In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1961: The magic of pushing mountains and reclamation

The avenues are divided into seven levels, from low to high: low-level avenues, intermediate-level avenues, high-level avenues, king-level avenues, emperor-level avenues, creation-level avenues, transcendence-level avenues, and high-level avenues The high-level avenue field will always suppress the low-level avenue field. Among them, the super-level avenue field is the strongest and largest. Some super-level avenue fields can cover a galaxy, some super-level avenue fields can cover a universe, and some super-level avenue fields can cover a universe. Covering a multiverse, the legendary five absolute supreme avenues can even cover countless multiverses.

There will be treasures of the town and the vision of heaven and earth in the Dao Domain. Because the Dao Domain and the Dao Soul are interconnected, the Heaven and Earth Vision in the Dao Domain is the Dao Soul. Therefore, once you are covered in the Dao Domain, you will face the triple attack of the Dao Domain Power, the Town's Treasure and the Dao Soul. Some superpowers will have many treasures of the town and many Taoist souls in their avenues, which increases the infinite power of the avenues.

The three thousand avenues are derived from the three thousand avenues. The most powerful ones in the three thousand avenues are the legendary five absolute supreme avenues, which are controlled by the legendary five transcendental masters, namely: in charge of the great field of heaven, in charge of The Great Realm of Nothingness, the Great Realm of Hongmeng, the Great Realm of Chaos, and the Great Realm of Time and Space.

The strength of the Dao Domain depends on the level of its own level and the level of the owner's own cultivation realm.

The four creation-level avenues of the four great Eternal Kings came out together, forming a superimposed super-powerful Dao field with four layers and four times the power.

They were about to use the power of the Dao Domain to suppress Ji Haotian, when Ji Haotian suddenly stepped on the almighty and supreme treasure, Zilian, and traveled through time and space, instantly pierced out of their fourth-layer Dao Domain, and then disappeared without a trace, making the four Eternal Kings again. Shocked, angry and helpless...

Cang Qiong Divine City, a super city of the human race next to the Cang Qiong Mountains.

In a lively and prosperous Dafang city in the city, three of the ten universe kings of the eternal robbery are wandering around.

Creation Queen Chuangxi - a beautiful woman with colorful eyes and colorful starry sky giants, with a colorful golden horn on her head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of her head. Destruction, the almighty treasure to create the Eternal Clothes.

Destroy the Eternal King and destroy the universe - a white-haired and white-eyed white star giant with a white-gold horn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. The big time technique, the almighty treasure destroys the Eternal Clothing.

Time Eternal King Shiran - a beautiful man with yellow hair and yellow eyes, a yellow starry sky giant, with a golden horn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin creation-level talents, avenues of supernatural powers, big time and big space techniques , Almighty Treasure Time Clothes.

At this moment, suddenly, a majestic and majestic mountain descended from the sky, its mighty and mighty, oppressing the Eight Wildernesses, and swiftly suppressed the three kings of the universe in Dafang City!

The three kings of the universe who were furious and frightened simultaneously punched, bringing the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth to smash them up!

"Boom!" There was an earth-shattering bang!

The super giant mountain was immediately smashed by the three kings of the universe.

Chuangxi, the queen of creation, said coldly, "This is the great magic technique of pushing mountains and reclaiming the sea. The robber Ji Haotian is here!"

The great magic of pushing mountains and reclaiming the sea, also known as conquest, is the magic power of conquering the Dao. It can push down countless mountains and fill up the endless sea. It is a great magic power to move mountains and fill the sea and conquer everything. You can take things from the sky, pick the stars and take the moon, shake the sky and move the earth, suppress all things, and conquer everything in the universe. Note: "This is the great supernatural power to conquer and change nature."

As the voice of the creation queen Chuangxi fell, Ji Haotian suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of them.

He looked at the annoyed three kings of the universe, and said with a long smile: "I'm just using you to test the power of my magic technique of pushing mountains and reclaiming the sea. It's shattered!"

The King of Destruction Zhou Zhuangyu said indifferently: "Ji Haotian, you stole the seeds of our great magic, and you even used the great magic to train us. You are so deceiving, you are a bastard!"

Ji Haotian smiled indifferently and said, "You can't even keep the seeds of your own great magic arts. This shows that you are incompetent and unworthy of possessing great magic arts. If you meet me, you are considered unlucky, so just accept your fate!"

The Eternal King of Time said coldly: "Ji Haotian, what are you doing here?"

Ji Haotian said, "I miss you, come and see you."

The King of Destruction Zhou Zhuangyu shouted: "Look at the fart, get out of the way!"

Ji Haotian said: "You are not a fart, you are a giant in the starry sky, and you are the master of the ultimate forbidden land. You must respect yourself, know how to respect yourself, and not treat yourself as a fart!"

"You..." The Queen of Creation was speechless.

Ji Haotian asked, "You are all reincarnations of super-primitive powers. Do you currently have the memory of awakening super-primitive powers?"

The Eternal King of Time raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have the memory of awakening your master of the heavenly way?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "No, not at all!"

The Eternal King of Time said: "We also don't have the memory of awakening the super-primitive power!"

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