Fang Xiaowan got into the carriage back to Tianji Villa, accompanied by Li'er and Wangfu.

She pretended to close her eyes and recuperate, but she was actually looking at the next new task.

She didn't plan to use the system gold coins for the time being, and after shopping around the system mall boringly, she clicked on the task column, and the four big words - [Rescue people from the back mountain] almost made Fang Xiaoqiao fall from the carriage without sitting still.

"What?!Just came out of Yucheng and want me to go back?" Fang Xiaoqiao couldn't help but shout loudly, she didn't know why she hated Yucheng so much, Li'er and Wangfu looked at it worriedly at the same time, she opened her eyes and smiled awkwardly and said, "It's a dream, hehe's dreaming." So he continued to close his eyes and began to recall the plot.

When Li Lianhua solved the case, she deduced that there was a secret hidden in the back mountain, and then she was injured by the explosion when Di Fei broke out of the mountain, and then she was rescued by Fang Duozhi and the people from Baichuan Courtyard who came in time, and then... And then... met Fang Duo's sick aunt, and then there, Xiao Zijin and... And... The

plot quickly spread out in Fang Xiaoweak's mind, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, she completely forgot that she was still in the carriage, and got up suddenly, just listening to a muffled sound, the top of her head hit the roof of the car hard, and Fang Xiaowan's tears flowed in pain.

She didn't have time to wait for her thoughts to be sorted out, so she turned back to Li'er and Wangfu and explained: "You go back first to report safety! I still have some work to do! I won't go back with you!" With that, she jumped out of the carriage and flew in the direction of the Xiaomian Inn.

The skirt brought a cool breeze, blowing across the faces of Wangfu and Li'er, and when they turned back to chase Fang Xiaoweak's back, they had already disappeared far away. Wangfu could still smell the unique fragrance on the young lady's body, scratched his head and smirked: "When did the eldest lady become so powerful in martial arts?

Fang Xiaoqiao didn't plan to go back to Jade City, and he didn't want to go to Xiaomian Inn again. She guessed that Li Lianhua would definitely park the Lotus Tower not far from the Xiaomian Inn, and sure enough.

When she saw the Lotus Tower from afar, she was so happy that she couldn't help but call the names of Shun Tian and Xiao Nan'an. Shun Tian and Xiao Nan'an, who hadn't seen each other for a few days, suddenly heard Fang Xiaoweak's voice, and they were also overjoyed, so they threw down the toys in their hands and rushed out, rushing straight into Fang Xiaoweak's soft arms.

The two children cried and laughed on their sister for a while, and took Fang Xiaoqiao's hand back to the Lotus Tower.

Two days later, Fang Xiaowan left a bag of silver coins for Shun Tian in case of emergency. After explaining the peace of mind, set off to the back mountain of Yucheng, ready to wait for the 'flower'.

I saw Li Lianhua coming from afar, stopping in front of the miasma of life and death of the medicine demon, thinking for a moment and saying to the fox spirit on the side: "Fox spirit, stay here obediently, don't run around." After speaking, he raised his hand and disappeared into the miasma of life and death.

The fox spirit looked back at Fang Xiaoqiao angrily, it had already found her. Fang Xiaowan squatted down and patted the fox spirit lightly and said, "We can't come back for the time being, don't worry, I'll go to save Li Lianhua now, you will go back to the Lotus Tower immediately to help me accompany Shun Tian and Xiao Nan'an, okay?" The fox spirit screamed and agreed to Fang Xiaoweak, turned around and ran away.

Slightly recalled, [Quick, Accurate, Ruthless, Point Acupoints] Fang Xiaowan learned from Li Lianhua, raised his hand to point acupoints, and followed up the miasma of life and death.

Surrounded by rocky mountains, Li Lianhua walked cautiously, stopping step by step.

When Fang Xiaoqiao found Li Lianhua's figure, he was still a step too late.

I only heard a loud "bang", the sudden explosion shook the ground, and the huge stone smashed towards Li Lianhua in an instant, he was startled and just wanted to raise his hand to exercise, he saw a familiar figure rushing towards him at the same time, and Fang Xiaoweak's voice came from his ears: "Be careful!"

He didn't have time to stop it, the stone slammed heavily on Fang Xiaoqiao's back, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Fang Xiaoqiao immediately lost consciousness, and the huge inertia pushed her towards Li Lianhua, Li Lianhua opened her arms and wrapped around Fang Xiaoqiao, and the two flew far away together and fell to the ground hard.

Although Li Lianhua had abrasions, it was no big deal, he immediately got up and picked up Fang Xiaoqiao and called softly: "Xiao Weak, wake up, Xiao Weak!" But Fang Xiaowan did not react at all, the blood at the corner of his mouth was dazzling, and Li Lianhua's brain suddenly went blank.

Not far away, Jiao Lichen, who had been waiting for Zun for ten years, flew over with Xue Gong and greeted her: "Congratulations on Zun Shang's recovery from injury!" She showed a delicate smile, waiting for the person she was thinking about to come out.

The medicine demon also came over from nowhere: "You two are here, why do you still have a tail."

Jiao Lichen and Xue Gong looked over at the same time, and saw that Li Lianhua was holding the injured Fang Xiaoqiao at a loss.

"This jade red candle is really getting more and more useless, anyone can come here, Medicine Demon, why don't you go and get your precious poisonous insects and gnaw their flesh and bones clean for me

!" "I promise for a while, they won't even be able to find the bones!" Jiao Lichen's

laughter came, Li Lianhua silently protected Fang Xiaoqiao behind her and was about to get up to take it, but found that Fang Duo had already rushed over with Shi Shui.

The medicine demon carried his back and threw out a few red poisonous insects from his cuffs, Li Lianhua suppressed the anger in her heart, silently put away her neck, and moved to Fang Xiaoweak's side silently. At the same time, the flying knives flashed, and the poisonous insects fell to the ground one after another.

"Medicine Demon, you're really here!" Shi Shui didn't talk much nonsense, ran over and drew his sword to fight.

Fang Duozhi saw the injured Fang Xiaoqiao at a glance, and asked in shock: "Li Lianhua, how could Xiaoqiao be injured like this?!" Li Lianhua

was silent, gritted her teeth, hugged Xiaoqiao and said, "Go, it's important to heal Xiaoqiao

!" Xue Gong saw that someone was about to run, so he drew his sword and prepared to go together, but was stopped by Di Feisheng's order: "Don't entangle, we still have something to do!" For

a while, everyone stopped.

Li Lianhua turned her head to look at Di Feisheng, her eyes red.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Jiao Lichen instantly smiled, "Medicine Demon, let's go!"

Shi Shui was still chasing behind, Li Lianhua and Fang Duozhi picked up the injured Fang Xiaowan and hurriedly found a place to heal.

Fang Xiaowan was injured, although she temporarily lost her external consciousness, but her inner consciousness was systematically and happily receiving the award...

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task!" "Congratulations to the host for the task reward!" "Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400

attribute points!" "Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400 system gold

!" "Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 3 healing!" "Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 2 of invisibility!"Hint: It takes 1 blue bottle to maintain the duration for 1 minute

" "Congratulations to

the host for

a chance to reset attribute points!"

Reset attribute points?!Fang Xiaowan was so happy, sure enough, the task of saving the male protagonist was rewarded with a very good reward!

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