
A sound.

He tapped Vegeta's forehead with his finger. At such a close distance, Darius could hear Vegeta swallowing his saliva out of fear.

This guy, this time he was really scared by him.

There was no point in fighting. Vegeta was asking for trouble. It was a duel that he couldn't win in the first place. If he had attacked like this, any other enemy would have trampled him underfoot.

"No...can't……"Just after saying these two words, Darles didn't want to hear any impossible nonsense from him, and a terrifying shockwave burst out from his fingertips.


There was a dull sound.

Vegeta felt as if his forehead was hit by something extremely fast, making him dizzy and his whole body out of control. He flew backwards dozens of meters and finally crashed into the spaceship.

"Thank me for showing mercy to you! If there is a next time, it won't be so easy to get rid of it."Withdrawing, Darles crossed his chest with his hands, looking coldly at Vegeta who fell to the ground.

These words seemed to have some effect, and made the drowsy Vegeta regain some sanity.

"But... Damn it! I will definitely... surpass you! Darius... If you don't kill me, one day... I will completely defeat you!!"Vegeta was angry and unwilling.

But these emotions did not affect Darius at all.

"Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, with your current strength, you haven't even reached the Super Saiyan level yet, and you want to defeat me? ? Wishful thinking. If you can't reach the Super Saiyan level in a short period of time, you will be eliminated by this era, and you will never have a chance to turn things around."Dales scolded coldly.

"You!!!"Vegeta was speechless for a moment after being annoyed by Darius' words again.


If he still can't break through the Super Saiyan limit in a short period of time, then he will not only fail to catch up with Darius, but also fail to catch up with Kakarot.

A month ago, he still believed that even if he didn't transform into a Super Saiyan, as long as he kept tempering his body like Darius, he would be invincible in the world.

But in a month, he really felt powerless.

Is it because his potential is not enough, his qualifications are too low, and his talent is rubbish, so even if he has made some progress in a month, it is only this little?


He is Vegeta, the prince of Saiyans!!

He never thought that his qualifications, talents and potential would be weaker than anyone else!!

What's more, Darius and Kakarot are just lower-level warriors!!

But he just can't cross the line and can't compare with Darius and Kakarot. Roth!!

He understood.

The reason why he returned to Earth to find Bulma, the Earth woman, was to replenish resources and to repair the spacecraft to maintain the energy required for long-term space flight.

Third, to rest for a few days, recuperate, and start the path to break through the Super Saiyan.

He must break through!

He realized that perhaps because he did not break through the bottleneck of the Super Saiyan, no matter how hard he practiced, he would not achieve much. Whether it was physical strength or power, there would be no major breakthroughs.

Super Saiyan, he must embark on this path.

This was also the decision that blocked his last dignity as a Saiyan prince.

If he fails, he will die!!

Either he will become a Super Saiyan and return to Earth alive, or he will experience cosmic disasters again and again until he is unable to resist and dies.


Vegeta's determined eyes stimulated Darles.

He didn't expect this guy to come to his senses at this time.

But this is interesting. Otherwise, he would be wasting the air of this world if he continued to live.

Darles ignored Vegeta and turned around to see Son Goku, Piccolo and Son Gohan coming here.

This was something Darles didn't expect.

"It turned out to be Vegeta!! I was wondering, who else on Earth could unleash such a powerful force besides us?" Sun Wukong said in a fierce voice, approaching Darles, as if he had a good relationship with Darles.

His behavior caused dissatisfaction among Darles, who sneered:"What are you doing here?! Kakarot!! Don't think that you can regard me as someone you can trust just because you have experienced some things with me! We have never been companions on the same road, and you are just one of the opponents I expect. Without my recognition, you are never qualified."

After saying a word to Son Goku, Darles glanced at Piccolo and his own Son Gohan. He had not carefully sensed the changes on the earth during this period.

Piccolo's Qi had reached a very high level of strength.

It should be said that after training with Son Goku for a month, his strength had improved rapidly. Even if he had not reached the level of Vegeta, it was enough to be comparable to Son Goku's normal state.

As for Son Gohan, this little brat had amazing potential. The original book said that he was a monster.

Just by sensing the surface, you can know that the power in his body can be controlled very well. At least, it is no problem to exert hundreds of thousands of combat power.

However, Son Gohan, who has not awakened, is always a young brat.

Even if he has hundreds of thousands of combat power, what can he do? He is still just a little brat.

"Well~~~~~! Don't say that, big brother. I know you look cruel and ruthless on the surface, but you have a good heart. Otherwise, Vegeta would have been killed by you long ago."Sun Wukong's words made Dales feel funny after hearing them.

"He was not killed because he still has some value. At least he dares to challenge this, which is better than anyone else! Believe it or not, if you continue to waste time like this, Vegeta will surpass you sooner or later and step on you."Dalles said coldly.

This is a reminder.

It is also what Dalles wants to urge him to grow up quickly.

Without them, it would be too boring!

Only when they have enough power can he experience the joy of fighting.

Put your hopes on the Dimensional Alliance Union?

Dalles will not have too much hope at least in the near future. Who made him have such a stupid president?

Even though he has another chance to invite this month, Dalles has no definite invitation target yet.

After all, in the known worlds of the union animation, there are very few with a combat power of over 100 million.

Like the purple potato spirit Thanos mentioned by the members, or the One Punch Man Saitama...

Dalles will not slap himself in the face.

The level of the Marvel world has never been low. God knows whether Tony's world is a comic world or a film and television world?

If it is a film and television world, Then Dales is not afraid at all.

But if it is a comic book world, then the purple potato spirit Thanos is terrifying.

Moreover, One Punch Man Saitama... can such an existence be invited casually? ?

If it really has a bug that can kill any existence with one punch, ignoring everything, it is really outrageous.

Of course, Dales thinks it is impossible.

Because the power possessed by Saitama is similar to the power of some kind of law or rule. Under limited conditions, he can kill the enemy with one punch, and no one can escape, but if he jumps out of the limit, he is just stronger.

You say, Dales is bullying the weak and fearing the strong? ?

? No!!

It's not that he is really afraid, but before he has absolutely strong strength, Dales will not make trouble for himself.

When he has enough strength, it is inevitable to invite the big bosses in these worlds.

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