In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1353: 5 Great Creation God Emperors

Odios smiled lightly and said, "I don't think this news is accurate! Those who obey the Heavenly Emperor will go up to nine days, those who defy the Heavenly Emperor will go to hell, those who are close to the Heavenly Emperor will be safe in heaven, and those who believe in the Heavenly Emperor will live forever."

Ji Haotian asked, "Do you four great transcenders want to obey me or go against me? Have you ever thought about approaching me and trusting me?"

Dawei Tianlong said: "We don't obey you, we don't go against you, we don't approach you, we don't believe in you, we don't have you in our hearts!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there any difference between the four?"

Daguan said indifferently: "Not bad!"

Ji Haotian looked at the three female emperors of Hongmeng and asked, "Where are you three female robbers?"

Empress Hongtian said indifferently: "We also treat you differently!"

Wang Dingyi curled his lips in disdain for several days and said, "You are adulterers.

When the Third Empress of Hongmeng heard the words, she glared at Wang Dingyi, the general of Xiang Dingshu, and was about to get angry.

Suddenly, a piece of golden light shot out of the void and shone on Ji Haotian. As the golden light disappeared, Ji Haotian also disappeared out of thin air...

For a moment, Ji Haotian only felt a flash before his eyes, and another bright light. The scene in front of him changed. At this time, he was already in a sacred and magnificent hall.

On the five huge thrones in the center of the hall sit five men dressed in different brocade robes. They are from different races. They are all majestic and domineering, their power is monstrous, and endless coercion shrouds the heaven and earth, like five almighty nine-day rulers, Megatron. The universe, overlooking the common people, is sacred and inviolable!

Ji Haotian calmly looked at the five men in golden robes on the five huge thrones, and they were also looking at Ji Haotian.

After a short while, Ji Haotian said indifferently, "The five of you should be the five presidents of the All-Powerful Cosmic Council and the five **** emperors of creation, right? What did you bring me here for?"

One of the human race jinpao men said in a loud and melodious voice: "We are the five great creation **** emperors, Ji Haotian, we brought you here because we want to meet you, the legendary master of heaven, and discuss something with you. ."

The twenty-three superpowers in the omnipotent universe are called: one society, one court, three religions, five countries, five houses, and eight clans.

One meeting is the Almighty Cosmic Council, one court is the Almighty Cosmic Court, the Three Religions are the Three Supreme Cosmic Religions, the Five Kingdoms are the Five Super Multiverse Republics, the Fifth Academy is the Five Cosmic Academy, and the Eight Clans are the Eight Peak Ancient Clans .

The Almighty Cosmic Council, the five supreme leaders, the five supreme gods, the five transcendental genius-level primordial powers, the five transcendental-level Dao bodies, and the five grand monstrous treasures, the five cosmic garments, are:

Taixu God - the body of nothingness, the universe of Taixu

There is too no God - there is no Tao body, there is too no cosmic clothing

Hongmeng God - Hongmeng Taoism, Hongmeng Eternal Clothes

Chaos God - Chaos Dao Body, Chaos Clothes

Time and Space God - Time and Space Dao Body, Time and Space Clothes

The five presidents of the omnipotent cosmos council and the five creation genius-level primordial masters, known as the five great creation **** emperors, come from different races and possess four treasures of chaos. They are:

Great Speaker Ren Ao God Emperor, Human Race, Human Emperor Sword

Second Speaker, the Demon Emperor, Demon Race, Demon Emperor Sword

Three Speakers: Yuao God Emperor, Yu Clan, Yu Emperor Sword

Four Speakers: Zhou Ao Divine Emperor, Zhou Clan, Zhou Emperor Sword

Five Speakers Xingao God Emperor, XingClan, Xinghuang Sword

Ji Haotian was very dissatisfied with these five great creation **** emperors. The five great creation **** emperors brought Ji Haotian here without permission, which made Ji Haotian feel disgusted. He heard the words and said coldly: "I don't want to see you, neither Interested in discussing things with you."

God Emperor Moao said indifferently: "This is not up to you, this is a world where the strong eat the weak, the big fist is the truth, we are better than you, so our words are the supreme imperial decree and cannot be violated!"

Ji Haotian snorted coldly, "The so-called Five Great Creation God Emperors are just five old monsters who rely on their elders to sell their powers and bully others. They are nothing special, and they can't scare me, Ji Haotian! The so-called irreversible, in front of me, but It's bullshit! Tell me you can't go against it, what are you guys? Five shit!"

The five **** emperors on the throne did not get angry when they heard the words, but looked at Ji Haotian's eyes even colder.

God Emperor Yuao said coldly: "There are only a handful of people in the entire Daquan universe who dare to speak to us like that in person. You, Ji Haotian, are indeed bold enough! Ji Haotian, let me ask you, in the legend, the ruler of the fifteenth avenue is the one who ascended. Fifteen keys to the door, controlling the master of the fifteenth avenue can open the door of ascension, ascend to a higher-level immortal universe, and obtain the ultimate immortality. Is this rumor true?"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "Don't you already know what's in your heart? And you've already made a choice, so why ask me? Take off your pants and fart, it's unnecessary."

Divine Emperor Zhou Ao said in a cold voice: "What a sharp-toothed boy, you are too violent and need to be tempered! Ji Haotian, we won't talk nonsense with you anymore, let go of the soul source, our five great creation **** emperors I want to imprint five souls on you at the same time, and completely control you, from now on, you Ji Haotian will be the messenger of our five great creation **** emperors, waiting to be dispatched."

Ji Haotian suddenly revealed that there were Chinese nuclear missiles hidden in the star field within his body, so that the five **** emperors of creation could see clearly!

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