
One by one, the Mamluk cavalry who were unable to retreat crashed into the standing black shield.

The blood left a series of ravines on the shield wall.

A drop of blood followed the pattern on the shield and landed on the mouth of the ghost-faced relief - its eyes moved imperceptibly, and the tongue on the edge of its mouth quickly licked the blood into its mouth.

The ghost-faced relief squinted its eyes, showing an expression of enjoyment.

It didn't dare to go overboard and could only sneak a few bites from time to time.

The weak souls floating in the air, as long as they get a little closer, will be carried by the dark wind and sucked into the mouth of the ghost-faced relief.

Before going into battle, Lothar had already told this guy not to make the scene too ugly. Otherwise, the circle would not even be able to return to the circle - if others knew that his subordinates were all vampires, werewolves, and evil spirits.

How can Lothar's magic stick trick continue?

His purpose in bringing down Saladin was not to replace Saladin and fight a fierce battle in his own territory with the Crusaders led by the three emperors in the future.

What is this guy's background?

My heart-breaking move clearly hit this guy, but he just paused for a moment and then resumed his movements.

Is it possible that there is a giant dragon hidden under his human skin?

Mudrij waved his cane.

Saladin unconsciously covered his ears, and the terrifying screams were like countless evil spirits wailing in a disorderly manner from a perspective invisible to people.

The mount on his crotch was pacing back and forth uneasily, and some of the Kasagi guards were looking around frequently.

If you look at it from a spiritual perspective, you can see evil spirits that look like skeletons, dragging their bodies like smoke, passing through the Kasaj guards.

Ordinary people cannot see them.

Their state of existence is more like Fringilla's description of the vampires in this world, full of rotten stench.

In fact, there are a lot of mortals who would be happy to have sex with a vampire woman.

They are definitely not evil spirits transformed from the souls of the living under normal circumstances.

Instead, Mudriji used his own magic to raise monsters similar to day demons using the souls of the living as nourishment.

It is completely different from the evil spirits that people think of.

I saw these evil spirits speeding across the battlefield. They were not afraid of the midday sun or the majestic blood of the fighting soldiers. They were like an army mixed with Mamluks, and they were heading towards Lothar.

In Mudrij's eyes, Lothar was not only the leader of the Crusader cavalry, but also the master of the holy spear.

This artifact, which is full of divine power, has a very obvious restraint effect on him. This is a good thing, otherwise he would not covet the holy spear, but this is also a bad thing. The fire dragon can withstand Lothar's shot. He just suffered moderate injuries. If it were him, he would most likely be shot, and most of his life would be gone.

In Lothar's spiritual vision, countless terrifying spirits mixed among the Mamluk cavalry were roaring towards him.

These guys were very cunning. They could sense the oppression of the ghost-faced shield from a distance, so they scattered one after another. Some even got mixed up with the Crusader cavalry, bypassing the shield wall and rushing towards Lothar.

Lothar was now free from the shackles of Muldrich's spell. As a dragonborn, he had high magic resistance. Coupled with the luck of the black dragon, which exempted him from some spell effects, Muldrich had been brewing a killing move for a long time. It was directly weakened into a binding spell.

But most of his strength has been spent on the Holy Spear. At the moment, there is really no good way to deal with these evil spirits.

give it to me.

Prajna's voice was very low, but it reached Lothar's ears clearly.

I saw her softly chanting the ancient mantra: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

On the giant shield wall in front of Lothar, the black grimace suddenly froze. Its upper and lower mouth slowly opened, revealing a path to hell in the black hole of the mouth.

The dark land, the dim spring water, and the moss-covered stone bridges on both sides of the river.

Ivan's mouth opened in surprise.

He couldn't see the tide of evil spirits. In his eyes, this shield wall was clearly going to send them into boundless purgatory.

This is the road to hell!

Baron Fulk's face was full of panic and regret: The punishment for disobeying God's will has come. If we continue to move forward, we will fall into hell forever and never receive salvation. Listen to my Ivan, we It’s time to withdraw.”

Above the head, Shemaier was sitting on the dragon's saddle, with a helpless smile on his face.

He murmured in a low voice: Mudriji--hey, I've underestimated you.

The fire dragon hovered in the air, its eyes full of ferocity. As a high-level dragon species and the overlord of the skies in Scandinavia, when had it ever been bullied like this? It vowed to burn these cunning insects to death.

Even if Shemeier doesn't allow it, it must take revenge, otherwise how can it wash away its shame?

Seemingly feeling the fire dragon's strong desire for revenge, Shemeier patted the fire dragon's head gently: Your intention of revenge has long been seen.

The fire dragon roared in response.

Shemeier looked down at the army of evil spirits surging like a tidal wave, and sighed: How could I leave you here and leave alone? You are right, there will never be a better time than now. A chance for revenge.

He has a giant dragon, can attack from a high position, and has strong mobility. Even if he loses, he will have Mudrij on his back - there is no way that such a sinister guy who engages in necromancy can also dabble in space magic, right?

The risk has been reduced to a minimum.

Go down, man, prepare to use your breath to send all these Franks to purgatory!

Shemaier's body was surrounded by a terrifying magical aura.

I saw a thunderbolt flash past.

In the desert, the rarest thunder comes one after another.

The fire dragon's mouth condensed with extreme heat, causing the surrounding air to become distorted by the scorching heat.

The army of evil spirits surging from the ground, as soon as they got closer, were sucked into it by the hell door controlled by Prajna.

But the sound of a thunderbolt made Lothar immediately raise his head.

The body of the fire dragon is getting closer and closer.

Lothar, who also possesses dragon breath, cannot fail to recognize that this is a precursor to the fire dragon's imminent breath - this kind of dragon that is higher than the tyrannical dragon, once its breath is completely released, these crosses around him will The army cavalry may be defeated in an instant.

But seeing the dragon getting closer and closer, the Crusader cavalry did not feel much fear.

They all looked at Lothar in unison, and led by some knights of the order, they shouted enthusiastically and excitedly: The Holy Spear kills the devil!

O God's will, exert your divine power again!

Santa Rosa!

People finally shouted the name.

Some knights of the order even categorically declared: The Almighty and All-Knowing Father, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. He was born as a human to save the world. He returned to heaven on the third day of his crucifixion, and will return to earth again in the future.

Marquis Lothar is the new Holy Son!

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