The Tianhe Battle kicked off the prelude to the Earth of this world truly entering the cosmic era, and also opened a new chapter, prompting the rapid transformation of the Earthlings.

In the past, I watched the anime objectively and could only see the performance of some individuals in the Xiongbinglian.

Now I saw it with my own eyes, as if I were watching it from a God's perspective, which deeply shocked Darles.

He also learned from it how strong the super soldiers of the Xiongbinglian on Earth were at this time.

He also saw the soldiers who were full of blood and died in vain!

The courage and strength born for protection are worthy of admiration.

However, it is still too fragile.

If it weren't for Dilena and Sun Wukong who came to join the battle in time, the result would be dozens of times worse than the original, and it would be out of control.

The final victory was won by the Earthlings.

After paying such a huge price, and with the strong participation of Dilena and Sun Wukong in the later period, if they still lost, it would be unacceptable no matter what.

The war is over.

Darles finally had the opportunity to communicate with Sun Wukong alone.

At this time, his existence has been known to all major forces on Earth.

Of course, Darles doesn't care.

He is not from this world after all. Even if he is targeted, so what? He will leave anyway.


Flower-Fruit Mountain.

Dales meets with Sun Wukong alone.

Naturally, he cannot avoid being monitored by the high technology of this world.

Dales does not care. What happens next is not something shameful.

"Drink this, let me see if it can break the seal in your body."Taking out the super divine water from the space storage box, Dales casually poured a cup for Sun Wukong with a special small cup.

A few days ago, after getting the super divine water, Bulma made this portable small storage box for him, which made it convenient for Dales to carry things without so much trouble.

It's a pity that the system has no storage space, otherwise, why would it be so troublesome.

Of course, Dales guessed that the future system should have this ability. After all, no matter what, the system has been upgrading.

It's just that the current system is still in the basic stage, and even the system mall has not been completely established.

It only has a prototype, and can only upload items for sale or barter.

Give Sun Wukong super divine water? ?

This is also the only means that Dales has at present. Perhaps he can use the Super Divine Water to stimulate the sealed power in Sun Wukong's body and make him gain greater power.

If the Super Divine Water doesn't work, Dales has no other way but to wait and let nature take its course.

Or, see if there is a way to solve the seal in other worlds.

As for whether he will die after drinking the Super Divine Water? ?

This is not a problem.

Dales believes that with Sun Wukong's physique, drinking it will definitely not endanger his life.

Even if he has not released any power in his body, Dales has felt his body, and it is not weaker than his.

Moreover, to say that the Monkey King Sun Wukong has no potential to be developed? ? Dales will not believe it even if you kill him.

"What is this?! Can it break the energy seal in my body? ?"Having eaten Senzu beans before, Sun Wukong stared blankly at the super divine water handed to him by Darles.

He didn't know what this was, but he knew it must not be something that would harm him.

Harm him?

Sun Wukong knew how strong Darles was just by thinking about it.

He had the absolute power to crush him and kill him, so how could he choose to use something like poison?!

"Super Divine Water!! Just like the Senzu Beans you ate before, it comes from outside this world. Senzu Beans can heal injuries and restore physical strength! Super Divine Water can stimulate people's potential and make them stronger."After explaining casually, Dales handed the cup to the other party.

Sun Wukong frowned, feeling so incredible in his heart.

The most important thing is that no matter what he ate before or the Super Divine Water in front of him, it was not something from this world.

There is a world outside the world.

Although he, Sun Wukong, knew it a long time ago, but now it came from Dales' mouth, he was extremely serious.

This also fully confirmed that Dales was a person outside this world.

"Even if it is not from this world, I can imagine that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Let’s not talk about the magic beans before, but now this super magic water, I’m afraid it has side effects?! Are you using me as a test subject?"Sun Wukong’s brain circuit is really smart. He can even think of such a hidden secret.

"There are indeed side effects, but for you, this side effect should not exist, not to mention using you as a test subject. Super God Water has the effect of developing potential and improving strength. On the contrary, if there is no potential to be developed in the body, then the Super God Water is poison, and anyone who drinks it will die!"Dales did not hide it and told the side effects.

This made Sun Wukong stunned, and then he smiled:"So that's it. This is in line with the effect of this kind of heaven-defying thing. There is gain and loss! Super God Water can develop potential and improve strength, but it is accompanied by the risk of death! Once you are too confident in yourself, you will die because of greed."

"Indeed. But you are an exception, and many people in this world can also be an exception. For example, the boys in the Hero Company all have certain potential in their bodies."Dales said.

Those super soldiers have just begun to show their potential.

Especially among them, the Galaxy Power Ge Xiaolun and the No Star War God Liu Chuang. The two of them have the greatest potential, which is unimaginable.

One thing Dales can be sure of is that if they reach the peak, they must surpass the king level, and even completely surpass the previous generation of the Lord of the Sun, Emperor Hongkun.

"After all, there is still one thing that I don't understand? Why do you care so much about me? Although I do have a power that I can't even imagine. But aren't you afraid that I will kill you after activating this power? After all, you are not a being in this known universe, and you are too powerful to be dangerous."Sun Wukong questioned

""I said it early in the morning, I'm here for you! As you said, I'm so strong that it's hard to find an opponent. I'm excited about your appearance. It would be interesting if the power in your body could be released to kill me." Dales crossed his arms and laughed.

Sun Wukong's idea might be possible for him.

But Dales knew it was impossible!

Although Sun Wukong may not be able to become a Super Saiyan without the power of a Super Saiyan.

What's more, Dales can still transform into a Super Saiyan!

And it's the first stage full power state.

If it's Sun Wukong from a high-level world, he might be able to force Dales to transform.

But this Sun Wukong, can he do it?

If he can, it's a good thing! At least in the future, he will have an opponent, and he can use Sun Wukong's power to carry out various battles and improve his own cultivation.

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