what? Was it a scam?

The girl who was as simple as a blank sheet of paper felt sweating all over her body.

In Tobiichi Origami's tutorial, it was said that the target of the strategy needs to be hidden in Anbu.

This is common sense for hunters.

Now everything about him has been fully discovered.

As a hunter, an idiot-level girl is anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

I clearly checked the strategy, but as soon as I contacted it, I was dug out. Even Yatoshen Tohka, who had almost zero life experience, knew how bad it was.

What to do next?

While the girl was racking her brains to think about how to explain the current situation, a hand was stretched out and placed in front of her.

"I think if it's just pure flickering, you shouldn't be so actively looking for it. Come on, what's the real reason for you to come here?"

Su Han looked at a guy who didn't ask himself, with pity in his eyes.

This little Hanhan probably doesn't know that he has been sold.

"What...why do you have to be close to me?"

"No, no."

The eyes of Yatojin Tohka, who was suddenly poked with the correct answer, gradually became erratic, like a child who secretly watched TV and was caught by his parents.

"If not, then go to bed early."

Very simply, the boy raised his eyebrows and said words that made Yatoshen Tohka's face stiffen.

"Next, I have to go to other cities to accumulate blood energy as energy, and lighten the energy supply load of the armament that can probably be called my angel - the thousand worlds."

"I won't live here in the future, I will remember to take care of myself, remember to have breakfast on time in the morning, and don't stay up all night or all night like an internet writer."

In the elements of the duel against Takamiya Mio. Apart from the wizard's physique and elf spells, the most important thing is the accumulation of blood energy.

As an awakened, but not fully awakened, half-baked Earl of Blood Prison, Su Han really needs a lot of blood energy as a catalyst to speed up his strengthening.

As the words fell, Yatokami Tohka's expression solidified as if being watched by Medusa's pupils. ,

She didn't know that Su Han was actually strengthening herself instead of charging in a thousand worlds...

However, she really cares about Su Han's whereabouts!

Su Han doesn't have a high opinion of humans, so he can only be attacked by the elves, and then use indirect influence to reduce the frequency of using power...

This is Muura Reiyin's advice to her.

To this end, Murasame Reine hopes that among the people who have been observed, the favorability is only lower than that of Yoshino, who seems to be raised by him as his younger sister, to build a good relationship.

The prerequisite for a good relationship is to spend a long time together. This is what Yatogami Tohka mentioned from the small book in Tobiichi's origami drawer.

But now, for Yato God Tohka, the worst thing has happened.

Others are leaving? ! !

If he leaves, how can I have a good relationship with him?

Yatogami Tohka, who was completely caught off guard, finally reacted. Like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, she jumped up and grabbed the corner of the boy's clothes.

"You, you can't go!!"


As if seeing something very strange, Su Han turned his head and looked at the girl who was trying to pull the corner of his shirt.

Yatoshen Tohka was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

However, she soon puffed up and shouted.

"Just can't go."

"My agreement with Shiori Wuhe was to wear it here for a week, and it didn't say it was a continuous week."

"What I do next is reasonable."

As if coaxing a child, the teenager stretched out his hand and patted the little head of the girl beside him.

Su Han has always held a heart of pity for Tohka, the God of the Sword.

After all, such a simple girl who looks like a blank sheet of paper suddenly encountered the neuropathy of Takamiya Mio, any task that was released as a neuropathy.

In addition, there are a lot of scenes with tricky shooting angles in the memory that Chong Gong Mio instilled in him, Su Han still has a high degree of favorability towards him, so he has pity.


He has to practice elf spells and collect blood energy next! !

How can there be time here to accompany Takamiya Mio Nahabi to fall ill?

"Good, wait for me to come back and bring you soy flour bread."

In the impression, as long as you hold the soybean flour bread, you can easily solve the young boy of Yatoshen Tohka, and his voice is a little doting.

Soybean flour bread is undoubtedly a very tempting thing for Yatojin Tohka.

However, at this moment, Tohka Yatoshen didn't miss that delicious taste at all.

This guy is leaving soon! !

He's gone, what's his next mission?

Like ants on a hot pan, Yatojin Tohka's mood is really like being burned by fire.

"Hey, don't you like me?"

In a completely joking tone, the boy spoke, speaking to the girl whose sexual orientation was obviously orange.

"After all, except for the relationship between father and daughter, brother and sister, only couples would hold on to the corners of their clothes like this before parting."

Such words are undoubtedly arbitrary.

It can even be said that it is a well-known monkey-like speech.

Pulling the sleeves of the opposite **** is an act, and adding some emotional definition to an act is definitely confusing.

There is no doubt that this was a speech made on the spot to let Toka Yatokami, who likes Ms. Shiori, let go.

At the moment when the words fell into Miss Tohka's ears, Yatokami Tohka instinctively wanted to let go.

As a girl like a blank sheet of paper, she has absolutely no understanding of social common sense.

But even so, she knew that the person she liked was Shiori.

If what that guy said is right, then it is undoubtedly unreasonable for him to hold the corner of Su Han's clothes.

Are you going to let go completely?

Miss Tohka was in an unprecedented panic.


Shiori Wukawa's tired face floated in her mind.


Shiori is still working hard to protect the spirit...

And he couldn't even help her solve Su Han?

Yatoshen Tohka's delicate little face was covered with a little gloom, and the strength of grasping someone's clothes did not increase but decrease.

"Except for relatives, only girlfriends are qualified to ask the other party to stay with you."

Seemingly aware of Miss Tohka's strength, the young man opened his mouth, frowned, and then spoke in a rather frivolous tone.

"If you keep pulling, I can only see that you want to be my girlfriend."

Speaking of which, the expression on the young man's face also took on a slightly fierce look, as if he was telling some stories, the young man spoke with a sinister voice.

"Don't underestimate a man's animal nature. If you continue to catch it, you will be slapped on the wall and then kissed until you can't breathe."

To deal with this kind of white paper child, this kind of remarks like coaxing a child should be enough.

Su Han thought so.


"That is to say, if your girlfriend is pulling your clothes and not letting you go, won't you go next?"

The girl's voice was a bit contradictory, as if lingering.

"From a general rational point of view, it is necessary."

Of course, the boy answered.


"Then I'll be your girlfriend!"

At the rare moment when Su Han showed a confused look, a slender hand grabbed his clothes and tugged it fiercely.

The two thin lips pressed down with stubbornness.

It's like a snowflake falling on the ice in an instant, but it has an unimaginable softness...

seems to be ok.jpg

Chapter 44 The sudden girlfriend and the elf corresponding to the crown

What does it feel like to be forcibly kissed by a beautiful natural girl?

If you open a call and enter this line of words, there will definitely be dozens of responses in an instant.

"Laxative, you're thinking about farting, hide it."

"Where did the landlord make aromatherapy or take imported melatonin? The quality of sleep at noon is so good."

"Let's go, let's go, I know the landlord, he's the child of my aunt's house next door, because four aliens have been mentally ill, and he is still recuperating."

However, now, it is such an outrageous event that even a certain call may not believe, and it is placed in front of Su Han.

Very moist.

The girl's extremely soft lips were clinging to her.

Probably because I hadn't eaten popping candy before, so I didn't feel like an electric shock as described in many novels. However, at this distance, the warm breath from the girl filled my eyes, and between each other, the rhythm of my heart intertwined at this time.

Su Han could even capture the girl's eyelashes curling up slightly, showing a graceful arc and slightly flickering pupils.

Does this guy really know what he's doing?

To this day, I still haven't figured out how Tohka Yatoshen suddenly jumped out of the words "Then I'll be your girlfriend". Su Han felt the warmth on his lips, and then subconsciously stuck out his tongue.

Su Han is a very greedy person.

In the collapsed world, Gray Snake's evaluation of it is that he is too greedy and easily tempted, but his self-control is higher, so he has not made any jokes about being greedy enough to swallow elephants.

However, being forcibly kissed by a natural and beautiful girl, this kind of development is a bit...



The girl who was suddenly attacked felt the tongue wandering between her teeth, her eyes widened, and her senses were stimulated like never before, so she didn't know what to do for a while.



Su Han made a pained sound.

His tongue was bitten.

Not knowing what to do, Yato God Tohka's choice was to bite.

In Su Han's pained voice, the girl loosened her teeth and took a step back, her red face looked very moving.

"Except for relatives, only girlfriends are qualified to ask the other party to stay with you. This is what you just said."

"Now, I am your girlfriend, so you are not allowed to leave next!!"

Before Su Han could say anything, the girl glared at him and said angrily.

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