That night.

The temporary church of the Order of Lazarus.

These simply dressed ascetics locked dozens of quasi-knights in prayer rooms and then left. They were going to the wounded barracks to continue rescuing the wounded who had been carried off the battlefield.

I thought this place would be filled with corpses or injured people dying.

Someone whispered.

Someone said: You may not know the Lazarus Order. They are all kind-hearted healers. They will not just leave the wounded here and let them rot and stink.

Yes, I heard that the priests of the Lazarus Order are good at using various herbs, just like the druids in Celtic mythology, they can heal various wounds.

The knights were whispering to each other, looking excitedly waiting for the sword awarding ceremony tomorrow.

Brothers, it's time for us to pray!

Someone reminded.

Everyone then became quiet and began to chant prayers in low voices.

Derem was also among these people. They knelt on one knee and prayed around the central shrine. Next to them were rings and shields with their personal coats of arms sent by the herald officer himself. The designs were all They designed it themselves.

The shield printed on Derem's shield is a camel. Compared with the lions, wolves, leopards, eagles and other beasts commonly used by these colleagues, it is a bit too plain, but Derem still persists.

As a desert nomad, no one knows better than Derem the importance of having a camel in the desert.

As for their weapons, they were all taken away by the monks when they came in.

Tonight, the monks will soak their weapons in holy water and pray, giving them invincible divine power on the battlefield. Tomorrow, they will be handed over to Lothar to give them again.

In the prayer room, soon there were only the pious or pretended prayers of the would-be knights.

In front of the shrine, there is a white cylindrical screen wall. In front of it, there are more than ten slender honey candles inserted. When the rushes are burning, bursts of smoke are emitted, making the screen wall dark. It must have been It's the end of the year.

Derem had never read the Bible and did not know what prayers to say when praying, so he had to repeat the oath of loyalty to Lothar over and over again.

He wanted to talk to others, but every knight looked extremely pious, and no one whispered to them. They were all wearing white linen robes and kneeling on the ground praying.

He felt so out of place with others.

After all, he only converted to the right faith due to formality. The priest who gave him baptism provided him with Holy Communion and even Orthodox leavened bread (Catholics use unleavened bread. This is a doctrinal dispute. It seems to be just a trivial matter. But it represents who has the orthodox right to speak).

He couldn't tell the difference between Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Copticism, and Apostolicism at all, let alone the undercurrent of struggle contained therein.

But in his opinion, Christianity was indeed worthy of his conversion.

He now recalled the scene of Marquis Lothar fighting the dragon, especially at the end, when the Marquis lifted up the so-called holy spear and penetrated the dragon's head, as if it was happening right in front of his eyes.

The miracles of Zoroastrianism that he had seen before were, at most, the imams pouring some black liquid into the fire during the memorial ceremony, which made the flames instantly become much higher - that's all.

Perhaps, after the canonization ceremony, he should hire a monk to teach him some theological knowledge so as to avoid making jokes about eating leavened bread again.

Asking the Knights of Ulm for advice is actually a good choice, but they already owe a lot of favors to Ulm.

Derem felt that if it were him, he would have been tired of it a long time ago. The Knight of Ulm is a fair and kind man. He might not be bored, but he would always go to the Knight of Ulm when something happened. Won't he look down upon you?

Tomorrow morning, it's time to accept the sword-giving ceremony from the Marquis.

Some people speculate that perhaps the generous adults will also give them a set of strong and gorgeous half-body plate armor. In this case, each of them only needs to purchase a few more accessories to form a complete set of indestructible plate armor.

But some people think that their imagination is too beautiful. It is the most fashionable plate armor at the moment. Even the most outstanding craftsmen have difficulty in imitating it. Only the blacksmith workshop of the Marquis in the world can produce high-quality armor.

Just one pair can be exchanged for several manors with fertile farmland.

Derem didn't have so many extravagant hopes. He just wanted to hold on to this hard-won title and get it firmly.

He recalled how the old Sheikh dealt with the cruel officials who recruited soldiers when the tribes still settled in Hijaz.

At that time, even the most insignificant petty official under Rauf could step on their heads and arrogantly demand that they must provide more or less additional taxes this year, or livestock of equivalent value. Then provide more or less horse-mounted soldiers and peasant soldiers to escort the baggage.

It was simply a bottomless pit with no hope at all.

Those who join the army because they have no connections and no sophisticated armor are often assigned to the most dangerous positions to die. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, they will not receive any reward or credit - one of his good friends once served on the battlefield. He killed a Crusader knight, but this credit was shamelessly stolen by his superior officer.

It's really nice here.

Derem sighed sincerely. As a foreigner, a Kurd who had previously believed in Zoroastrian paganism, he had a particularly profound understanding of Knight Commander Jeanna's speech today.

Maybe it's too tired.

Derem gradually fell asleep. In his sleep, he was wearing a bright red cloak and mirror-like silver plate armor. He was invincible on the battlefield. In the envious eyes of countless people, he was personally canonized as a lord by the Marquis. .

His brothers were also knighted by him after the war.

When he returned to the tribe, Lao Shehe patted himself on the shoulder, smiled from ear to ear, and praised: I knew you would be able to do great things!

He also smiled and responded: Shehe, I said you can't get the wrong person.

This dream was so beautiful that Derem felt very annoyed when he was woken up.

woke up?

Opposite him was a clergyman with a serious face and a very awkward look on his face. He was wearing a large cassock with no extra decorations, but it could still be seen at a glance that it was definitely not something that a low-level clergyman could wear.

On the side, some fellow knights looked at him with ridicule.

Oops, I fell asleep while praying.

Derem, who understood what had happened, was panicked and frightened, and hurriedly said: Father in heaven, dear monk, please forgive me for being distracted in this sacred place. I must admit that this was my mistake.

There is no need to worry. The purpose of praying is to get closer to the Father. In this holy place that is closest to the Father, we can feel the radiance of the Father. It is not a formulaic way of staying up all night to pray endlessly.

This priest who looks very rigid and strict is surprisingly easy to talk to.

Someone introduced him in a low voice afterward: That is the bishop of the Diocese of Alandele, the founder of the Order of Saint Lazarus, the most trusted theological master of the Marquis, the most respected good man by the poor people of Jerusalem—— Bishop Uldin!”

Derem was immediately in awe.

In his simple values, people who are kind to the poor are definitely good people, because it is difficult for them to gain any benefit from this process.

Kaer Morhen.

Lothar's opponents went from one to three.

Geralt, Eskel and Lambert are the three remaining young swordsmen of the Wolf sect.

The pressure on him was increasing, and beside him there was an old demon hunter standing with his arms crossed, always ready to intervene in the battle. He was the mentor of the three young demon hunters, and the oldest among the existing demon hunters. The character - Vesemir.

He had a lot of scars on his body. If he hadn't activated the cast iron body given to him by the Earthly Dragon, and activated the blood waterfall to forcibly improve his physical fitness, he would have been besieged to death with a high probability.

That's enough, stop.

A female voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound.

Geralt asked confused: Madam?

he is my friend.

The woman standing on a ruined tower said expressionlessly.

I hope he can undergo a period of special training here. You are responsible for teaching him more advanced combat skills. I will return here in ten days and take him away. At that time, I will test your results.

Yes, ma'am.

The demon hunters responded respectfully.


Before Lothar could speak, Prajna disappeared without a trace - well, it seemed he was still angry.

So, I can only stay here for ten days according to Prajna's arrangement? What should we do about the knight canonization ceremony tomorrow? Or is it that ten days here are equivalent to one night outside?

So, what do you call it?

Vesemir spoke.

Losa von Habsburg, just call me Lothar.

Lothar paused slightly and asked, What is that lady's relationship with you? Do you all know her?

A lady is a lady.

All the demon hunters spoke vaguely.

Lothar raised her head, looked at the real sunshine, felt the cold wind passing through the hall, and smiled helplessly: Okay, a lady is a lady, I hope we can spend a good time in these ten days.

Vesemir didn't know whether to say, Maybe.

There was a smile in Lambert's voice: It may be a very bad period of time. It is not an easy task to pass the special training of the few of us. Didn't you hear that in ten days, the lady will test us? of results.”

However, Lothar, you are indeed very capable. Although your swordsmanship is average, your physical fitness is really strong. My seal seems to have no effect on you at all?

Lothar smiled bitterly.

Later, he was basically surrounded, suppressed and beaten by these three people.

His expert level swordsmanship was simply unable to cope with the siege of these three people. It was too far behind. Prajna really thought highly of himself and actually had to pass the special training of the three of them. He felt that ten days was not enough time.

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