In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1960: The great magic of fetal transformation

The King of Karma Zhou exclaimed angrily because of Cheng: "Ji Haotian, you bastard, you stole the seeds of our great divine art, and now you are still taking the great divine art that belongs to us and practicing with us? You are really deceiving people too much, not as good as animals! "

Wish King Zhou Yaoyao shouted angrily: "Ji Haotian, return us the seeds of our great magic, otherwise we will never finish with you, we will fight to the end, and we will never give up!"

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "You guys are indeed unlucky enough for the Ten Eternal Tribulations. Laijun Tianxing originally wanted to obtain the seeds of four kinds of great divine arts, but now those four kinds of great divine arts seeds have not been obtained yet, your original ten kinds of great divine arts seeds are actually No more! I sympathize with you and understand you, this is the end of the matter, please mourn and change!"

Reincarnation Zhou Wang Lunxuan glared and shouted, "You are the only one who complies with your grief. Damn robbers and bandits, just wait and see, we are not finished with you!"

Ji Haotian said: "According to speculation, the ancient four sacred tombs of the sky are about to be born in the Cangqiong Mountains of this sky continent. There are four kinds of great divine arts seeds in the ancient tombs, which are the fourth of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan. They are: The Great God of Flying Sand and Moving Stone Seeds of magic, seeds of supernatural magic with mountains and seas, seeds of great magic of spreading beans into soldiers, seeds of great magic with nails and seven arrows. I know that the purpose of your Eternal Tribulation Ten Zhou Kings appearing in Juntianxing is these four kinds of great magic seeds, but I I'm collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, and I plan to collect all of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, so don't argue with me, it's still the beauty of an adult!"

Destiny Zhou Wang Mingxiao said angrily: "The beauty of an adult? Is it your beauty? You think it is beautiful! You are collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, and we are also collecting the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, why should we give it to you? You robber?"

Ji Haotian said, "Just because you can't compete with me, you will end up with nothing, don't be busy, you should leave Jun Tianxing, what are you going to do!"

Eternal King Yincheng suddenly punched Ji Haotian as fast as lightning!

However, his punch was slammed into a gust of wind, and his strength was instantly dissipated!

Ji Haotian has instantly turned into a gust of wind, dodging the punch of Yincheng, the King of Karma.

What he performed was one of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the great divine art of fetal transformation.

The great magic art of fetal transformation, also known as change, human beings are like embryos, growing up, and finally making their bodies conform to the natural laws of heaven and earth, giving people a sense of comfort and naturalness, impartiality, neutrality and nature. This art is the way of change, the way is natural, and it can change freely, whether it is male, or female, or old, or young, or a divine bird, or a strange beast, or a gust of wind, or a thunderstorm. Can change the world at will. Note: "It can be said that it can be said that the changes in the Zhoutian are wonderful."

Ji Haotian, who was transformed into a gust of wind, instantly transformed into a human form and regained his original form. He smiled and said, "The Great Magical Art of Fetal Transformation, flying from the sky to the ground, ever-changing, is really amazing, I like it!"

The four Eternal Kings, whose anger was rising, suddenly attacked at the same time, frantically besieging Ji Haotian.

Ji Haotian repeatedly performed the great magical art of fetal transformation, changing the wind, changing the thunder, changing the light, changing the air, or changing all kinds of visions, fighting with the four kings of the universe.

However, the ever-changing fetal transformation magic technique is too mysterious and unpredictable, the four kings of the universe have been attacking for a long time, but Ji Haotian can't help, not even touching a corner of Ji Haotian's clothes, making them furious and furious!

The four great Eternal Kings who were extremely angry suddenly brought out their four trump cards at the same time—four all-powerful treasures!

At the same time, Ji Haotian also quickly destroyed his Transcendence Treasure Pagoda!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the mighty Transcendence Treasure Heavenly Dao Pagoda, the four almighty treasures of the Four Great Eternal Kings scared the souls of the dead, and they all turned into rays of light and disappeared into the brows of their respective masters!

"Uh..." The Almighty Treasure was frightened and came back. The four kings of the universe were all covered with black lines, and they were speechless!

They didn't know how terrifying the Tiandao Pagoda was, but their almighty treasure knew, so as soon as the Tiandao Pagoda appeared, their four almighty treasures were scared back without hesitation, and they didn't dare to confront the Tiandao Pagoda!

Ji Haotian took back the Tiandao Pagoda, looked at the four black-faced Eternal Kings, and said with a playful smile: "Your almighty treasure is very self-aware, much better than your masters!"

The four Great Eternal Kings, who were angry and unwilling, suddenly started their respective creation-level avenues—the Great Domain of Destiny, the Great Domain of Cause and Effect, the Great Domain of Wishes, and the Great Domain of Reincarnation!

There are three thousand kinds of Dao fields unique to super-dimensional people, also known as the three thousand Dao fields, that is, the Dao enchantment that super-dimensional people will comprehend when they reach a certain height, it can also be called the Dao field. When you obtain the Dao, you comprehend the Dao field like the enchantment. In this Dao field, you are the master, controlling everything and ignoring everything, but if both sides have the Dao field, then you can only collide, just like the collision of the enchantment, come A fight.

The avenue field is equivalent to condensing a huge spherical avenue area around him. This avenue area has its own rules, and this is the biggest one.

But in battle, if others also have the Dao Domain, it means that the stone will hit the stone to see who is tougher, that is, whoever has the stronger Dao Domain ability, will be the victor.

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