch Association.

In order to parse this picture, dozens of witches worked overtime and stayed up late, and even started to lose their hair.

They then concluded that it was a pattern that symbolized the philosophy of "sublimation".

The spells surrounding this pattern are all needed to transform the caster of the spell.

To be honest, Irena didn’t quite understand why the philosophical pattern that symbolized sublimation corresponds to the art of creating spirits.

There is a fart relationship between evolution and the creation of elves.

Wouldn't it be unnerving to put these two things together?

However, this did not prevent her from handing over this information to Su Han as a research report, pretending to be a wave, and then asking for research funding.

However, today's situation is the case.


This must be a dream.

What happened today can only happen if you are dreaming.

The boss, who has always been an illiterate occultist, suddenly showed a god-like talent for elemental magic, and he was able to recognize at a glance the data analyzed by the big witches who lost their crazy hair...

This kind of thing is absolutely false.

You must be dreaming.

I fell asleep while waiting for the boss who was like a pigeon, and now I am dreaming.

As long as he wakes up, he will return to the real world.

Yes, at that time, I will still be the number one genius in the world, and sometimes I have time to show off my knowledge in front of an occult idiot boss...

"I'm dreaming."

She couldn't help but make a sound.

Then, she met Su Han's eyes as if looking at the mentally handicapped.

"If you want to sleep, wait until all the research on this thing is reported before going to sleep."

"In order to come to you, I spent a long time reviewing the advanced math problems, and then taught Yatoshen Tohka to escape. I did not feel sleepy after reviewing the advanced mathematics all morning. What are you sleepy about?"

Su Han looked at the girl who seemed to be a little less awake, and stretched out his hand very bluntly, pinching the girl's fair little face.

In the severe pain of being pinched in the face, Irena completely woke up, and her beautiful dream was completely shattered.

"Don't you know everything?"

Irena covered her blushing face, and showed her beautiful little white teeth at a certain guy.

"Now that you know everything, what else do you ask?"

In response, Su Han pointed to the pattern that had been studied by a large number of witches, and shook his head.

"No, I don't know much about this thing."

This is real.

In ancient times, there were doctrinal wars.

After a heretic was captured, as long as they were baptized, they would be able to live to some extent, but heretics could only die.

This thing sounds outrageous, but it is not difficult to understand.

When the two armies are at war, it is not a big problem to recruit the enemy troops captured in the battle.

However, if a traitor is captured, imagine that the first reaction of most people is to chug directly.

Traitors must die.

Clearly, Judaism is a traitor to Catholicism.

A certain Jewish esoteric mustache had indeed preached to Su Han, but the Jewish esoteric priest had not spoken too much before he was brought into the icu by the Catholic priest next door.

The old man who also came to spread the teachings took a long time and a beautiful knife to build a piece of land to become a church. As a result, after the church opened, he saw someone preaching in his own parish.

According to what he said, if the missionary was Taoism, Buddhism, etc., he would probably discuss it and negotiate peacefully.

But that is the heresy of Judaism, a heretic spreading the esoteric sect of Rausch in his own parish...

He couldn't hold back and started.

Su Han didn't finish listening to Brother Beard's lecture, and the modern version of the doctrine war started.

As a result, the Catholic elder brother went to the police station, and the Jewish esoteric elder went to the hospital. The two of them were together on the red radiant land, stabbing each other's villains.

Because the esoteric elder brother entered the hospital too early and knelt before he finished teaching his own teachings, so Su Han didn't know much about Kabbalah's teachings, and he didn't plan to know more about it.

Today, however, the situation has changed.

Irena's information was found by Su Han asking Benjo Erya to investigate the history of the wizard village.

That is, it's something the ancestors of wizards studied.

The group of wizards who have been proved by the witches to have had a glorious civilization until their silent demise are still studying the power of Kabbalah.

So, what is the secret in this pattern that makes them care so much.

"Are you sure you're not playing with me?"

However, Su Han's speech obviously did not gain Miss Irena's trust.

At this moment, the witch who had begun to doubt her life was looking blankly at a guy who looked like a forbidden mage in disguise and said.

She felt that Su Han might be playing with herself.

"Do you think you need to pay 3,000 points and a future mine sharing agreement just to play with you?"

"I'm not that free."

The very heart-piercing words fell into Miss Irena's ears, making her expression soften a little.

Three thousand points is definitely not a small number.

In the group chat, it is enough to buy a gold rate that guarantees his lifelong wealth and prosperity. If you add a little more, you can also buy a stigmata that can directly obtain the power of the S-rank apocalypse knight after it has been developed.

Indeed, if you just want to play in the sense of the whole person, you don't need to pay so much.

If it's **** play...

Irena-san looked at a guy who was like steel and rolled her eyes in her heart.

There is absolutely no need to think about this aspect of this kind of straight, straight man with a woman's edge.

Speaking of which, are Kurumi and the others blind? They are looking at this guy.

To this day, I still don't quite understand the expressions of Irena, who have a favorable impression of the boy in front of Kuang San, Fei Jiu, and even Shizhai Erya.

This guy is really good-looking, but he is straight and sloppy, and he likes to have people work for him to run errands, where is it good?

However, after thinking about it, you still have to answer when it's time to answer the question.

After slandering the king's own boss, Irena thought for a while, and then placed her hand on the scroll.

"You call this tree Kabbalah, but the teachers call this tree the Tower of Babel."

"Tower of Babel?"

Su Han looked a little puzzled.

"There is an expectation to climb the tower called Kabbalah and challenge the authority of the gods."

In a succinct manner, Irena expressed her opinion.

"Challenge God's authority, what do you mean?"

Su Han, who could be called a **** so far, frowned and continued to ask.

In response, Irena just shook her head.

"As for the deeper parts, I don't know."

"After all, even with liquidated damages and performance bonuses, workers... ahem, teachers' efficiency will not improve after reaching the limit."

After listening to this, Su Han said nothing, just continued to look at the pattern that was dug up by Benjo Erya along with the elf spell, thinking.

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