Bulma has become a popular commodity.

But she has also become a free laborer in disguise.

She has no complaints about helping Dales and researching future technology. Because she also needs those future technologies.

Moreover, Dales' future is closely related to her anyway, and she is willing to pay.

But one after another, first Son Goku asked, and now Vegeta also came to the door.

Isn't this going to tire her to death? ?

In Bulma's words, they didn't treat her as a human being at all.

She is just an ordinary person, no matter how smart she is, she is just a woman.

She can help, but she has to be given enough time.

It was agreed.

Bulma personally built a 500-fold gravity room for Son Goku. And her father, Dr. Brief, first helped Vegeta repair the spaceship, and then updated the equipment in the spaceship, so as to directly support 500 times the gravity.

In this way, the time was shortened to the greatest extent and their troubles were saved.

Dales would not know that Bulma left a way for him.

Obviously, he has mastered the technology of higher-level gravity control, but only gave others 500 times the gravity.

So-called, protect the shortcoming!

Bulma herself is also extremely protective of the shortcoming! She will give the best and greatest support and help to her relatives, but others will never be the best.

Just like in the original work, she can give everything for Vegeta.

If a companion like Sun Wukong asks for something, she will help, but she will not do her best.


Where is Darles at this time? ?

He had already left the West City and headed towards the Temple of Heaven.

Originally, he was planning to wait a little longer and go to the Temple of Heaven tomorrow.

Now that Goku, Vegeta and the others have arrived at Bulma's house, he doesn't want to be disturbed or annoyed.

Instead of wasting time with them, he might as well take another step forward for his future.

At least, he can't just wait for Bulma to give him the results as before.

One month, the expectation turned into a faint disappointment.

Even if there are clear results, after all, without a gravity chamber of ten thousand times level, it is not enough for him.

Bulma's father, Dr. Brief, can build a thousand-fold gravity chamber in a week.

But a thousand times is still too small for him.

It is just right for other people on Earth.

In short, if you want to gain something, you still have to wait for a while.

After a month of quiet life, Darles is also tired of the dull days.

To put it simply, if he continues like this, his body will rust.


Temple of the Gods.

Someone had arrived here before Darles.

They were none other than Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi, who had practiced here before.

They came here to ask for help from the gods, and they wanted to go to the underworld to find King Kai of the North to start a new training journey.

They are not Saiyans, and they have reached a certain limit. If they don't break through, they will only stay where they are and will not be able to make any progress.

This is how they were in the original work.

Even if they are constantly practicing and their strength is constantly improving.

But in the final analysis, they can't reach a very strong level.

For example, what Darles saw now, the strength of Tien Shinhan's breath, in terms of combat power, is not even stronger than that of Son Goku's son.

And Jiaozi, Darles even doubted that if he blew a breath, this kid would be killed by him.

Because of his arrival, Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi were suppressed, and they dared not breathe.

Even if they had seen it, they knew that Darles was not the kind of Saiyan who was so evil that he could do all kinds of evil, let alone an enemy, and he was still Son Goku's elder brother.

But they were afraid of Darles from the bottom of their hearts and resisted Darles.

"Three-eyed aliens are really fragile."Dales said this intentionally or unintentionally.

He didn't know how much data his words contained.

It was true that Tien Shinhan was a hybrid of a three-eyed alien and an earthling, but Tien Shinhan didn't know from the beginning to the end that he was a three-eyed alien... As soon as these words came out, Tien Shinhan was not only puzzled, but also furious.

First of all, the identity issue was ruled out.


Is he fragile?!!

He didn't think he was fragile!! But in front of Dales, he was indeed very fragile

"Tianjin……"Feeling Tien Shinhan's anger, Jiaozi shouted worriedly beside him.

"You said I am a three-eyed alien?!! Are you kidding me? ? Is it because I have more eyes than people on Earth, or do three-eyed aliens really exist in the universe?!" Tien Shinhan finally calmed down, suppressed his unwillingness, and asked Darles. When these words came out, the gods Piccolo and Popo pricked up their ears to listen.

Because for them, this is indeed a big deal, and it can also deepen their understanding of the universe and the earth.

After hearing Tien Shinhan’s question, Darles realized that he had let the cat out of the bag.

This is content that was not mentioned in the original work.

It can be said that it is a secret that will be buried until death.

Darles knew that it was completely explained by the information in the previous life.

Since it is said If it is missing, then just make it clear. Maybe after knowing his life experience, Tien Shinhan will have new changes.

You know, Dales said on the Internet in his previous life that the Super Three-Eyed Alien is very similar to the Super Namekian.

They are both nations with very powerful strength.

Even though they are not as good as the Saiyans, who are known as a fighting nation, they are still a strong race in the universe.

In Dales' memory, there is no memory of the Three-Eyed Alien. But Dales can be sure that according to the setting of the Three-Eyed Alien in the original work, they may have been destroyed by Frieza's army.

""I see, you don't know your own identity?! No wonder, according to the data I got, you have lived on Earth since childhood. Perhaps, like Kakarot, you were sent to Earth since childhood. Or, you are a hybrid of a three-eyed alien and an Earthling." Darles smiled and gave his answer.

Such an answer was not acceptable to Tien Shinhan.

He had been living on Earth as an Earthling, practicing, becoming stronger, and resisting foreign enemies.

But he, like Piccolo, was an alien!!

"How could this happen?! How could this happen!! I actually... I actually...……"Talking to himself, Tien Shinhan turned his gaze to Piccolo.

Piccolo seemed to sense something and sighed slightly:"Alas!"~~~I never thought that even Tien Shinhan is an alien. I should have thought of it earlier... After all, it is impossible for an earthling to grow a third eye. Even if they do, it won't be like yours.……"

"I promised to help you with your previous request. But after sending you to the underworld to meet King Yama, whether King Yama will agree to let you run the snake path depends on your fate. Maybe, Lord Kai can answer the question in your mind."


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