In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1962: Nouveau riche Okami

The King of Destruction Zhou Zhuangyu said coldly: "Ji Haotian, you give us back the seeds of the great magic that you robbed us, and for the sake of you being the great master of heaven, we can let go of the past, otherwise we will never let it go, and we will rob the universe forever. It's more powerful than you can imagine!"

Ji Haotian ignored them and suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Haotian River, a mighty and rushing river in the Sky God City.

On the green grass on the bank of the river, Konglin King of Space Eternal and King of Death Eternal Eternal were barbecuing and drinking, eating meat and drinking in large bowls, chatting while eating, and enjoying it.

Suddenly, the Space Eternal King Konglin cried out in pain and spat out his mouthful of flesh.

The King of Death Zhou was stunned for a moment and said, "Kong Lin, what's the matter?"

Space Zhou Wang Konglin shouted angrily, "Bastard, why is this meat so hard? It's like a stone!"

The Eternal King of Death looked down at the meat spit out by Konglin, the Eternal King of Space, and frowned: "How did this meat become metal meat? What kind of meat are you eating, it is clearly metal!"

Konglin King Konglin suddenly said annoyed, "This is the great magic trick of turning stone into gold. That robber Ji Haotian is here!"

The magic of turning stones into gold, also known as alchemy, is one of the forty-nine magic tricks of Tianyan, the magic power of the road of gold, which can turn stones or various objects into gold at will; it can turn all things into various metals in essence . Achieving the ultimate can turn the entire planet and everything in the planet into metal, and it is an essential change. Note: "This is the essence that can change all things."

Forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, forty-nine kinds of innate supreme supernatural powers, refer to the way of heaven to derive all things in the universe, that is, three or three are inexhaustible, six or six are inexhaustible, forty-nine Tianyan, Tianyan all things are born, and forty Nine represents the meaning of all things in the universe, and the forty-nine changes in Tianyan are innate supernatural powers. Those who gather together the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan can become the supreme transcendent, which means "above everything", transcends everything, ignores everything, is omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The innate origin of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan is the forty-nine great divine arts seeds, which were born in the primordial chaotic source core and have innate spirituality. Lord, refining and merging, truly control the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan.

The forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan are all unique. They all have innate origins and seeds of great divine arts, and they all contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. They are truly transcendent innate supernatural powers. However, the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan that have been circulated in the heavens and the world have no innate origin and seeds of great divine arts, and do not contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. . In front of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the forty-nine false divine arts of Tianyan are just trivial illusions.

The strength of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan depends on the level of the owner's cultivation. powerful.

The forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan include:

Omniscient and Almighty Magic, Creation, Creation, Immortality, Mediation, Inversion of Yin and Yang, Shifting Stars and Fighting, Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun, Calling Wind and Rain, Shaking Mountains and Earth , Soaring the Clouds and Driving the Fog Great Magic, Crossing the River into the Land Great Magic, Longitudinal Golden Light Great Magic, Turning the River and Stirring the Sea Great Magic, Fingering the Ground into Steel Great Magic, Five Elements Great Escape, Liujia Qimen Great Magic, Reverse Knowing the Future Great Magic, Whip Mountain The great magic of moving stones, the great magic of resurrecting the dead, the great magic of flying body and trace, the great magic of nine breaths, the great magic of exporting Yuanyang, the great magic of subduing dragons and tigers, the great magic of mending the sky and bathing the sun, the great magic of pushing mountains and filling the sea, and the great magic of turning stones into gold , The Great Magic of Standing Shadowless, The Great Magic of Embryo Transformation, The Great Magic of Big and Small Ruyi, The Great Magic of Flower Blossoming Instantly, The Great Magic of Wandering Spirits, The Great Magic of Seeing Through the Walls, The Great Magic of Returning the Wind and Returning Fire, The Great God of Five Thunders Techniques, Shrinking the Earth, Flying Sand and Moving Stones, Carrying Mountains and Overseas, Scattering Beans and Forming Soldiers, Nail Head Seven Arrows, Knowing Others' Hearts, Unobstructing Heavenly Eyes, Staying The great magic of reciting the mind, the great magic of knowing the future, the great magic of unhindered ears, the great magic of incorporeal intelligence, the great magic of voices and sounds of sentient beings, the great magic of immeasurable forms and bodies, the great magic of all dharmas and wisdom, and the great magic of entering the law and destroying it.

The King of Death Zhou looked around with a cold face, and suddenly shouted coldly, "Ji Haotian, you bastard, get out! Get out for me!"

Soon, Ji Haotian suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of the two of them.

He looked at the annoyed two and said with a smile, "Ha Lou! Eruibo's purchase of Neimu Ezi... Aimu... Yi's son Ouer's favorite clothes Luomu."

The two kings of the universe were full of black lines when they heard the words.

Konglin, the King of Space Zhou, scolded: "You bastard, what kind of **** are you talking about?"

Ji Haotian looked at the grilled meat and wine on the two of them's grill, and smiled, "Your grilled meat and wine seem to be pretty good. Would you like me to drink and eat meat?"

Death Zhou Wang shook his head and said, "No, please go away!"

Ji Haotian said, "If you don't invite me, I will continue to use the magic of turning stone into gold to make trouble for you, so that you can't eat or drink well!"

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