Inside the house, Fang Duo looked worriedly at Li Lianhua to check Fang Xiaoqiao's pulse, Li Lianhua frowned, and only after a long time did she speak: "Although Xiaoqiao has martial arts, she is eager to save people's hearts, and when she blocked that boulder for me, she didn't seem to have time to protect herself..."

"You don't have to worry too much, you take this recipe to help her grab the medicine and boil it for her to drink. "

Okay!" Fang Duozhi immediately took the prescription and ran out.

"Wait, I'll give her an injection right now to help her heal her injuries on her own, it's best not to let anyone come in and disturb her!" Li Lianhua added, her eyes never leaving Fang Xiaoweak's face.

Fang Duozhi didn't want to think about it, so he patted his chest and agreed: "I'll find someone to help you watch, and I will never let anyone in! Don't worry! I'll go get the medicine back right away!"

Li Lianhua nodded, closed the door after seeing Fang Duo get sick, and immediately helped Xiao Liang to sit up, he looked at her closed eyes, and gently helped her stroke the broken hair that fell off her forehead, and the moment her fingers touched her skin, she shook like an electric shock. Li Lianhua tried her best to take a deep breath to adjust herself, and that indescribable emotion was bursting in his chest, mixed with deep guilt. He Li Lianhua is just a dead man, and he must not be tempted by anyone, he laughed self-deprecatingly, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and immediately helped Xiao Lian to sit upright.

Xiaoqiao's internal injuries were too serious, and the impact of the boulder smashed her internal organs, and she completely lost consciousness, so she could only use Yangzhou to slow down.

Only with the help of Yangzhou's slow, 'victory slow', 'Langzhou's slow', the world's most rigid to yang's internal force, to help her own internal force to operate, otherwise just by taking medicine, it will definitely be useless.

Li Lianhua looked at Fang Xiaoweak with mixed feelings, but Fang Xiaoweak didn't know it.

She was still complacent in the system at this time, wanting to use this opportunity to study her skills and attributes. She has always felt that the 700 light power value is completely useless for her, dreaming that it would be good if she could give it to other places, and now she really got the opportunity to reset her skills, and she really understands me and is not my system!

After receiving the reward, in order to grasp this opportunity, she first went to the task bar to check it first, only to see that it was written with four big characters [Guanyin weeping].

'Guanyin weeping'?" Fang Xiaoqiao thought to himself. It seems that the system wants her to get Guanyin to cry next, but even if she really gets it first, she can't beat the sound of Di Fei... Besides, this Guanyin is crying, whether it can detoxify Li Lianhua is also unknown, and whether Li Lianhua is willing to drink it is even more a problem.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh that Di Feisheng was actually a good person who had gone astray, to be more rigorous, he was a ruthless and transparent person, which Fang Xiaoqiao actually admired him. She has been crawling in modern society for 18 years, and she has been bullied and betrayed at school, and she likes to watch the kind of plot that shows no mercy to bad guys. Li Lianhua thinks about others everywhere and sacrifices herself, which should really be learned from Di Feisheng.

Di Feisheng is a tendon in his brain, just thinking about competing with Li Xiangyi, but he is also the person who knows Li Lianhua best. Confidants are hard to find, and when Fang Xiaoqiao watched TV, he was very envious of this 'threesome'.

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Xiaoqiao touched his chin, then I just need to find a way to blend into this tomb, and the first thing to touch that Guanyin weeping is it, and the plot behind it, just let it be. She can help, and if she can't, she can... Only...

Life is not easy, blame yourself less, blame the system more, put a bad mentality together, the whole person is a lot happier, you know, there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up, hard work may not have results, but not hard work must be very comfortable. After eighteen years of hard work, she didn't want to live too seriously after crossing over!

She nodded in agreement with the crooked reasoning of her messy life, and she couldn't wait to give Li Lianhua a little bit right away.

Back to the system attribute panel, she clicked on it, remembering the direction of the plot, Li Lianhua will soon meet his first love Qiao Wanmian, the first beauty in the rivers and lakes, and she is also the predecessor who holds hands with Xiao Zijin, she inexplicably began to become popular!

So, the intelligence value is 90, the sensory value is 70, the light skill value is 700, the force value is 300, the luck value is 50, and the charm value is 680.

Fang Xiaoqiao added 400 attribute points to the charm value in one go! The system is 700

gold coins, and the healing level is three, indicating that you need to consume 1 blue bottle, and the healing ability is increased by 300%; stealth two levels, prompting the need to consume 1 blue bottle, and the maintenance time is 1 minute; the time reversal is two levels, prompting the need to consume 1 blue bottle, reversing for 10 minutes; and finally there is a chance to reset the attribute points.

After calculating, Fang Xiaowan smiled with satisfaction, and suddenly felt a soft and slender internal force coming from the outside world, as if she was gently trying to wake her up! I didn't think well, it was Li Lianhua who used internal force to give her a slow loss in Yangzhou

! I knew that Li Lianhua would definitely feel guilty because she sacrificed herself to save him! She stopped procrastinating, and immediately spent 50 gold coins to buy a blue bottle in the mall, and used the third level of healing on herself.

In only 0.1 seconds, the external injuries and internal injuries on Fang Xiaoqiao's body all magically disappeared! She was surprised and surprised, the third level of healing was so powerful, so if she wanted to detoxify Li Lianhua after reaching the full level, it would not be a matter of minutes and seconds? If the system had a face at this time, it would definitely give Bai Fang Xiaoqiao a hard look, who just looked down on its ability?! Li Lianhua was working for Fang Xiaoqiao, and at the same time, she was puzzled to find that Xiaoqiao's internal injuries had

all recovered in an instant! He didn't even have time to be surprised, he saw that Fang Xiaoqiao had already opened his eyes and turned around, looking at him

face to face: "Li Lianhua, are you healing me with guilt?" Li Lianhua was dumbfounded, Fang Xiaoweak's face was too close, and he had to sit far away to hide his embarrassment, and said: "That's not called guilt, that's called the benevolence of the doctor! Fang Xiaoweak, how are you? Huh~? How are you doing? Come on, show me again! Just now I was so seriously injured, I thought you were going to hang up!" Li Lianhua tried to hold Fang Xiaoweak's wrist and check her pulse again, Fang Xiaoqiao fled in all directions, and finally couldn't survive Li Lianhua, so he had to obediently stretch out his hand.

Li Lianhua immediately thought of the injury on Shuntian's foot, and it was the same feeling, not so much 'healing', it would be more appropriate to describe it as 'disappearing'!

"You? ..."Li Lianhua looked at Fang Xiaoqiao dumbfounded, speechless, and held back for a long time 'you' before continuing: "Did you cure Shuntian with the same method? What is your origin?"

Fang Xiaowan knew that he would be chased and beaten by Li Lianhua, and he had already made up a story in his heart: "Actually, when I first escaped from Tianji Mountain Villa and wandered the rivers and lakes, on a mountain that I forgot my name, I met an old man with white hair who didn't know his name. For all external and internal injuries, as long as the person who knows this internal strength method still has a trace of desire to survive, it can be activated and repaired immediately. Fang Xiaoxiao was talking nonsense, and he looked decent.

"It's a pity that my master, after teaching me the inner strength of the mental method, I haven't found his old man again..."She turned her back, lowered her head, and pretended to be a little sad, "When you gave me internal strength just now, I felt that your internal strength was not good, and you were forced to use your luck, come, do you want me to help you take a look at it? Treat it by the way? Don't need money, and promise that you will recover with full blood on the spot immediately!"."

Li Lianhua immediately shook her head, shook her hand, and refused: "No need! You little fool, you are fine, I don't need you to care, have you forgotten that I am a miracle doctor? I know my own body! I don't need to worry about your little fool." Looking at Fang Xiaoqiang, who was still lifeless in the last second and alive again in this second, Li Lianhua shook his head, finally let go of his crumpled heart and smiled.

Fang Xiaowan had expected that he would be rejected, so he didn't force him, pretending to chase me with him in the room, joking.

At this moment, the door was kicked open, accompanied by an angry roar: "Li Lianhua, you let go of my sister!" Fang Duozhi stood at the door with a bowl of medicine, and most of the medicine in the bowl was scattered by him.

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