In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1351: lake of life

At this time, people in the Almighty Universe City were coming and going. On the bustling and bustling streets of the city, four tall, handsome, mighty and domineering young men in brocade robes were strutting around in the leisurely courtyard.

The four of them are impressively four of the seventy-two Heavenly Generals of the Seventy-two Heavenly Dao Regiment, and each has a Chaos Treasure, namely:

The Ninth Heavenly Dao Legion will appoint Wang Dingyi, the general of the heavens, and the spear of the heavens.

The 10th Heavenly Dao Legion, the variable Heavenly Commander becomes the Heavenly King, and the Variable Heavenly Spear.

The eleventh Heavenly Dao Legion, the mighty Heavenly General Wang Liting, and the mighty Heavenly Spear.

The 12th Heavenly Dao Legion, Speed ​​Heavenly General Wang Suxin, Speed ​​Heavenly Spear.

The four of them were walking and watching, and Ji Haotian, who was standing in front of the stall to watch, caught the attention of the four kings of heaven.

They stepped forward one after another, looking up and down at Ji Haotian with impunity.

Dingtian General Wang Dingyi said in surprise: "A man with black hair and black eyes, a peerless beauty of the human race, with a vertical eye between his eyebrows and a pair of purple wings on his back, he is the first genius of the universe and the great ruler of the heavens, Ji Haotian!"

The variable-day general Wang Biantian looked at Ji Haotian, his eyes were fiery, and he said as if he had obtained a treasure: "This Ji Haotian is a good thing! Legend has it that the master of the fifteenth avenue is the fifteen keys to the gate of ascension, which can be opened by controlling the master of the fifteenth avenue. The gate of ascension, soaring to a higher-level immortal universe, and obtaining the ultimate immortality. We control Ji Haotian, the master of the heavens, which means that we have the hope of ascending to a higher-level universe in advance, and we have the opportunity to obtain immortality! "

The power heaven general Wang Liting laughed and said, "This Ji Haotian is a mobile peerless treasure. We have caught it now. Our chance has come, and we will have a chance to gain immortality in the future!"

The speed commander Wang Suxin suddenly pointed at Ji Haotian, fast as lightning!

Ji Haotian dodged with a teleport.

The other three celestial generals and kings shot lightning at the same time, and they gathered together to arrest Ji Haotian!

But Ji Haotian's speed is too fast, like a galloping speed, the white horses are passing through the gap, and even Wang Suxin, who is known for his speed, can't catch him!

For a long time, the four kings of heavenly generals did not catch Ji Haotian either, all of them were tired and panting, and they were furious.

Ji Haotian's Tiandao Wing, Haotian Boots, and Tiandao teleportation technique can accelerate the triple power, which can reach dozens of times the speed of light. The absolute speed is unparalleled, and no one can match it in the realm of the Austrian Lord. The speed of the theme theory is not as fast as him.

The speed commander Wang Suxin looked at Ji Haotian and shouted angrily, "Ji Haotian, what are you running for? We won't hurt you, just stand there and don't move, don't run around."

Ji Haotian said disdainfully, "What do you four fools want to do? Have you all been kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Wang Dingyi, the general of the fixed number of days, shouted: "Ji Haotian, although you are extremely fast, your cultivation is too low, and you are not the opponent of our four heavenly generals. Soul imprint, in the future, I will surrender to our four kings of heaven and join us."

The variable-day general Wang Biantian shouted and threatened: "Controlling you Ji Haotian means you have the hope of immortality. We will never let go of your great opportunity. Ji Haotian, if you can't escape, don't make senseless resistance!"

Ji Haotian pouted, "A bunch of idiots!"

After speaking, he turned and walked forward.

The speed commander Wang Suxin suddenly pointed and shot a golden light towards Ji Haotian!


A muffled sound.

Ji Haotian's body was smashed and scattered by the golden light, but it was a phantom. Others had already appeared in another direction ahead.

The Four Great Heavenly General Wang quickly chased up and followed behind Ji Haotian, but he didn't make another move, ready to wait for an opportunity.

In this way, the four kings of heavenly generals followed Ji Haotian like four bodyguards, Ji Haotian ignored them and ignored them.

The five people came to the Lake of Life in the southern urban area of ​​the Almighty Cosmos City after a short while.

Life Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the street on the other side.

Along the shore of Life Lake is a super large trading area, called Life Lake Trading Area, which is bustling and famous.

Ji Haotian "led" the four kings of heaven into the lively large trading area and began to wander around.

After a short while, Ji Haotian was surprised to see the front of the lake shore, the four transcenders and the three empresses of Hongmeng were facing each other full of gunpowder.

Four Transcendents, four mysterious and incomparably powerful young Transcendent geniuses, holding four almighty treasures Four Transcendent Swords, all possessing Transcendent Dao Body and Twin Transcendent Talent Dao Supernatural Powers, no one knows who they are What race they belong to, and no one knows where they come from. It is rumored that the four transcendents are all super giants with a height of 30,000 meters, but no one has seen their bodies, and they usually appear as normal human heights. Surprisingly, every time the Four Great Transcenders saw the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, they would reluctantly kneel down and kowtow three times, and then tremble three times in fright.

The four transcendents are:

Dawei Tianlong, the transcendence of nothingness - the image of a beautiful white man with white hair and white with a pair of white nothingness wings on his back. Hongmeng Art, the almighty treasure, nothingness, surpasses the sword.

Hongmeng Transcendence Daguanyangyang——The image is a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of purple Hongmeng divine wings on his back, Hongmeng Taoist body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great Hongmeng technique and great chaos technique, the almighty treasure of Hongmeng transcendence sword.

Chaos Transcendor Odios - a beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a pair of gray chaotic wings on his back, a chaotic body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great chaos technique and great space-time technique, almighty treasure Chaos transcends swords.

Time and space transcendence Zeuxis - a beautiful blue man with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue time and space wings on his back, a time and space body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great chaos art, almighty The Treasure Time and Space Transcends Sword.

The three emperors of Hongmeng, the three masters of the Grandmist Shrine, three sisters, and three all-powerful treasures, they are three mysterious and powerful young transcendent female geniuses, all possessing transcendent Hongmeng Taoism, all of them are With twin transcendent talents, Daoist supernatural powers, great primordial magic and great chaos, their three sisters are three sacred, beautiful, noble, majestic and powerful human race's three great female geniuses.

The three Hongmeng Empresses of Hongmeng Shrine and their three almighty treasures are:

The Grand Palace Lord Hongtian Empress, the image is a beautiful and noble purple palace beauty, with a pair of purple wings on her back, called Hongmeng Purple Wings, the almighty treasure of the heart of creation.

Empress Hongling, the master of the second palace, is in the form of a beautiful and noble cyan palace beauty with a pair of cyan wings on her back.

The Empress Hongguang, the master of the third palace, has the image of a beautiful and noble woman in white palace dress, with a pair of white wings on her back, called Hongmeng Baiyi, the all-powerful eye that purifies the world.

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