In the Middle Ages, people drew cards to be promoted to nobility.

Chapter 454 Meeting with Characters in the Book

The numbering is wrong, this should be Chapter 282.

Kaer Morhen is where we spend the winter. We will gather here every year at this time and wait until the weather improves before we set off again to travel to various places to hunt monsters that were born due to the intersection of the celestial sphere.

Vesemir led the way, and the group walked through the overgrown atrium and arrived at the inner castle where many broken bricks had fallen off the wall.

The old demon hunter hesitated for a moment, then asked: You and the lady also came here when the celestial spheres converged, right?

Lothar gave an unclear hmm. The intersection of the celestial sphere in the world of the witcher can be briefly summarized as two ships sailing in a staggered way. Due to the collision, the people on the other ship fell over. In fact, it is a special kind of way of time travel, and it’s also a group time travel.

In the world of witchers, most of the intelligent life including humans, elves, vampires, monsters, came through when the heaven and earth met.

We are indeed from another world.

Lambert pushed open the door of the inner castle: Father Vesemir, don't talk about business in a hurry. We just came back from setting up traps outside. It's freezing. Let's go to the fireplace to warm up first. I It felt like my toes were going to freeze off.”

Lambert is a fairly handsome demon hunter, but the two scars on his face have left little of his handsomeness.

Seeing Lothar's eyes looking at his scars, he smiled and said, So, even with these two scars, I'm still much more handsome than Eskar, right?

Eskar was relatively calm. He didn't even say a word to refute, but just replied dully: Scars are a man's medal.

The scars on his face extend from the corners of his mouth to his ears. To put it in a harsher way, it means that he is one of the particularly ugly ones among the ugly people.

But you weren't as handsome as I was before you were disfigured. I bet you haven't even slept with the sorceresses. They like handsome guys like us the most.

Yes, indeed not, but that's because I am a serious demon hunter.

He looked at Geralt: I don't know how to hunt dragons, I don't know how to be brothers with the king, and I don't know how to provoke dangerous sorceresses at will - listen to me, this is what a serious witcher should do, hunt monsters, In exchange for a bounty.”

He raised his head and looked at the old man sitting on the recliner beside him: That's right, Vesemir, they have forgotten everything you taught them.

Actually, I wasn't very honest when I was young.

The gray-haired old demon hunter joked: But Eskar is right, this is what a serious demon hunter should do.

After he finished speaking, he added: Mr. Lothar, I don't understand why the lady wants us to train you. In my opinion, you don't need these at all. The dragon's breath and strong body are better than any sword skills. Used too much.”

But since the lady asked, we have no choice but to comply, so you may have a hard time during this period.

Lothar smiled bitterly: I understand.

Lambert put a heavy bucket of wine on the table with a bang: Let's have a good drink in preparation for the arrival of new friends.

Geralt frowned and said, This is just an excuse for you to drink. Don't forget, we have limited supplies.

While talking, a gust of draft blew in.

The dilapidated building made a whining sound, like a ghost crying and wolf howling, and the wooden door also creaked from being slapped.

You should make some repairs here so that you can live more comfortably.

When Lothar left Eagle Castle, it was still the spring season.

After arriving in the Holy Land, I have never experienced such a cold winter.

Vesemir comforted him: Don't worry, the house won't collapse, it's just a little cold.

Are dragons also afraid of the cold?

I belong to the fire dragon.

Lothar said casually, he snapped his fingers, and a flame ignited from the dry firewood in the fireplace. This was a spell that Anna taught him. It was rarely useful, but he never failed.

I just don’t know what the magic in the world of the witcher has in common with the magic in his world, except that they are all restrained by the magic gold. Maybe they are the same thing at all. After all, in this world, in the final analysis, it is him and Prajna. Created together.

Lambert sneered: Lotha is right, Kaer Morhen is a ruin made of broken bricks and tiles. Father Vesemir, I sincerely hope that we can find a new wintering place, even if I have to pay for it. This money.”

Vesemir said helplessly: Just think of it as being with me, an old man who is half buried in the ground.

Lambert let out a huh and stopped worrying about changing venues. Instead, he asked enthusiastically: Losa, what did you do before?

do what?

Yeah, it can't really be like the legend, guarding the magic node all day long, kidnapping one or two girls to keep them company when the mood comes, and then giving them gold and silver treasures when they are tired of playing, and letting them leave, right?

That's not true. I used to be a um, leader of troops in war.

Are you a noble?

Lothar responded half-jokingly: Yes, and he is also a fairly large noble. My territory is roughly equivalent to a small kingdom in your world.

Lambert said in a strange voice: Look, we are dining at the same table with a king.

Haha, except for Geralt, no one here has ever had such a decent time. Maybe Eskar almost did - yes, Geralt did too, but it was a pity that this incident almost cost him his life.

Geralt coughed slightly and said, Okay, don't go on. This is not an experience worth telling the guests.

Lothar thought, this is no secret. Geralt gained the king's respect for helping Temeria's sister-in-law king lift the curse of the princess who was cursed and turned into a vampire bird.

But he was later involved in the assassination of the king and almost lost his life.

Any homeless man on the streets of Jerusalem can explain this matter clearly.

Lambert distributed the wooden wine glasses to everyone and filled them up one by one: Cheers, for us to have spent another safe year, and for our indifferent place to have welcomed a new guest.

Lothar raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

This taste is much stronger than the light wine of the Middle Ages - Jeanne will definitely like it.

Not only wine, the world of the witcher is obviously more developed than his world, at least after the Renaissance. Many of the goods here were rare and best-selling items in the Middle Ages.

The book The Witcher in Lothar's hands originally played a role in guiding consumption.

Gwent, plate armor, and the popularity of the Kingdom of Jerusalem are all inseparable from the credit of this story. At first, he expected to make money by copying the book, but he did not expect that the book made no money, but the by-product helped him earn a lot more profits.

Unfortunately, he can't take anything from this world with him.

Nothing in the world of the witcher is real.

It can be said that the Lady of the Lake, the Golden Dragon, the Vampire, and the High Mage in the background story, none of them are stronger than Geralt, because Geralt is the more familiar character to people.

Therefore, the things here most likely have the same restrictions.

Eskar agreed with what Lambert just said: Geralt always gets involved in palace secrets. For this, he has caused himself a lot of trouble. That is not what a demon hunter should do.

Lambert paused slightly and added: Including sleeping with sorceresses, I can guarantee that Geralt of Rivia has had at least ten sorceresses with whom he had a one-night stand.

Lambert, you are really conservative.

Lothar, who knew the real answer, smiled and said nothing.


Geralt threw a tin flask: Shut your mouth. From the moment I saw you, you chattered like a fly. If even the wine can't stop your mouth, we will Go outside and have a sword fight.”

Lambert raised his hands: Okay, look, our famous White Wolf is angry. Of course little people like us don't dare to speak anymore. Next, let's ask Mr. White Wolf to introduce us to our guests in Kyle. Mohan—life in these stone ruins.”

Lothar sat aside and watched this scene with a smile.

To be honest, he was already looking forward to these ten days of special training.

It's a wonderful feeling to meet the characters in these books face to face, communicate like friends, and listen to them interrupt each other instead of a few programmed fixed replies.

Worthy of being a book fairy

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