In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1217: The plan of the 4 transcendents

Oedios sternly said: "The Ten Masters of Creation: also known as the Ten Creation Gods and the Ten Almighty Beings, they are the supreme beings who have existed for eighty chaotic ages and reincarnated for a billion ages. Having gone through 80 chaotic generations, he possesses 80 chaotic magic powers, and his strength is second only to the five transcendence masters. Among the five transcendence masters, the heavenly master has the strongest supreme and unique soul of the heavenly supernatural. , the other four masters of transcendence have the four souls of super Brahma, which are second only to the supernatural souls of the Tao of Heaven, and the ten masters of creation have the souls of the ten gods, which are second only to the souls of the four super Brahma. The Mysterious Souls ranked first, the Four Great Souls of Brahma tied for second, and the Ten Souls of God tied for third. Among the Five Great Masters, the Great Master of Heaven is the most powerful. It's just a fight. It's impossible to defeat the Great Master of the Dao of Heaven, because the Master of the Dao of Heaven with a soul of the Dao of Heaven is a super-no-yield person, and is the ultimate first cause of everything that cannot be surpassed. The Great Master of Heavenly Dao is also known as the Super No Mysterious One, the other four Transcendent Masters possessing the souls of the Four Great Brahmas are also known as the Four Super Brahmans, and the Ten Masters of Creation with the Souls of the Ten Gods are also known as the Ten Great Masters The God of Creation. The Transcendent One, the Four Transcendent Brahmans, and the Ten Great Creation Gods, are the absolute and supreme beings that are transcendent in infinite multiverses.”

Zeuxis opened his mouth and said: "Among the five masters of transcendence, the master of the Dao of Heaven cultivates three thousand Heavenly Dao tactics, possesses 3,000 dantians, 3,000 internal universes, and 3,000 times the combat power; Jue, Hongmeng Qianyu Jue, Chaos Qianyu Jue, and Time and Space Qianyu Jue, all four of them have a thousand dantians, a thousand inner universes, and a thousand times the combat power. Among the ten masters of creation, destiny dominates cultivation. The Thousand Universes of Destiny has a thousand dantians, a thousand internal universes, and a thousand times the combat power; the other nine masters of creation are all practicing various Baiyus, and they all have a hundred dantians and a hundred The universe in the body, one hundred times the combat power. The five transcendental masters have five transcendental nominative figures and five transcendental treasures, creating the five supreme kingdoms of the universe; ."

Dawei Tianlong Dao: "The five masters of transcendence are called the five masters of transcendence because they have five masters that contain the origins of the five great paths of transcendence. For the top ten masters of creation. A chaotic generation is six trillion years, which is equivalent to a rebirth of the destruction of the universe. In each chaotic generation, the five transcendence masters and the ten creation masters are beyond everything, ignoring all omnipotence and omnipotence, Immortal, immortal and supreme existence. Other beings, even if they comprehend the transcendence-level avenue or the creation-level avenue, but because they do not have the nominative and the soul of transcendence or creation, they are not controlled by the origin of the transcendence or creation-level avenues. Therefore, it cannot be called a master.”

Daguan Yangyang said: "The five masters of transcendence and the ten masters of creation have no beginning and no end, neither death nor extinction, transcending everything, ignoring everything, and being omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, fully created forever supreme. And the eternal ones, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omniscient. They are the creator of all things, the ruler of the universe, the revelator of truth, the savior of the common people, and the judge of sin. Five transcendent masters And the ten masters of creation are absolute nihilistic ones. No creature or the strongest can see, analyze, deduce, fortune and predict them. Their destiny is nihilistic and cannot be seen or calculated. There is no ordinary, illusory, mysterious and unpredictable, it is an absolute time and space person who is beyond fate and cause and effect, and is not in fixed numbers and variables."

Ji Haotian finally became restless when he heard the words, showing a look of surprise, he said in surprise, "How can you know so much about our five transcendence masters and ten world creation masters? It is impossible for other masters to tell you this, you are How do you know? Where are you from? What race are you?"

Dawei Tianlong smiled and said, "Ji Haotian, if you cooperate with us, our four transcenders can unravel our mystery to you in order to show our sincerity!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Daguan Yangyang said a little excitedly and urgently: "Our four transcenders want to replace the other four masters, take everything from them, and become the new masters of transcendence!"

Oedios said: "All of this refers to the four transcendent nominative figures, the four transcendental treasures, the four transcendent Brahma souls, etc. of the other four transcendental masters. Only by taking everything from the other four transcendent masters , our four transcendence masters can truly replace them, become the new four transcendence masters, and form the new five transcendence masters with your heavenly master master!"

Ji Haotian said with a light smile: "You four transcenders and the other four transcendence masters are indeed too close, and they are too similar and compatible, you two will become old enemies! The master of nothingness, master of Hongmeng, master of chaos, master of time and space, these four Once the nominative character of the great transcendence is obtained by your four transcendences, you can indeed replace it and become the new four masters. The soul of the great superhero Brahma, so that your four transcenders will truly replace them and become the real four new transcendental masters!"


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