‘Ah~~!! Ahhhhhhhhhhinging!!!! '

Sun Wukong, who no longer hesitated, drank the super divine water in the cup in one gulp.

Afraid? ?

Indeed afraid!!

But his desire for power is greater than anyone else now.

1,400 years ago, he had enough strength to defend the earth and fight against the Fiery Sun Heavenly Dao.

But today, he is no longer the Sun Wukong who could resist all evil forces on his own!

He needs stronger power, and he needs to develop all his abilities by any means.

Only in this way can he continue to defend the earth and protect life on earth.

In just a moment, the super divine water entered the body.

An unimaginable pain spread from the throat to the lungs, and then from the lungs to all parts of the body.

His body, the peak beast body of the third generation, burst into a rich golden light.

This light is not a complete light, but is similar to golden particles, as if his body has been decomposed, but it remains solid.


The Great Gorge.

Dukao led all the scientific researchers to keep a close eye on everything that happened on the Flower-Fruit Mountain.

""Chief, Sun Wukong's body has been modified by some special power, and we cannot control it." Lianfeng said to Dukao, and announced the news as soon as possible.

"The power that does not belong to this world cannot be easily calculated and cracked by relying on the technology of this world! Sona, how is your data?!"Dukao took a deep breath and asked Sona, who was in charge of treating and observing the data of the soldiers on the other side.

"Sun Wukong's third generation peak beast body is beyond the current range of Earth's calculations, but I have the rough data here. It's just that even with my ability, I can't see through it completely at present. But as of now, Sun Wukong's genetic shackles seem to have been opened a few times, and it is very similar to the fourth generation beast body proposed in the macro concept."Qin Nu operated the computer equipment in front of her

"What did you say?!! The fourth generation beast body?!!"Dukao took a breath.

This is not a joke.

The third generation peak beast body means an indestructible god, and the power that can be unleashed is unimaginable.

The fourth generation beast body! That means immortality!! Just like the fourth generation god body!!

The macro concept of the fourth generation is to change the form that can be seen by the naked eye, so as to achieve true immortality in a sense.

Simply put, even if it is split into hundreds of pieces, it can be quickly repaired in a very short time.

There is an inexplicable connection between the limbs. As long as the soul is immortal, the body can be infinitely reorganized without restrictions.

"Should I be thankful that I had established a good relationship with Sun Wukong 1,400 years ago! Now he is on our side!!"Dukao deeply felt how right it was for him to have had a connection with Sun Wukong.

His existence was a special exception to this world.

But even he did not really understand that Sun Wukong had always been limited by a certain force.

If he fully exploded, Sun Wukong could become the main god of the earth!

This main god is absolutely comparable to any other main god.

Even the Angel King, Holy Kesha


The Devil No. 1 spaceship.

The earth suddenly experienced a strong energy fluctuation. Morgana was leading her demons to scan the earth.

With the unique computing power in the universe, she easily found the source of the problem.

"Oh my god! Who on earth is this person? And that hairy monkey, it looks like he is going to upgrade directly from the third generation beast body to the fourth generation beast body! Morgana knocked on the control panel in front of her, complaining in disbelief.

Speaking of which, she also used the time she spent on Earth to complete the evolution of the fourth generation of divine body.

I thought that this technology was mastered by her, the god of death Carl, and Kaisha. Others could not know it.

Now it seems that others are even better than them. There is no need for any external force or high-tech equipment.

He alone can easily help the hairy monkey complete the evolution.

What kind of terrifying computing power is this?

Even if the sub-biological engine fully cooperates, it is impossible!

""My Queen, you mean that the Monkey King Sun Wukong is evolving into the fourth generation beast body? ? But hasn't the fourth generation beast body ever existed?! It has never been realized." The Sword Demon Aatrox stood beside Morgana and asked in confusion.

"There are so many things you don't know. The sky of the earth is going to change!! A hairy monkey with a fourth-generation beast body is no longer the hairy monkey he used to be! He will soon become the real Monkey King."Morgana's expression was serious.

Her eyes were always focused on Darles.

She was surprised and curious.

She couldn't see any flaws in this man.

Even the Eye of Insight couldn't find any data.

It was as if he didn't exist at all.


Flower-Fruit Mountain.

Dales witnessed the process of Sun Wukong's transformation.

With the combined perception of Qi and Observation Haki, Dales discovered the changes in Sun Wukong's body.

At the same time, in the perception, Dales also became serious.

The combat power has exceeded 10 million at some point.

This is the true strength of Sun Wukong!!

This is the power possessed by the Monkey King in this world!!


Strictly speaking, it is still a long way off.

Dales sensed that the sealed power was only released to the stage of 50%.

There is still 50% that has not been activated by the Super Divine Water and is still in a dormant state. It is only 50%, but it has this kind of strength.

In a sense, Sun Wukong is much stronger than Holy Kesha. Much stronger than the Lord of the Sun, Emperor Hongkun.

‘Ahhhhing!!!' Sun Wukong's fierce monkey roar sounded.

In an instant, the huge momentum was like an invisible shock wave pushing in all directions.

This wave of operations was exactly what he did after he was completely liberated and stabilized.���sign

"Good fellow! Are you demonstrating to me? With 50% of your power unlocked, you have surpassed all the existences in this world!!"Dales stood firmly on the ground with an excited smile on his face.

The will to fight had been burning up without knowing when.

Although it was only tens of millions, this tens of millions was different from the tens of millions in the Dragon Ball world.

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