In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1216: 4 big surpasses

Dawei Tianlong, the transcender of nothingness, said angrily: "I want to play with you too, can you see?"

Ji Haotian said, "What do you want to do?"

Dawei Tianlong said: "It is said that the great ruler of the heavens surpasses everything, ignores everything, is omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal, I want to try it! You stand still, let me try, see if I can kill you!"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in playing with you!"

Dawei Tianlong said coldly, "But I want to play with you!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly shot out two fierce white sword qi that destroyed the sky and the earth, slashing towards Ji Haotian like two white lightning bolts!

Ji Haotian's body suddenly burst into a burst of colorful light, instantly dispelling the two sharp sword qi that came from it. Cai Guang is the ancestor of all light - the life light of heaven!

The Light of Heaven's Life can not only create, heal, and resurrect everything, but also eliminate all damage.

A white light of destruction suddenly shot out of Dawei Tianlong's heart, and shot at Ji Haotian like lightning!

Ji Haotian's body instantly reappeared with endless colorful light, the heavenly life light, and once again quickly eliminated the opponent's damage!

Dawei Tianlong did not attack again, and said coldly: "The legendary life light of the heavens is indeed infinitely mysterious!"

Suddenly, two rays of light, one gray and one blue, appeared out of thin air, turning into two extraordinary and beautiful men.

The two are the Chaos Beyonder Odios and the Time and Space Beyonder Zeuxis among the Four Great Beyonders!

Chaos Transcendor Odios - a beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a pair of gray chaotic wings on his back, a chaotic body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great chaos technique and great space-time technique, almighty treasure Chaos transcends swords.

Time and space transcendence Zeuxis - a beautiful blue man with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue time and space wings on his back, a time and space body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great chaos art, almighty The Treasure Time and Space Transcends Sword.

At this point, in the Valley of the Nine Heavens True Kings of the Cosmic Law Enforcement Mountain, the four transcenders gathered again after many years!

Chaos transcendence Odios laughed and said: "Our four transcenders haven't gathered together for more than a thousand years. I didn't expect to gather here today. It's a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence!" The Grand View of Hongmeng Transcendence smiled and said, "It's not all for the Nine Heavens True King Fruit!"

The space-time transcendence Zeuxis looked at Ji Haotian, and suddenly scolded: "Ji Da bastard, why are you here? Go away, our four transcenders gather, it's none of your business!"

Ji Haotian said disdainfully, "Zuke's scum, you're spitting out big **** again!"

Zeuxis scolded: "You bastard, you are the shit, your whole family is shit!"

Odios said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, let's go, our four transcenders are here, and you don't have the arrogance of you. If you annoy us, you will suffer. You can get out of here now!"

Ji Haotian said arrogantly and disdainfully, "The four transcenders are just a basket, just a bunch of shit, and I haven't paid attention to it yet!"

When the four transcenders heard the words, they all glared at Ji Haotian and were about to move.

Ulfilas, who was watching the excitement, shouted quickly: "Stop, stop, you can't do it here and destroy the fruit tree of the Nine Heavens True King, and everyone has no time to play!"

Dawei Tianlong, who had a sullen face, suddenly smiled and said with a smile: "That's right, the purpose of our visit is to destroy the Nine Heavens True King Fruit. If we destroy the Nine Heavens True King Fruit Tree, then it will be in vain! Ulfilas, You leave first, the four transcenders and Ji Haotian have something to discuss, this is a big secret between us and Ji Haotian, so it is inconvenient for you to be here."

Ulfilas nodded and said, "Okay, you guys can play here. I'll come back in ten days when the Nine Heavens True King Fruit is ripe."

After he said goodbye to everyone, he left alone. The four transcendents and Ji Haotian were both top-level transcendental geniuses, and they were not easy to mess with. He really didn't want to get involved.

After Ulfilas left, there were only Ji Haotian and the four transcenders left in the Nine Heavenly Kings Valley Nine Heavenly Kings Fruit Tree.

The five people made a futon under the tree one after another, and each sat cross-legged on the futon, waiting for the Jiutian Zhenwang fruit to mature.

Daguan Yangyang said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Daru, let's discuss something serious, shall we?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "There will still be business affairs between us?"

Dawei Tianlong suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Others don't understand your five masters of transcendence and ten masters of creation, but our four masters of transcendence know you very well!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "How much do you know about us? Come and listen?"

Daguan Yangyang said: "The five masters of transcendence and the ten masters of creation are also called the fifteen masters of the universe. They transcend and surpass everything. They are absolutely omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal. The five masters of transcendence: also known as the five no The super-transcendent ones, which means above everything. They exist in the 81 chaotic ages, and they are the five supreme super-almighty people who have reincarnated in the 81 chaotic ages. They will be in every chaotic ages. After 100 million years of reincarnation, after 81 chaotic generations, they have accumulated a cultivation base equivalent to passing through the extreme peak of 81 chaotic epochs, and possessed the mana of 81 chaotic epochs. These eighty-one chaotic epochs have been sealed in the soul source of their own great master soul."

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