I'm going to lose.

Saladin was riding on horseback, his fine scales shining with golden light.

He sighed softly. There was not much joy or anger on his face, but the fingers tightly gripping the reins still betrayed his mood.

He is a usurper.

He needed a great achievement recognized by the entire Zoroastrian world to stabilize his loose dynasty. He did not want the territory he had conquered to be shattered into countless pieces like the Abbasid dynasty after his death.

This is also the reason why after he usurped the Fatimid dynasty, he began to vigorously support the Sun Zoroastrianism and suppress the Shiite Zoroastrianism that was originally popular in Egypt.

The undercurrents within such a large Ayyubid dynasty have long been turbulent. Saladin does not think that any of his sons can continue to stabilize this dynasty like himself.

But now, defeat seems to be doomed.

Given his age and the injuries that have continued to recur over the years, this may be the last jihad (jihad) he is capable of launching to regain the Holy Land.

He raised his palms and put them in front of his eyebrows, looking up at Master Shemeier and his dragon.

They have flown to the edge of the battlefield.

According to his understanding of Shemeier, this guy probably won't take action again. After all, he is just a mercenary who collects money to do things. It's okay to fight with the wind, and he didn't expect them to fight desperately for him.

Mudriji came to him at some point, and his voice was very low: King Saladin, do you think you still have a chance to make a comeback?

Saladin glanced at him with some surprise and whispered: The Chinese infantry has been unable to attack for a long time, and the victory is still difficult to determine. The morale of the cavalry on both wings has been dampened, and it is difficult to defeat the Frank cavalry. As long as the Frank cavalry frees up its hands, the Chinese army will be defeated. It’s close at hand.”

The confidants nearby who heard these words showed shocked expressions.

You are honest.

Mudriji was also a little surprised and used the honorific instead.

How about we make a bet?

What bet?

Mudriji looked up at the giant dragon hovering above his head: Bet Shemeier won't stop here.

Saladin glanced at him doubtfully: What's the explanation?

Mudrich said softly: You don't know something. The Karelian Fire Dragon has a violent temperament and is the most vindictive. It has suffered such a big loss. No matter how much Shermail tried to persuade it, it would not be able to let Frank go. people.

Just a beast, can it influence Master Shemeier's thoughts?

Saladin chuckled.

He thought to himself that he was very accurate in judging people. Shemeier seemed to be a better talker than Mudriji, but in fact he was an extremely selfish and arrogant person at heart. How could he hook up with him for a beast?

Searching the world, it is difficult to find a few people like Master Salman who are willing to fight to the death for their employers.

Mudriji sneered, and the laughter was full of sarcasm: In the eyes of you and me, they are just beasts. But in the eyes of Schemail, they are close friends and brothers. He does not care about the lives of slaves like Thorle. But he definitely cares about his dragon.

So, as long as I take action to attract firepower, he will definitely be willing to coordinate the attack.

Saladin was stunned for a moment and said quickly: Are you willing to take risks?

Mudriji smiled and said: King Saladin, in our tribe, there is a proverb that if you want to eat meat, how can you not take risks?

Saladin was silent for a moment and said with some emotion: I didn't expect you to be so talkative.


Mudriji laughed at himself: It's just that the benefits are attractive. To tell you frankly, I have taken a fancy to the holy spear of the Franks.

Originally, he just wanted to be a mercenary, bullying mortals in exchange for some materials from Saladin.

Later, I discovered that there were also powerful spellcasters among the Franks, so I had the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of the situation and tried to contribute as much as I could. On the one hand, I could not destroy my own brand, but the most important thing was to protect myself.

But now, looking at it, this Frank actually has the life-saving artifact he has been looking for for a long time!

This leaves him no choice but to take advantage of the situation.

Mudriji comes from a small tribe in the Horn of Africa. They have believed in the ancient crocodile god for generations.

Until one day, his tribe was attacked and destroyed.

The men of the entire tribe were almost exterminated, and the women and children were incorporated into the new tribe.

They were also forced to convert to a new god.

A new god of great evil.

The human sacrifices He requires are ten times more than those of the Crocodile God, but at the same time He will also give his believers stronger power.

This allows his new clan to always win the final victory in clan conflicts.

But the new gods demanded more and more human sacrifices. The new tribes almost emptied out all the tribes in the area, but they still could not satisfy the new gods's growing greed.

So, finally one day, people from the new tribe began to attack their own people.

Mudriji escaped from the tribe at this time, because as a new member, he had made some achievements even after a few years, and his status was not as good as those of the old people.

Sooner or later, the target of sacrifice will take his turn.

He ran away.

But the worst thing is that the power of the evil god still remains in him.

He once thought that a mere tribal god could do nothing to him, but as time went by, he found that the power of the evil god remaining in his body became more and more powerful.

Even the stronger the power he possesses, the more powerful the evil god becomes.

He finally realized that this so-called tribal god had used him as a container to hold his divinity.

His body had long been eroded by the power of the evil god. He originally thought that it was because of his extraordinary talent that he mastered some lost spells one after another. Who would have thought that every gift from fate has been secretly revealed? The price is marked.

In a daze, Mudriji remembered the day he escaped from the tribe.

The tribesmen, all naked and holding spears, stood on the slope at the edge of the oasis, looking down at him. They didn't say a word, and they didn't pursue him with weapons. They just stared at him with a strange look. he…

Mudriji dismissed the distracting thoughts from his mind.

A low voice of incantation sounded.

The vicious curse, like a poisonous snake hidden in the darkness, was invisible and spread towards Lothar, who was leading his troops to kill in the crowd.

For a moment, Lothar felt a chill on his back, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice hole. His movements became extremely slow, and he was almost slashed in the neck by the enemy in front, but the eclipse on his crotch was not affected. The impact, a collision, knocked the enemy in front of him off his mount.

Someone is plotting against you!

Prajna is concise and concise.

She drove her mount and came to Lothar. The black shield in her hand instantly expanded into a giant tower shield more than three meters high. Like an insurmountable high wall, she shoveled into the gravel and covered Lothar with her crotch. The solar eclipse was all blocked behind him.

This was the first time she had so clearly displayed her extraordinary power on the battlefield.

From among the densely packed soldiers, her eyes immediately locked onto Mudriji, who was dressed in black robes.

The masked Mudriji broke out in cold sweat for a moment, as if he was being targeted by a natural enemy.

That's different from the Holy Spear, an artifact that restrains the divine power within one's body.

The holy spear only has attribute restraint, but the opponent's power is clearly somewhat similar to his own.

Mudriji felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But at this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired.

The sacred relics of Zoroastrianism cannot eliminate the power of evil gods, and some of the relics of ancient gods that are still alive today are even more mutilated and pitifully weak. He has no choice.

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