Ah this...

At that time, Su Han, who had just said it casually, was stunned.

Not long ago, he asked Yu Xiao Miku to collect blood energy for himself, and then he also asked Irena to have tea tomorrow at a coffee shop not far from the blood energy factory and talk about things.

The former is conducive to the awakening of his dark eye, while the latter is related to his future retreat and fortune, as well as the improvement of his own esoteric literacy.

Many of the spells in Irena's worldview are very useful and can enhance his combat quality. Considering that Irena will have to mess with her next, he can probably get a boost for free.

In addition, he also went to test the effect of the elf spells he memorized by rote.

Next, he has to find a way to find a reversal elf, practice his hands, and improve his proficiency.

Honestly, it's a tough thing to do.

After all, in the entire dating world view, there are only a few reversal elves. With Su Han's own intervention, those reversal elves have no reason to reverse.

At such a time, finding a natural reversal elf is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

But Su Han himself is a half-elf.

His spiritual crystallization is a product of the system, and anyone can integrate it. So he can find a super unpleasant character, stuff him with the spiritual crystal, and then instill the memory of Benjo Erya's suffering into it.

The pain of the body being sliced ​​millimeter by millimeter, it is estimated that only the guy who can himself despair of human beings can guarantee not to completely reverse.

Therefore, it is not difficult to make a half-baked inversion wizard.

There is no doubt that Su Han, who has so many things to deal with, has no way to stay here.

Su Han looked at the girl who looked at him and said casually, but actually kissed her, and sighed.

What can he do, he is also desperate.

Cheap is also taken up, so it is not good to deny it like this.

"Okay, I won't leave next."

With the girl's delighted expression, the boy who was thinking about slipping away while Yatogami Tohka fell asleep opened his mouth.

This guy should be sleeping pretty soundly.

Sleep time should be enough to run a few rounds by yourself.

But then again, what should I do with this guy who is going to be in the same room as me next?

Su Han, who suddenly had an extra girlfriend, fell into thought.

According to what his elder sister once said, there are roughly two ways to raise a girlfriend:

One is to be raised as a daughter, and the other is to be raised as a pig.

In the face of sensitive, shadowy or timid types in the past, you must show your reliable side and give her a sense of security. This is the so-called daughter-raising.

If you encounter a type who likes to laugh and laugh, or is naturally over-the-top, unless you encounter major difficulties, you don't need to worry about it so much, just be a pig.

So, what should I do next to this girl who has become my female ticket inexplicably.

Su Han, who felt that Yatoshen Tohka did not fit the two types of templates described by his old sister, fell into thought.



An extremely indecent voice came from the belly of the purple-haired girl, and a little pitiful feeling rose on her pretty little face.

"Um..., is there anything to eat here?"

After being extremely nervous, the girl relaxed and finally realized her condition.

She probably couldn't understand anything about her boyfriend. She looked at her boyfriend with a little embarrassment on her face.

"I'm hungry."

Very good, according to pigs.

After getting the answer, Su Han looked at the girl who, in theory, had eaten before coming to his house, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You wait here...I'll get you something to eat."

After saying this, Su Han, who looked really masculine, quickly released his mobile phone and started ordering takeout.

Su Han is not a person who is good at cooking.

This is something that has already been explained, and the culinary field he is good at is probably only cooking instant noodles.

Since she is more or less a girlfriend, then naturally she can't take her to eat instant noodles.

So, order a takeaway that looks upscale.

While ordering takeout, it was very inexplicable, Su Han thought of a certain blue-haired girl who was still at the center of the incident even though she was not here.

Yatoshen Tohka tried her best not to let herself go, and Muramame Lingyin did not hesitate to sell her clan and teammates. These behaviors have something to do with her.

Recalling the past and recent experiences, Su Han, who had never been interested in Shiori Wuhe, had a rare flash of thought in his eyes.

"That guy, is the charm so strong?"

==========Dividing Line==========

On the other side, that is, the potential control center console of a certain battleship above the sky.

"The favorability score is 65.5, which is five points higher than a few days ago."

"The mental state of being yellow is not very stable, but it is not violent."

"—Well, all in all, everything is fine."

In the area with only two people, Murasame Reine's calm and somewhat relieved words came.

"It seems that as long as you take a little step forward, Master Bingjiu's affection for Tohka will exceed 70, which is really gratifying."

"So, the ice master, who could not be taken down by the old lady, was taken down by Tohka so easily?"

As if she was complaining about something, Miss Commander, with red double ponytails and a layer of black and red military uniform, complained while licking a lollipop.

In front of her field of vision is an enlarged screen.

In the past, the subject on the instrument that was always used to check the interaction between Shiori Gokawa and the elves was another existence.

It was a teenager.

Black hair and black pupils, fair complexion and even a little morbid, from time to time a little red black pupils are filled with astonishment.

That is the only male elf who has the titles of Glacial Master and lancer at the same time, and the only elf who can slaughter all the elf troops and even DEM people on the ground to death when he gets angry.

As the commander of Ratatosk, Kotori Gokawa didn't really want Shiori Gokawa to attack this elf.

The reason is also very simple.

Wuhe Shiori has the power of the seal spirit, and also has the power from the fifth spirit.

In ancient times in the far east and west countries, the Suzaku, the **** of beasts evolved from the stars, was enshrined.

It originated from the worship of ancient stars, and the gods representing the southern land of the sky, while symbolizing flames, have a legend of evoking souls and resuscitating the dead.

And the flame of the fifth elf has the power similar to the Suzaku in the myth, and long ago, the fifth elf was sealed by it, and the power was absorbed by Shiori Wuhe.

Therefore, even if Wuhe Shiori was injured by thunder and fire, ice penetrated into her body, or even her body was in a different place, she would not die completely, she would soon be nirvana in the flames.

This is why Wuhe Qinli allowed his old sister to run wild and even dared to force her to go to the front line.

She is immortal.


The so-called immortal body is also relative.

According to the information provided by Tobiichi Origami, the angel of the ice division is a long spear called "Black Abyss".

And that long spear with the ability of withering can directly decompose all substances, including random fields, in disorder.

Decomposition and Recovery...

Without a doubt, this is the worst phase.

Kotori Gokawa wasn't sure if Shiori Gokawa would be able to resist if the man called the Ice Master was angry.

However, if you want to save the elves, the ice slayer is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

He befriends Nightmare and Diva, is the nun's savior, and is regarded as an older brother by the hermit. If he doesn't kowtow and wants Shiori to seal all the elves, it can be seen as a joke. .

Therefore, she could only force an indifferent look and let Shiori Wuhe negotiate with him.

At this time, he could only believe in the charm of Shiori Gokawa.

However, I don't know what's going on. Although the ice master has been talking all the time, his favorability to Sister Shiori is quite touching.

For this reason, the analyst, Reine Murasame, tried to propose that the existence of the spirits try to carry out the strategy.

Although there is no seal between elves and elves, a good relationship means that they can communicate well, talk well, and even listen to their own opinions.

To be honest, this plan is not very reliable.

After all, there are only two elves in Ratatoskr, even if they can form a good relationship and become friends, but two friends who have known each other for a while, can they really persuade the belligerent ice master after a martial arts incident?

However, better communication is always a good thing.

Better to have a good relationship than to be seen as a hostile force and go straight to the Ice Age.

With the heart of taking Sima as a living horse doctor, Wuhe Shiori approved the plan.

And now the situation seems to be...

Surprisingly good.

"What is this, it's natural to be black?"

Miss Commander, who was also asked to try to have a good relationship with Su Han, looked at the scene on the screen and complained.

"It seems that I don't need to join in the fun at all."

"It can be seen that the affinity between Miss Tohka and Su Jun may be unexpectedly high."

Seeing Su Han's rising favor with Tohka Yato, a smile appeared on Murakami's face.

The situation on the other side was completely unfolded according to the expectations that I most wanted to see.

Su Han, who was targeted by the public, had a very close relationship with Shiori Wuhe's good friend Yatoshen Tohka.

When this kind of thing spread to Shiori Wuhe, it would definitely make her feel a little bit resistant to something like Raiders Su Han.

There are not no girls in this world who like to pry corners, but Shiori Wuhe is obviously not one of them.

Faced with Su Han who was so close to his best friend, how could Shiori Wuhe be willing to go further.

Next, I just need to guide the situation and tell Shiori that Su Han is basically harmless, so she will stop the strategy along the way.

But then again...

It's time to speed up the plan to make Wuhe Shiori elf.

It was very clear that the primordial elf that Su Han might leave this world in a year could not help frowning.

There are two plans she cares about now.

Spiritualization and True Ancestorization.

Among them, the true ancestor transformation plan that must have Su Han participate is a post-task of elves.

Under the premise that the important supporter of the true ancestor will disappear in a year, he must quickly send the last piece of spiritual crystal.

The primordial elf still holds the spiritual crystal representing the "crown" in his hand, and a little thought flashed in his eyes.

So, who in this world is best suited to be its fuser?

In Takamiya Mio's mind, a white figure appeared.

Chapter 45: Upcoming Experiments and Angel Origami

As a crumb witch, Miss Irena used to be pure and kind.

When you go out and meet a begging traveller, you will give alms.

When a child from a poor family sells a product that is useless to him, he will accept it with a smile at the market price.

Asked by poor people, they will only formally charge a small fee, and then happily help.

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