Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 988: Kill two kills 1

Chapter 988

She has a hunch that if she continues to fly high and break through a certain barrier, she will get greater benefits and she will become stronger.

However, this will happen to be disrupted.

"Huang'er, stop."

Di Lingtian stepped on the twelve wingtip Swifts and came behind her.

The voice Jun Mohuang heard, the original good mood was instantly ruined.

Stop, why should she listen to him!

The black wings behind Jun Mohuang shook, and the speed of his flight suddenly accelerated and went straight to the sky.

In an instant, Di Lingtian was thrown away a lot.

Looking down to see Emperor Lingtian being thrown away, the corner of Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched, and the black wings shook again, faster.

This is the first time she has used her own strength to get rid of Di Lingtian. It was an epoch-making moment!

It feels good to be strong.

Di Lingtian watched Jun Mohuang flying higher and higher in the sky, stepped on the back of the eleven or twelve pointed-tailed Swift, and the red aura passed through the pointed-tailed Swift's body.

The next moment, the twelve wings of the sharp-tailed Swift shook, and the speed suddenly increased ten times.

Like a flash of lightning, after several breaths, he chased behind Jun Mohuang again.

"Huang'er, be obedient, now is not the time to get angry."

When Jun Mohuang saw him following up again, his black jewel-like eyes became cold, and the black wings behind him suddenly vibrated again, raising his speed to the extreme.

Obedient, why.

What he thought she was, a pet that came and went as soon as he called!

She didn't even want to see him again, why should she listen to him.

Upon seeing this, Di Lingtian speeded up again to follow.

One of them is in front and the other is behind, and the speed is almost extreme.

No matter how fast Jun Mohuang increased his speed, Di Lingtian could always follow up quickly.

But it was just keeping up with her, but she couldn't catch her at that speed.

At the feet of Di Lingtian was the fastest flying monster in Cangyuan Continent. His own strength was unpredictable, but he couldn't catch Jun Mohuang.

This shows the power of the black wings behind her.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the top of the sky, above the sea of ​​clouds.

When I looked down, I could not see any ground, I could only see thick white clouds.

Di Lingtian still followed behind Jun Mohuang.

After flying again for a few minutes, Jun Mohuang could sense that there was an invisible barrier not far in front.

As long as she leapt upwards, she could break through this barrier, and as long as she broke through this barrier, she could completely shake off Di Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered slightly, his black wings shook suddenly, and he rushed straight towards the invisible barrier.

Seeing her rushing towards the invisible barrier, Di Lingtian said in a deep voice, "Huang'er, don't stop, I'm going to do it!"

Jun Mohuang turned a deaf ear, and she could feel that she was only a few hundred meters away from that invisible barrier, and she would be able to break through soon.

It was just a threat, she wouldn't believe that Di Lingtian would do it.

She is a hen who can lay golden eggs. How can he be willing to do it for Huang Jing.

Di Lingtian's thin lips were slightly pursed, his eyes sinking slightly, his palms turned, and a **** long sword appeared in his hand.

On the sword body, countless **** streamers flickered, and the sky was also infected with violent bloodthirsty aura.

Di Lingtian turned his wrist, and the long sword let out two **** sword auras, and cut straight to the junction of the wings behind Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang didn't expect that he would really do it, his heart shook, his black wings shook, and he wanted to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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