In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1352: unparalleled speed

Seeing Ji Haotian coming, the three queens of Hongmeng all had complicated eyes. The three sisters never imagined that Ji Haotian, who had "sullied" the innocence of their three sisters, would actually be the legendary master of heaven, the all-powerful transcendence genius, and the first in the universe. One day!

When the four transcenders saw Ji Haotian coming, they all had the expression of eating shit!

The three emperors of Hongmeng and the four kings of heaven were stunned and stunned. In their unbelievable eyes, the four transcenders, the fourth of the twelve highest heavenly arrogances in the universe, actually walked up to Ji Haotian, knelt down and kowtowed three times, and then pretended to be terrified He trembled three times before standing up!

Ji Haotian looked at the four transcenders who all looked like they had eaten **** after standing up, and nodded with satisfaction: "The four transcenders, it is the right choice for you to bow down to this seat, if your expressions are a little more awe-inspiring. , that would be even more perfect!"

The four transcenders all gave Ji Haotian a blank look, and they were very annoyed.

Dawei Tianlong, the transcender of nothingness, said angrily, "Ji Haotian, you're a bit of a jerk, but you're so good at being cheap, how could you, a peerless ruthless man who runs and kills everywhere, appear here? Who else are you going to kill?"

Chaos transcendence Odios said: "Ji Haotian, the Three Empresses of Hongmeng are three female robbers who are full of evil, so why don't you just kill the three Empresses of Hongmeng?"

Ji Haotian's bodyguard-like guard Wang Dingyi smiled strangely for several days behind him: "Your hopes of the four transcenders have been dashed, Ji Haotian will not kill the three Empresses of Hongmeng, because they are adulterers and hooked up!"

The king of the variable heavens changed the heavens: "It is rumored that Ji Haotian and the third empress of Hongmeng have an affair, and there are rumors that the third empress of Hongmeng had forcibly defiled Ji Haotian, and Ji Haotian, who had a low cultivation base, endured the humiliation and succumbed to the pomegranate skirt of the third empress of Hongmeng, and became Hongmeng. A male pet of the Three Empresses!"


The space-time transcendence Zeuxis couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and looked at Ji Haotian with a look of schadenfreude.

Empress Hongtian's beautiful eyes spit fire coquettishly: "Fart, which **** spreads rumors and slanders, nonsense, I will kill him!"

Empress Hongling disagreed, she looked at the four transcenders with a strange look on her face, and asked curiously: "The four transcenders, all of you have been subdued by Ji Haotian? Why did you kneel and kowtow three times to Ji Haotian? Why are you shivering three times in fright? Where are you playing? Is it interesting?"

Dawei Tianlong said with an expressionless face: "It's very interesting, you can try it as well."

Oedios suddenly shouted angrily at the Three Empresses of Hongmeng: "What about you three female robbers? The four gourd ancestor-level holy pills are ours first, we have already given the money, and they should belong to us. Come on, you three female robbers forcefully snatched it away without saying a word, how despicable, shameless and deceiving! Return the four gourd holy pills to us immediately, or we will never finish with you!"

Empress Hongguang said coldly: "Since the Four Gourd Holy Pills are in the hands of our three sisters, they are ours, it's useless for you to push them, you can blame yourself for being careless, you can't blame others, you should consider yourself unlucky. !"

"You..." The four transcenders were speechless.

Ji Haotian asked curiously: "Why are you four transcenders, the three emperors of Hongmeng, and the four kings of heaven all gathered here? What are you doing?"

Empress Hongtian said, "It's no secret that the Primordial Life Shrine is about to appear in the Lake of Life!"

Dawei Tianlong said: "According to speculation, the Shrine of Ancient Life will appear in this lake of life within a month. Legend has it that the primordial goddess of life, the genius-level goddess of primordial power, is the hostess of the Shrine of Ancient Life, and the Shrine of Ancient Life is the The super peerless treasure left by the ancient goddess of life, no matter who gets it, will rise rapidly and soar into the sky, this is a great opportunity, not to be missed!"

Suddenly, the four kings of heavenly generals flashed their fists at the same time, and smashed Ji Haotian's body into pieces in a swift and violent manner, but there was no sound. It turned out that what they smashed was just Ji Haotian's phantom. Ji Haotian had already appeared in another direction!

Daguan Yangyang looked at Ji Haotian and sighed, "Ji Haotian, your speed is really fast enough, galloping like lightning, we are not as fast as you!"

Empress Hongling looked at the four kings, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you guys with Ji Haotian? Are you not friends? Why did you sneak up on Ji Haotian?"

The power heaven general Wang Liting said with a smile: "We are friends with Ji Haotian, we know Ji Haotian's speed is very fast, we wanted to try it to see how fast his speed is, I finally tried it out, Ji Haotian's speed is simply unparalleled. , we are worse than ourselves!"

Oedios looked at Ji Haotian and said indifferently: "In the legend, the master of the fifteenth avenue is the fifteen keys to the gate of ascension. Controlling the master of the fifteenth avenue can open the gate of ascension, soar to a higher-level immortal universe, and obtain the ultimate Eternal life. Ji Haotian, is this legend true?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you think, do you think it's true or false?"


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