"Fang Duoai, you can see clearly who is holding whom!" Li Lianhua looked at the two brothers and sisters aggrievedly and spread her hands.

"Xiaoqiao, how are you?!" Fang Duozhi hurriedly put down the medicine in his hand, and ran over to pull Fang Xiaoqiao to look around.

"I'm fine! don't worry! It was healed by Li Shen!" Fang Xiaoqiao winked mischievously at Li Lianhua, asking him to keep it a secret.

Li Lianhua, who also has a story, naturally immediately understood it, faked a few coughs, and said: "Ahem, although this injury is good, the medicine still has to be drunk obediently, consolidate it, come!" After speaking, he took the medicine under Fang Xiaoqiao's nose with his own hands, Xiaoqiao reluctantly took it, and hesitated to take a sip, "Evil ~~~ bitter death!" Fang

Duo was sick and saw that his sister was fine, and unceremoniously began to count down: "I said you two, do you know that what you just bumped into is the sound of the big devil of the Golden Mandarin League?" I said you, it's really good luck everywhere, the chaotic forest just now was full of miasma, how did you get in?"

"I went to look for my dog, and it suddenly exploded without knowing what was going on..."Li Lianhua remembered the situation just now, and began to feel a little guilty again.

Fang Xiaowan looked at Li Lianhua's face, and immediately took over and said: "I happened to find the fox spirit alone in that mountain, and I happened to see Li Lianhua looking for a dog, so I wanted to catch up and tell him that I found the fox spirit, who knew that it would suddenly explode..."

Fang Duoyu heard Fang Xiaoqiao say this, and his anger became even stronger: "Fang Xiaoweak! I haven't said anything about you yet! Didn't I let you and Li'er Wangfu take the carriage back to Tianji Villa? Why did they appear there again?!".

"Do you want me to go back and marry that prince? Don't you forget, I secretly sent you a message to tell you about the emperor's marriage, so you escaped with me, and now you are a criminal detective, do you want to drive me back?!"

Fang Duo was sick and had nothing to say, so he reluctantly turned around and looked at Li Lianhua again: "Who would have thought that this big devil would hide in this remote place all this time." I heard that the cave was full of drugs that boosted internal strength. In the first battle in the East China Sea back then, he must have been extremely seriously injured, so he retreated and cultivated there, hey, it's a pity that he didn't see his appearance clearly.

"If he hadn't died, the rivers and lakes would have set off a storm," Li Lianhua lowered her head and pondered.

"Ai! You said, since Di Feisheng is not dead, then Li Xiangyi must still be alive, right? Must still be alive, right!" Fang Duozhi suddenly began to chatter, and he wanted to hear who could tell him a positive answer!

"Are you confused?" Li Lianhua and Fang Xiaoweak agreed and blurted out, Li Lianhua glanced at Fang Xiaoweak, and Xiaoweak ignored it.

Fang Duozhi clapped his hands, pretended not to hear, and affirmed: "I know!He must still be alive!He will definitely come back!It's just that he was temporarily caught up in something!" He smiled and patted Li Lianhua, "Ai, by the way, I misunderstood you last time~"

"So, the suspicion that I am a medicine demon is whitewashed?" Li Lianhua pretended to be pitiful.

"At that time, I was eager to catch the thief, and I was so offended! How do you want me to compensate you, just open your mouth!" Fang Duo smiled sickly, and Fang Xiaoqiao secretly covered his mouth next to him.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little hungry..."

"It's that simple?okay! I'll arrange it for you!Wait!" Fang Duo ran out sickly, and didn't forget to pull the little weak above before going out, "You're injured! Lie down for me!"

Li Lianhua pondered, and also went out, and instructed Fang Xiaoweak: "Listen to your brother, stop running around, and rest again!" Fang Xiaowan

didn't resist, sullen, Li Lianhua went to the corridor at this time, she would definitely meet Qiao Wanmian, just let her wait in the house?

So, when they all went out, she immediately got up and started to wash and dress up, she didn't believe that her 680 charm value now, where could she lose...

is still a simple and atmospheric dress, she changed a hosta today, with a dark green gauze skirt, like a classical beauty from a landscape painting, beautiful and elegant, low-key and eye-catching.

Dressed up, she deliberately jumped out of the window and went around to the front yard from behind, just when she saw Sister Shi Shui discussing what happened with Xiao Zijin, she stepped forward with a smile: "Sister Shi Shui?

"You are Fang Duo's sick sister Fang Xiaoweak, right? Just now I saw that you were not lightly injured, so you can get out of bed and walk around? I didn't expect that Fang Duo's sick kid, and you are such a watery sister, not to mention that I really can't see that you are twins, he is much worse than you!" Shi Shui held Fang Xiaoweak's arm and helped her up, lifting Fang Xiaoweak by belittling Fang Duo's illness, and she laughed when she heard it.

Xiao Zijin, who was standing on the side at this time, saw that Fang Xiaoweak's eyes were already straight, and he couldn't move.

When Shi Shui saw him like this, he immediately hit him with his elbow: "Ai! I said that we Xiao Daxia, don't you know how to say anything when you see a beautiful woman?"

Xiao Zijin relieved himself: "Shi Shui, you are laughing!Miss Fang, don't get me wrong, I just heard Shi Shui say that you were injured, and I was a little worried, are you okay?" As he spoke, he wanted to reach out to help Fang Xiaoweak, but Fang Xiaowan deliberately didn't dodge, and let his salty pig hand come up like this, and in less than a second, he immediately let go in a panic

, and greeted Qiao Wanmian who was walking in the distance, and greeted with a smile: "Wanmian?" "Zijin, is this...?" Qiao Wanmian walked over with a smile, looked at Fang Xiaowan suspiciously, and asked.

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