Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 989: Kill two kills 2

Chapter 989

As she accelerated to dodge, the two **** sword auras behind her followed like a shadow.

"Puff" and "Puff" twice, the sound of the sharp blade inserted into flesh and blood.

The black wings behind Jun Mohuang were cut down by Emperor Lingtian two seconds before she broke through the barrier.

Several black feathers flew in the air, and the black wings left Jun Mohuang and fell straight down.


Jun Mohuang couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, the black wings connected to her soul, and was cut off by Emperor Lingtian, as if his arm had been cut off.

She lost her black wings and could no longer maintain her flight status, and she fell together with her wings.

At the moment of the fall, Jun Mohuang glanced at the invisible barrier in front of him unwillingly.

What a pity, it's clearly only a little bit short.

Di Ling Tianyi stepped on the twelve-wing tip-tailed Swift under his feet, ignoring to catch the pair of black wings, and quickly stepped forward to catch her.

Although Jun Mohuang was in the state of soul, he was still hugged by him.

After Di Lingtian caught her, he immediately set out to catch the black wings that fell down.

The familiar breath haunted her nose again.

In the past, Di Lingtian's breath can make her feel at ease, but now, it will only make her angry.

Jun Mohuang made a sudden push with both hands like a conditioned reflex.

Facing Di Lingtian, this action didn't work originally.

But somehow, Jun Mohuang managed to push Di Lingtian away successfully this time.


Leaving the Emperor Lingtian, losing his black wings, Jun Mohuang in his soul state fell down.

At the moment of falling, she saw the anxious and worried emotions flashing in Di Lingtian's **** eyes.

Then Jun Mohuang laughed at himself, he had swung his sword at her, how could he be worried about her.

The feeling of weightlessness struck, and the light and shadow in front of him turned.

In the Huangyu space, the body of Jun Mohuang sitting in the wooden barrel shook slightly, and his soul had returned.

Thinking of the state of mind of flying high in the sky just now, and the ruthlessness of Emperor Lingtian's sword, there was a sharp pain in his back.

Jun Mohuang's spine straightened, cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and endured the sharp pain.

The pain of Di Lingtian's sword cutting off the black wings spread to her body.

Fortunately, this pain lasted only ten seconds.

Jun Mohuang's eyes were silent and indifferent, he got up from the wooden barrel, changed into clean clothes at the fastest speed, and returned to the villa.

Jade crystal mother crystal, silver ice chalcedony bracelet, "Cheats of the Nine Nether Realm Primary Alchemist", seven jade horned maniac nuclei, a sound transmission jade talisman for the connection of two people, and the one-person high Amethyst, plus a few odds and ends, all take out and put

On the table.

Jun Mohuang took out a pen and paper, wrote a note, and pressed it under the silver ice chalcedony bracelet.

These are all things that Di Lingtian gave her. She didn't want to have anything to do with him now, and she didn't even want to see him.

This sword not only cut off the black wings, but also cut off her last glimmer of fantasy about Emperor Lingtian.

Of course these things cannot be kept.

After Jun Mohuang finished everything, he immediately found Jun Jianlin and gave him the jade pendant of Nangong Li.

"Second brother, this jade pendant has already been engraved with the tracing formation method. As long as you inject spiritual energy into it, this jade pendant will guide you."

"Seven sister, thank you."

Jun Jianlin took the jade pendant, and his calm eyes suddenly brightened.

The Cangyuan Continent is too big, and I am looking for it without a clue. I don't know when and how long to find it.

With the tracing method, the efficiency will be greatly different.

(End of this chapter)

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