Because of Darles's indifference, Sun Wukong didn't know how to respond for a moment, and could only stand there and smile foolishly.

Piccolo, on the other hand, couldn't help but said,"Sun! Is this what you said, that you and your big brother have a very good relationship?! I think you are lying with your eyes open."

As a smart man, how could Piccolo not understand the relationship between Sun Wukong and Darles.

Indeed, they were not enemies.

But being good friends was definitely not good either.

People didn't take him seriously at all.

"Well~~~!"After being teased by Piccolo, Sun Wukong was speechless. He only looked at Dales and Piccolo with a sad look, and finally sighed.

In his opinion, his relationship with Dales was indeed not the same as when they first met.

Should we say that they can communicate well and say a few words?

But after not seeing each other for a month, they suddenly became estranged again.

The atmosphere became unusually strange, and a voice came, breaking the dullness.

"I was wondering why there was so much noise, it turns out that Vegeta is back, and even Goku and you are here."Bulma appeared from the laboratory in the back.

She was eating an ice cream in her hand, and she didn't seem to care about the situation here.

"Humph!"Dales didn't want to stay here any longer, so he turned and left.

As soon as he left, the atmosphere became warmer.

At least, without the sense of oppression he brought, the people present could communicate normally.

""Long time no see, Bulma." Son Goku smiled and waved as he walked forward.

Son Gohan and Bulma already had a good relationship, so he followed his father and walked forward to say hello.

Only Piccolo stood aside with his arms folded and ignored everyone.

He came here because Son Goku said there were better training equipment here, otherwise, he would never come to this human city.

At this time, everyone seemed to have forgotten Vegeta.

He struggled to push away the steel plate of the spaceship pressing on him and walked out slowly.

He was still confused by the blow from Darles just now, holding his forehead with one hand, feeling a little dizzy.

It can be seen how much pressure and blow he has endured.

"I said, did you guys make an appointment to come together today? I won't say anything about Vegeta, the spaceship can only sustain space travel for more than a month, it's impossible for him not to come back. Why are you here? ?"Bulma nodded to Son Goku and Son Gohan, glanced at Piccolo and Vegeta, and asked Son Goku. No matter how dumb she was, she knew what had happened here before.

Otherwise, how could such a good spaceship have such a big hole?

She didn't want to pursue it, because she knew that there was a conflict between Darius and Vegeta, and Vegeta was ruthlessly defeated.

Her favorability towards Vegeta remained at the stage of 0-10.

The standard of 0 means neither hate nor favor.

In the original work, Bulma at this stage actually had some feelings for Vegeta.

Even though Vegeta has always been cold and ruthless, and would not take her seriously. But it was that lonely and arrogant temperament that attracted Bulma, which deepened her favor and led to a relationship.

It is worth mentioning that Vegeta is extremely protective of his shortcomings and cares very much about ownership and sovereignty.

One thing that is certain is that between Bulma and Yamcha, That kind of relationship definitely never happened, otherwise, with Vegeta's temper at the time, how could he have spared Yamcha? ?

Poor Yamcha and Bulma have been together for such a long time, and the most they did was hold hands.

Of course, this is the original work.

This world and this era have been messed up because of the arrival of Daries.

Bulma no longer has special feelings for Vegeta like in the original work. Because of the relationship with her future daughter, she tacitly accepts Daries as a man in her heart.

Therefore, she will no longer seriously consider others in her heart, and will only care about Daries's thoughts.

Bulma is such a woman, she will revolve around a person, and as long as she is determined, she will stick to it.

However, even if she tacitly accepts it, nothing will happen soon.

The most important point is that Daries and she seem to live under the same roof, but they rarely talk.

Daries only cares about his own practice, while Bulma does research

"Of course it's for the gravity room. Bulma, you didn't forget, did you? A month ago you promised me to help me build a better gravity room. It's been a month.……"Sun Wukong said with some grievance.

If this matter is not mentioned, Bulma has really forgotten it a long time ago.

"Look at my memory... I was busy with research some time ago and forgot that I promised you this." Bulma patted her head with her hand and said apologetically.

This seemed to be within Son Goku's expectations:"I knew you forgot. Fortunately, I brought Piccolo and Gohan with me today."

"……"Bulma was embarrassed and didn't understand what Son Goku meant, so she asked back,"So what are you planning to do?"

"Hehe~~! Let's discuss it. From now on, we will come to your gravity room to practice every day. When you build a new gravity room, we won't have to come again."Sun Wukong said.

Borrowing the gravity room is not a big deal for Bulma.

""Well, Darles doesn't need that gravity room anyway. You can use it if you want, and then give me a week, and I will build you a 500 times gravity room. You came by chance, the technology has just been broken through not long ago." Bulma responded.

Son Goku was very happy to get the promise.

Gohan beside him didn't know the special feature of the gravity room. Piccolo behind Son Goku, on the other hand, knew what Son Goku was talking about, and was speechless:"Old Son! Is this what you told me, better training equipment???""

"Hehe~~! I know your understanding of gravity training, but don't underestimate the training of 300 times gravity."Sun Wukong raised a finger and explained with a smile.

At this point in the conversation, Vegeta seemed to have heard some good news and walked to the side:"Help me, build a 500 times gravity room too!! In addition... help me repair the spaceship, I need the spaceship to support 500 times gravity!"

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