In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1215: nothingness transcendence

The two looked at each other, and Dou didn't make another move.

Daguan said indifferently, "Ji Haotian, you, the legendary master of the heavens, is nothing more than that!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "You are a big realm higher than me, and you are only on a tie with me. You are just like that!"

Daguan Yangyang asked: "I sensed that you have three thousand times the combat power. You have three thousand dantians and three thousand star fields? This is the power of the legendary heavenly body? "

Ulfilas's eyes widened when he heard the words, he was shocked and looked at Ji Haotian in disbelief!

Ji Haotian ignored him, but looked at the void, and shouted, "The Void Transcender, Dawei Tianlong, have you seen enough of the fun? We're done fighting, get out!"

As his voice fell, a beautiful white-haired white-eyed man suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the void, with a pair of wings as white as snow on his back!

He has white clothes and white hair, and his clothes and hair are flowing and flowing, not tied, but fluttering slightly, lining the figure hanging in the air, as if a **** had come to the world.

There was a faint glow on his skin, and the light of glazed white like jade flashed in his eyes.

The appearance is picturesque, and it is so beautiful that it does not look like a real person at all. This kind of demeanor has already surpassed all the beauty of human beings.

He just casually wore a white robe, thinking that even an angel would never be more beautiful than him.

This kind of beauty that transcends men and women, and transcends the world, can no longer be described in words.

This person is impressively one of the top ten supreme geniuses in the universe, Dawei Tianlong, a transcendence of nothingness, a transcendent genius with an ethereal body!

Dawei Tianlong, the transcendence of nothingness, landed in front of Ji Haotian, Shu Mei smiled and said, "The Eye of Heaven is indeed the first eye of the universe and the ultimate eye of the cause. It can actually see through my great nothingness technique, amazing!"

The Eye of Heaven: The first eye of the universe, the eye of the ultimate first cause, the image is a supreme and holy vertical eye.

Tiandao Eye ranks first in the "Three Thousand Different Eyes List" in the multiverse. It is the most powerful super magical eye. It can see through the past, present and future of everything in the multiverse; it can see through time, space, matter, energy, Spirit, destiny, cause and effect, essence, laws and everything else; can see through the hearts and minds of all living beings; can identify all things in the universe, distinguish between good and evil and true and false, all things and reality in the universe are in the eyes of heaven There is no way to escape.

Tiandaoyan can turn anyone's imagination into reality, and can realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of him, because it can modify and manipulate them at will.

Tiandao Eye can copy all physical superpowers, and make its own physical attack ability and defense ability to an invincible level; Tiandao Eye can enter the thinking of other people, and also allow all fantasy, dreams and thoughts to enter. His brain, which can enhance spiritual power and increase psychic ability, can simultaneously enter the mind of everything that exists, dominate, modify, manipulate, and erase. It is absolutely omniscient, omniscient, and omniscient.

Tiandaoyan can see through, see through, and see through all existence and non-existence in a blink of an eye, and it can destroy billions of creatures in the universe with a blink of an eye. The eye of the strongest and ultimate first cause in the universe dominated by the Heavenly Dao.

Ji Haotian's current cultivation base is limited and his abilities are limited. He can only exert one-millionth of the power of the Heavenly Dao Eye. The higher his cultivation realm, the stronger the Heavenly Dao Eye's power will be.

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "The Great Void Technique is nothing special, just now I used the Great Heavenly Way. You moved your hands and feet in the dark, weakening the power of my Great Heavenly Way by 10%!"

Dawei Tianlong, the transcender of nothingness, said: "If I don't weaken your Great Heavenly Dao Technique, the Nine Heavens True King Fruit Tree on the side will be annihilated under your Great Heavenly Dao Technique. I did that to protect the Nine Heavens True King Fruit Tree!"

Ji Haotian said: "You are arrogant, I naturally know that the True King of Nine Heavens Fruit Tree is on the side, since I have created the Great Heavenly Dao Technique, I am confident that I can control the power of the Great Heavenly Dao Technique and will not hurt the Nine-Heaven True King Fruit Tree! You are secretly playing small tricks, you just owe your hands, you should chop off your hands, so that you don’t owe your hands, like you are forced to do nothing!”

Dawei Tianlong suddenly stretched out his hands and provocatively said, "Come on, chop off my hands!"

Ji Haotian didn't say a word, and suddenly swept out the boundless and boundless calamities of the Heavenly Dao, and the endless and terrifying calamity that destroyed the sky and the earth instantly swept out!

The Dawei Tianlong standing on the opposite side and the time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws and everything around him disappeared in an instant and returned to nothingness!

However, it didn't take long for the annihilated Dawei Tianlong to suddenly resurrect strangely, appearing out of thin air, unscathed!

He shouted angrily at Ji Haotian, "You're too ruthless, aren't you? I just let you chop off my hands, and you actually want to kill me. You're still not human? Why are you so ruthless?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "I just test it to see if you, the transcendence of nothingness, has really reached the realm of super-space and transcendence of nothingness. Now I can see that the transcendence of nothingness really lives up to its reputation. !"

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