In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1959: big and small magic

half year later.

Under Ji Haotian and his wife, the four of them split up and attacked in succession, and they successively grabbed all the seeds of ten great divine arts of the ten kings of the eternal robbery.

So far, Ji Haotian has possessed thirteen of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, which are:

Subduing dragons and tigers, mending the sky and bathing the sun, pushing mountains and reclaiming seas, turning stones into gold, standing upright without shadows, transforming fetuses, big and small wishful thinking, flowers blooming in an instant, swimming The great magic of Shen Yuqi, the great magic of seeing through the walls, the great magic of returning the wind and returning fire, the great magic of mastering the five thunders, and the great magic of hiding the abyss and shrinking the earth.

At the same time, they also knew the purpose of the Eternal Tribulation Ten Zhou Kings appearing in Juntianxing - the ancient tombs of the Four Saints in the Sky!

According to speculation, the ancient four sacred tombs of the sky are about to be born in the sky mountains. Seeds of Super Sea Great Magic Seeds, Sprinkling Beans into Soldiers Great Magic Seeds, and Nail Head Seven Arrows Great Magic Seeds.

In addition, Ji Haotian and his wife also learned some information about the masters of the Nine Great Forbidden Lands from the Ten Zhou Kings of Eternal Tribulation.

Cangqiong Mountains, located in the northern region of Juntianxing Sky Continent, is a super primitive mountain range.

The majestic Cang Qiong Mountains, the mountains are ups and downs, one on top of another, like the waves of the sea, endlessly extending to the far end of the sky, disappearing into the cloudy depths.

Deep in the mountains, there is a lake with rippling blue waves, called Cangqiong Lake.

There is a mahogany tea table under the shade of a tree on the shore of the lake. Sitting next to the table are four young men of the starry sky giant clan in different clothes, sipping tea and chatting leisurely.

The bodies of the starry sky giants are as huge as super life planets. When they walk in the heavens and the world, they reduce their huge bodies to normal human heights. Few creatures will see their super planet-like bodies.

The four starry sky giants who are drinking tea and chatting under the shade of the lake bank are impressively the fourth of the ten kings of the eternal robbery in the ultimate forbidden land. They are all super-primitive power reincarnations who have spent seventy chaotic ages. The person has a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Destiny Eternal King Mingxiao - a beautiful man of purple starry sky giant with purple hair and purple eyes, with a purple-gold horn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. Karma, Almighty Treasure Destiny Clothes.

King of Karma, Yincheng - a beautiful man with blue hair and blue eyes, a blue starry sky giant, with a blue-gold horn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, a twin creation-level talent, avenue, supernatural powers, great karma, and great wishes Technique, the almighty treasure causal epoch.

Wish King Zhou Yaoyao - red-haired, red-eyed, red starry sky giant handsome man, with a red-gold unicorn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, twin creation-level talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great wishes, and great reincarnation Art, Almighty Treasure Wish Cosmic Clothes.

Lunxuan, the king of reincarnation, is a beautiful man with gray hair and gray eyes. He has a gray-gold horn on his head, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. Great Creation, Almighty Treasure Reincarnation Cosmic Clothes.

Suddenly, the four kings of the universe were surprised to find that a thumb-sized little man appeared on their tea table. Soon, they recognized that the thumb-sized little man was their great enemy, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian. They were all forcibly taken away by the robber Ji Haotian!

Destiny Zhou Wang Mingxiao said coldly: "Ji Haotian, you son of a bitch, what are you doing so small? Is the big and small magic trick fun?"

Ji Haotian, who had a big thumb, suddenly jumped under the table and quickly grew bigger, turning into a normal height in an instant.

He smiled and said: "I'm just trying the supernatural ability of the big and small Ruyi magic. Its ability to become smaller and invisible is not bad. If I didn't expose it on purpose, it would be difficult for you to find me."

The big and small Ruyi magic, also known as Ruyitong, is a way of changing the size, which can be used to control the sky and the earth, and can also hide the shape. A starry sky giant that can transform into an infinite power is also a tiny dust that can become so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. This technique can not only switch freely between giants and ants, but also make the objects you want to operate bigger or smaller. Note: "This is the magical power of changing size, which can imitate the heaven and earth or hide the shape of the medium."

After Ji Haotian finished speaking, he suddenly performed the Great Ruyi Great Divine Art again, his body suddenly swelled, and suddenly became bigger, instantly turning into a super giant as huge as a giant mountain!

This is the power of the heaven and earth of the Great Ruyi Great Magic.

Ji Haotian, who became a super giant, suddenly raised his incomparably gigantic feet and stomped on the Four Great Eternal Kings as small as "ants"!

The four kings of the universe hurriedly threw their fists at each other!

"Boom!" An earth-shattering loud noise!

The two sides retreated, evenly matched, regardless of strength!

Ji Haotian, who was like a super-giant, moved his mind and once again performed the Great Ruyi Great Magical Technique to return to his normal height.

He smiled satisfactorily and said, "Yes, in a single thought, it is Ruyi, this great magic is really mysterious, I like it!"

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