You really have confidence in me.

The shadow cast from the top of his head was getting closer and closer, and Lothar could clearly see the soft scales on the belly of the Karelian fire dragon, like the gaps between flowing lava. The light was getting brighter and brighter, and even the air he breathed into his mouth was shining. Getting hotter and hotter.

He took out a bottle of dark blue, viscous potion that resembled Blue Moon from his arms, unscrewed the cork and drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

Is it more important to have the most elite army in one's hands, or to maintain one's image of the Holy Son?

This is not a difficult choice for Lothar.

Lothar suppressed the thought of retching. This mental recovery potion made by Anna was easy to use, but the taste was really bad.

His mental energy, which was on the verge of drying up, reappeared. At the same time, triangular dragon scales began to appear on Lothar's body surface under his armor, and the shadow of an illusory black dragon stretched out from his back. rise.

But the giant dragon above his head was obviously not frightened by the phantom released by Lothar.

It opened its bloody mouth, and the hot dragon flames filled with anger condensed in its throat.

Jean, stop that dragon!

Lothar shouted.

He is still recovering his strength. No matter how fast the mental recovery potion takes effect, it cannot be instantaneous. In other words, it is impossible for him to recreate the wave situation with the black dragon.

Before Lothar could speak, Jeanne had already made a move.

She knew that the only one she could rely on now was herself.

She raised the holy spear in her hand high, and the golden light illuminated her whole body like an angel from myths and legends.

The special effect of Kungunir's holy spear that is sure to hit makes the Karelian Fire Dragon that is being targeted feel a threatening feeling like a ray of light on its back.

But one after another, the fire dragon's reason has long been washed away. It has only one thought in its mind now, and that is to pour the dragon flames that it has been brewing for a long time and interrupted several times on these humble insects below!

Knight Jeanne can actually use the Holy Spear?

Did Lord Lothar give Jeanne Knight the duty of guardian of the holy spear?

In brilliance.

Jeanna could vaguely see golden wings of light appearing behind her. The terrifying blessing of the sacred body made the power of the holy spear in her hand far beyond that in Lothar's hand.

But Shemeier on the back of the fire dragon is not a vegetarian.

Although he was shocked by the momentum of the holy spear in Jeanna's hand, the movements of his hand were unambiguous at all. One defensive circle after another, like translucent egg shells, completely surrounded him and the fire dragon. The blind spots were all covered.

Go ahead and unleash your anger.

Master Shemeier murmured in a low voice.

The fire dragon, which had been holding back its anger, would certainly not hesitate. After brewing, the power was even more terrifying than the ordinary dragon's breath. The terrifying flames that could completely melt away the sand and stones on this battlefield roared out from its mouth. .

The flying holy spear penetrated layer after layer of magic shields.

Shemaier gritted his teeth, and the staff he waved in his hand controlled all the magical auras in all directions. The abundant magic fluctuations turned into strong winds, making his hair and clothes dance wildly.

With half a foot in the legendary realm, he devoted all his energy to defense at this moment. Even Jeanne, who had already used her sacred body, could not penetrate this barrier in a short time.


Terrifying flames suddenly exploded in the sky.

Like a sudden rising firework, it is full of shocking beauty.

Followed by the dragon's angry roar.

Compared with the huge fire dragon, a figure as small as an ant slowly landed in front of Lothar.

Lothar's eyes widened.

I saw the dusty Chelinina, her cheeks, clothes, and shoes were covered with dust. She looked extremely miserable, but her amber eyes were still full of the wildness and unruly nature of the wolf tribe.

At that moment, Chelinina rushed to the battlefield in time, threw the magic-blocking golden dagger in her hand, and broke a crack in the magic barrier that was almost penetrated by the holy spear. The invisible wind-controlling sword energy, Along this crack, it scraped onto the giant dragon.

It left a tiny scar that was insignificant to its huge body.

But it was this innocuous minor scar that triggered the effect of Cellinina's chokehold, causing the dragon's flames that were about to be spit out by the fire dragon to die out again. It even triggered the fire because the time was stuck too well. A self-destruction.

Sure enough, heroes always come to the rescue at critical moments.

Lothar said with some laughter.

He didn't expect Cellinina to come from Gaza in such a short period of time. According to the communication in the double-headed eagle crest, a fierce battle on her side should have just ended.

It was a long and dusty journey to get here, not to mention it was too hard, and it was also a question of how much combat power was left.


Cellinina's body was shaky as she stood there, and a double image even appeared in front of her eyes.

Lothar rushed forward and caught Cellinina.

Okay, let's leave it to us.

Lothar picked up Chelinina's somewhat thin body. He raised his head and looked at the fire dragon above his head. On the secular battlefield, they already had an absolute advantage. To win this war, they only needed to get rid of the fire dragon. enough.

In the camp, Fringilla, who had once again accumulated strength, raised her hand and threw the red ball of light into the sky.

Not far from the battlefield, on the castle that was on the verge of being scrapped under the bombardment of Saracen trebuchets, the gargoyles squatting on the top of the castle that acted as drains suddenly moved.

The surface stone skin is cracked layer by layer.

This kind of guardian beasts called gargoyles spread their wings at this time. Given life by Fringilla's blood spell, they immediately turned into war machines that were not afraid of life and death, and flapped their wings towards them. The fire dragon pounced.

Prajna held up a black shield. Under his skin as white as snow, there seemed to be small snakes scurrying around. Those vicious spirits that were sucked into the ghost gate had their last resentments and curses before they were swallowed by the ghost-faced shield. On her body.

This kind of power that doesn't seem to have any special performance, but is actually extremely dangerous and can kill people invisible, makes Prajna's condition plummet at this time.

Saladin looked at Mudriji next to him, a magician from an African tribe. At this time, his eyes were completely dark, not even the white of his eyes was left. The whole person looked extremely weird.

He gritted his teeth and carefully maintained the delicate balance of power in his body.

On the one hand, he wants to use the power of the evil god to obtain the holy spear.

But on the other hand, he was worried that the power of the evil god would corrode him beyond a certain limit, reaching the point where even an artifact full of divine power, such as the Holy Spear, could not purify him or could only purify him along with it.

The anger in the fire dragon's heart at this moment, if it could be condensed into substance, would be enough to burn the entire world!

It has never had such a humiliating experience since its birth.

Its breath was interrupted again and again. In its eyes, humans as despicable and weak as insects dared to challenge its majesty like this.

It crashed into the crowd like a meteorite falling from the sky.

While it was knocked upside down, its golden vertical pupils looked at Lothar and Cellinina in his arms - these two people were the culprits of all the humiliation it experienced!

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