In the dark tent, Prajna looked at the bound book on the table with an expressionless expression.

At this time, the book with a string of Latin letters printed on the cover was turning the pages quickly without any wind, and the words on it were constantly changing, emitting a light blue shimmer.

As if she saw something interesting, her mouth curled up, and her slender fingers poked the cheek of Lothar who was lying next to her. When she saw him frowning, she quickly retracted to observe Lothar's reaction.

The whole person looked like a fox who had stolen a chicken, extremely satisfied.

At this time, Lothar in the world of the book was knocked off the mountain wall by an Alder sign from the demon hunters.

He rubbed his shoulders and walked down from it. He looked at the stone wall with a humanoid mark and said with some depression, Geralt, this move of yours is too bad. We agreed that we were just going to practice swordsmanship, but you used it. Magic. If you do this again, I will spray dragon breath on you.

Something is wrong, absolutely wrong.

The strength of these demon hunters is too high. Even if they have undergone mutations and their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary people, they should not be so outrageous.

And their sigils, which in the original work were only auxiliary, were almost useless in their hands.

That is to say, he has fire immunity and high enough mental strength to be able to ignore the opponent's Igni and Yakxi sigils. Otherwise, under the attack of these three magic swordsmen, he may not be able to fight for even ten seconds. Make it through.

In short, each of these three demon hunters has combat power that is not inferior to Hans's normal strength, and their cooperation is extremely tacit, which is really tricky.

After several days of training, the time Lothar could sustain under their hands became longer and longer. Gradually, he could no longer even block and parry like before, but could also strike back unexpectedly.

But this group of people seemed to be making progress, especially the seals in their hands. Lothar wondered if they had hidden their clumsiness before.

Geralt smiled slightly: I don't know why, but the power of the seal has become stronger and stronger during this period - I think this is the power that the lady gave us because she wanted to sharpen you.

Eskar also said: That's right, Lothar, just accept it. It's better to accept it now than if we suddenly take it out during the assessment.

Okay, you're right, okay.

Lothar rolled her eyes, it must have been the same.

Time flies, and it’s already the tenth day in the blink of an eye.

After breakfast, a group of five people came to the competition ground in the atrium. Old man Vesemir stood with his arms crossed and solemnly said: Today is the last day, Lothar.

Lothar nodded and said, I'm ready.

Lambert joked: Madam said she wanted to test the results of our training on you today, but she didn't say when today. How about we warm up first?

No need, let's get started.

Suddenly, a soft female voice sounded from the half-collapsed tower.

Prajna was dressed in white clothes as snow, with a fairy spirit floating in the air. She looked at him with a smile on her head and eyebrows.


The demon hunters saluted one after another.

Then let's get started.

Lothar looked confident.

Eskar said with some worry: Losa's progress has been really rapid during this period, he should be qualified, right?

Geralt shook his head and said he didn't know either.

Lambert shrugged: In front of the lady, we can't let go. We can only hope that Lothar can survive it.

Prajna added: Use all your strength, there is no need to worry about the safety of your opponent, everything is guaranteed by me.



The eyes of the demon hunters looking at Lothar suddenly became dangerous, and they had no doubt whether Prajna's guarantee was reliable.

Can I do that too?

Lothar asked.

If he exerts all his strength, with the blessing of half-dragon transformation, and a Karelian Fire Dragon version of the dragon's breath, he can definitely carbonize these three demon hunters, and even the Quen Seal will not work.


Prajna paused slightly and chuckled: Of course not.

Lambert scolded: Hey Lothar, do you want to roast us all into steaks?

Lothar shrugged: I just asked casually.

Even if Prajna allowed it, Lothar had no intention of cheating. He was practicing swordsmanship to enhance his normal combat power, not those ultimate moves. If used, the meaning of training would be lost.

let's start.

After saying that, Lothar performed a plow posture that was both offensive and defensive. Faced with the siege of three master demon hunters with superb swordsmanship, choosing the offensive posture was undoubtedly courting death - but only defending without attacking was also a slow death.

As long as these three people get an advantage, they will roll it up bit by bit like a snowball, without giving Lothar any chance to fight back. Therefore, if they simply put on a defensive stance, Lothar can hold on for as long as possible. It's better to start offensively.

At least in the offensive mode, the demon hunters still have to worry about Lothar using his strong defense to exchange injuries for lives and forcibly exchange one of them.

The three of them surrounded Lothar, with Geralt taking the main attack, while Lambert and Eskar surrounded Lothar's flanks and behind.

Lothar had no choice but to retreat. Even if there was a rock wall behind him, which would greatly limit his movement, he could not be surrounded by these three people. He had no eyes behind him, so as long as he was surrounded, it would be useless to fight one against three.

After so many days of fighting, not only Lothar's understanding of their methods has increased, but the demon hunters also know that Lothar is immune to the effects of the Igni (fire) and Axi (confused mind) seals.

Therefore, Geralt came up with an Alder.

A powerful impact rushed towards Lothar.

Lothar raised his sword, and the sword was instantly filled with blazing flames. He directly swung his sword to block, and actually split the energy impact from the center.

The corners of his mouth curled up. During this period of time, he had been honing more than just his sword skills.

There are also these demon hunters who integrate the magic seal into their swordsmanship, and their dexterous and changeable magic swordsmanship.

You know, even though he is lame, he is also a wizard!

The sky is getting brighter.

Derim, who was about to leave the prayer room to attend the sword-awarding ceremony, happened to see Uldin leaving.

Father Uldin!

He subconsciously opened his mouth to shout, but after he finished speaking, he regretted it when he saw Uldin's meticulous face.

Judging from his appearance, Uldin did not look like an approachable person, which once brought great difficulties to his initial missionary work.

What's the matter, kid?

Can I go and listen to your sermon in my free time?

Of course, it's just that I rarely have free time.

Uldin smiled and pointed to the cassock on his body: After presiding over the ceremony, I will go to the wounded camp again, where there are still many wounded who need treatment.

Derem was so shocked that he was speechless: You mean, even you have to work in the wounded barracks?

Of course, we are all the people of Christ, what is the distinction between high and low?

Derem was silent for a moment, and he crossed himself devoutly on his chest - this time, it was piety in the true sense. From the bottom of his heart, he admired this bishop who had worked too hard and could not hide the toil between his brows. .

Only soldiers who have experienced life and death know the greatness of a doctor with superb medical skills.

Praise be to you, Bishop.

Uldin smiled and saluted back: May God bless you, child.

Derim looked at Uldin's retreating figure and shouted out of nowhere: Bishop Uldin!


The bishop, who was about to walk out of the temporary church, turned around, and the sun shone on his white hair. Although he was not equipped with any gold or silver jewelry, in Derem's eyes, there was an indescribable sense of holiness.

Can I go to the wounded barracks to see you after the ceremony?

Uldin nodded slightly and said with a smile: Of course, the Lazarus Order welcomes anyone to join.

Derem opened his mouth wide and hesitated: But, I mean

He had no intention of joining the Order of Lazarus. If his parents knew that he had become an unmarriageable Christian monk, they would definitely drive him out of the house even if he became a knight.

Ha ha.

A smile appeared on Father Uldin's stern face: Child, come on, there is no need to worry about being forced to become a monk. There are many informal members of the Lazarus Order, and some are even couples. , you will find the path to salvation here.”


Derem subconsciously remembered the full name of the order - the Redemption Order of Saint Lazarus.

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