The light was brilliant, like a god.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, appeared before the eyes of the world in his true form.

His extremely powerful strength made him completely surpass the King level! He was far beyond the King level.

In the words of this world's technology, he was at the Void level, but not at the Void level!

""I, Old Sun, am back!!!" With golden light blazing out of his eyes, Sun Wukong's words surprised Dales.

He, is back??!

What does this mean??!

Is it because of the liberation of power that he truly awakens??

Or, along with the awakening of power, his memory also begins to revive??

Is he the real Monkey King Sun Wukong?! Or is he just Sun Wukong created with the peak beast gene?? There are multiple statements in the original work.

One says he is fake.

Two says he is just a beast super warrior created by faith.

Three says he is an incarnation of Sun Wukong in the mythical world.

Dales thinks none of these three points are true.

He is the real Sun Wukong, for sure.

But he is not the Sun Wukong that people think he is. The Monkey King.

He will evolve, and will transform as his power is continuously released, thus becoming the new real Monkey King.

In short, no matter which one it is, Darles is extremely excited now.

Ever since he fought with Kakarot and others on Earth in the Dragon Ball world, he has lost his goal.

Even the androids three years from now are nothing to him.

He needs an opponent, an opponent he doesn't know at all!! An opponent who can really hurt him and force him to fight with all his strength!!

This Monkey King is at least qualified.

Moreover, he still has 50% of his power that cannot be released by the Super Divine Water.

In this case, let's fight!!!


The live broadcast has never been closed.

In the chat area, because the show has finally begun, everyone is ready.

Tony, the most handsome and richest man:"Is this the real power of Monkey King in this world?!! Just feeling it makes me breathless." Lord Demon

:"Listen carefully, this is only 50% of the power of the Monkey King Sun Wukong!!!"

My son is all over the world:"I never thought that in addition to the Dragon Ball world of Lord Darles, there are other worlds that can have such powerful power."

The lurker in the dark:"Tsk! Although I am very unwilling, such a powerful force... The power of this monkey is far superior to Kaisha... In fact, it is far beyond the ability of our group to deal with."

The King of Holy Angels:"……"

The Strongest Man on Earth:"(/Horrified). Even the proud Madara-sama admits he is inferior to me? How can the heroes of this world feel ashamed?……"

Please call me the Dark Queen:"Speaking of which, King, there is an invincible boss on land in your world. Aren't you always taking advantage of his achievements?"

The strongest man on earth:"……"

Ice Queen:"Since I entered this union, I have been looking for a way to break through. But unknowingly, I slowly became an insignificant figure."

There is only one truth:"General Esdeath is too self-deprecating. In our eyes, you are still a brilliant and powerful general."

Peach Blossom Island Master:"The ones who should be sad are those of us who practice martial arts and cannot break through the void to become stronger."

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng:"Senior said what's in my heart. Alas."

Drunken Swordsman:"I get angry just looking at you two. Even if it's true Strong, so what? ? Martial arts will not be weak, and the same is true for immortals!! And from what I have observed, this Monkey King Sun Wukong is very much like an immortal!!"

Death:"Immortal? ? It seems that I need to conduct a deep study of Chinese culture."

Zombie Taoist:"I don't know what you all think? Do you think that the current Monkey King Sun Wukong can beat Lord Darius? ? Of course, I am talking about Lord Darius who has not transformed into a Super Saiyan."

The Third Ancestor:"It's hard to say. But looking at Lord Darius's performance, Sun Wukong is now Should I break the combat power?"

Thirty years of Hedong, Hexi:"These power, although I have no definition, but can lead to the twisted time and space of the world. I asked my teacher medicine. According to his statement, only the high -star respected strong can have this power." A wolf in the grassland:"

Xiao Yan , you say you are looking at your value intentionally. Broken power, do you mean that your future is compared with the power of Daliez. Broadcast



The world of super gods.

The city of angels, the Melo Heaven.

Kaisha sat on the throne, feeling mixed emotions, and the female angels under her were all worried.

She was a little unhappy to be surpassed by a monkey in her known universe, but she could do nothing about it.

He did have that kind of power, but she just didn't understand it and didn't know it.

The Monkey King Sun Wukong, she began to speculate in her heart, could this be another incarnation from the unknown universe.

Because how could there be such a powerful force in the known universe? ? Moreover, this is not all the power.

Fifty percent of the fourth generation peak beast body!!

If this is 100%, doesn't it mean that she and He Xi have been pursuing the fifth generation god body... or even higher?……



As if sensing the anticipation and fighting spirit coming from Darles, Sun Wukong smiled.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!! I know you have been waiting for a long time, but I wonder if I am qualified to fight you now?!"

After saying that, Sun Wukong waved his battle robe, and the dark alloy Ruyi Jingu Bang in his hand swung out a terrifying momentum.

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