Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 987: Awakening, Divine Phoenix Will 4

Chapter 987 Awakening, Divine Phoenix Will 4

No one can see the actual form of this pair of black wings, but it does exist.

The black wings kept covering the sky and the sun, and soon broke through the Huangyu space, spreading to the sky above the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The light of the entire Thousand Fantasy City suddenly dimmed, completely shrouded in the shadow of the wings.

Jun Mohuang's body is getting lighter and lighter, and his soul is directly separated from his body.

The black wings gradually showed their form in the air, and the wings were slightly shaken, and the soul of Jun Mohuang directly soared into the sky, leaving the Phoenix jade space. There is no pain in the separation of soul and body.

For unknown reasons, Jun Mohuang had an intuition in his heart, not only was it harmless, but it would have unexpected benefits for her.

So she let it go, without any hindrance.

Soon, Jun Mohuang was taken by the ink-colored wings and flew away from the Thousand Fantasy Academy, flying continuously to the nine heavens.

Having lost his soul in the barrel, Jun Mohuang's body slowly closed his eyes, breathing smoothly, as if he was in a state of cultivation.

Di Ling saw her soul being taken away from the Phoenix Jade space by the black wings, her **** eyes were far away, and her heart was mixed with joy and sorrow.

Finally, she awakened the will of Divine Phoenix and successfully advanced to the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

But now, he must stop all of this.

Di Lingtian was extremely fast, leaving the Phoenix space, driving the twelve-wing tip-tailed Swift, and chasing the Emperor Mohuang who had flown away.

"What happened, how did the day suddenly change!"

"I don't know, it was good just now!"

In the city of a thousand illusions, everyone was surprised to see the sky suddenly darkening.

The sky today is cloudless, and it is impossible to be covered by dark clouds.

"Look, everyone, what is that!"

"My God, okay... a pair of wings, there is a beast!"

"This kind of beast must be very powerful, no, no, I have to find a place to hide."

Soon, someone saw in the city of a thousand illusions, a pair of black wings gradually appeared in the darkened sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Someone was shocked by the black wings and turned pale, shivering, holding their heads and going to find a place to hide.

"No, no, see clearly, this is a nine-feathered phoenix, a legendary auspicious beast!"

"My lord, please bless the villain to advance to the fifth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm as soon as possible!"

"My lord, please bless the villain's wife to give birth to a son with a profound cultivation talent!"

"The beast is generous, please bless the villain..."

The black wings flew high, and the people in the city of a thousand illusions finally saw all the black wings clearly.

Hovering in the sky was a legendary nine-feathered phoenix.

Suddenly, everyone knelt down and began to pray to Jiuyu Phoenix above the sky.

In the sky.

Jun Mohuang was carried by the black wings to fly high, and white clouds were constantly being thrown behind her.

The huge Thousand Fantasy Academy and Thousand Fantasy City soon turned into the size of a matchbox under her eyes.

The endless stretch of forest of illusions, like a green ribbon, surrounds the entire southern region.

The entire Southern Territory was in Jun Mohuang's eyes at this moment.

She even saw the outline of Cangyuan Continent through the clouds.

The whole continent is under her eyes and under her feet.

Jun Mohuang's mood suddenly opened up like never before.

The world is so big, but she is obsessed with that little love between men and women.

Yiye couldn't see Taishan, she was talking about.

There is a bigger world waiting for her to explore and discover.

Jun Mohuang's mind was broad and he just wanted to fly higher.

The update is complete today. . .

Thank you Bai Nian God, Blood Moon Remnant? Yu, meditation and other babies' rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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