Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 955: Double trap 4

Chapter 955 Double Trap 4

"Don't worry, school girl, we will be extra careful."

The students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy were all serious. Since Jun Mohuang told them to be careful, what happened next would not be easy.

The sudden increase in the number of monsters caused everyone to devote themselves to the process of fighting against the monsters.

At this time, no one noticed that the monster that was killed by Jun Mo Phoenix just now had its heart pierced by the three spiritual energy blades of Jun Mo Phoenix, forming a huge blood hole.

Warm and sticky blood kept flowing into the ground.

At this time, the ground of the valley had all been stained with blood red.

But what is even more bizarre is that after the blood flows into the ground, it is only soaked by the surface soil on the surface. Once it soaks the surface, it rushes into the ground madly.

It seems that there is something, and then continue to attract and gather blood.

Somewhere ten meters deep in the mini valley, a complex circular formation lay quietly there.

This circular formation is covered with mysterious and ancient runes, and the area is extremely large, just covering the entire celestial pole valley.

And the mini valley where everyone is located happens to be the center of the circular formation.

Red blood is constantly pouring into the hair circle formation.

After the red blood poured into it, it immediately wandered along the runes and mysterious patterns in the formation.

At first sight, blood had already dyed a third of the runes and mysterious patterns.

At the center of the circular formation, white light surging continuously.

The white light seemed to imprison a very terrifying mysterious power, and the mysterious power appeared silver. The arc of the thickness of the thumb is constantly twisting in it.

Want to break through the white light at any time, soaring into the sky.

Just because the energy is not enough, this mysterious force is still struggling.

But what can be encountered is that if the energy is enough, once the mysterious power is born, the mini valley above it will be blown up to nothing.

In other words, Jun Mohuang and the others stepped on an atomic bomb-level mine, which could explode at any time.

But the worrying thing is that everyone doesn't know this at all.

As the number of monsters increased, the number and speed of hunting monsters was also forced to increase. More and more blood was continuously sucked into the ground and gathered into the circular formation.

With the increase of blood, the mysterious power in the white light is still expanding.

Outside the Mini Valley, the City Lord of Star City holds this palm-sized obsidian in his hand.

On the obsidian, a mini version of the circular formation suddenly appeared.

The patterns of the mysterious runes in nowhere are exactly the same as the circular formations. Even in the center of the obsidian, even the form of the mysterious power is also simulated.

On this piece of obsidian, it was clearly shown that the runes and patterns of the circular formation were filled with blood more than one third.

Seeing this progress, the eyes of Yao Shangtian, Yao Xuan and City Lord of Star City became more and more serious.

Around the three of them, people kept coming and going around them.

The City Lord of Star City put away the obsidian block in his palm, and urged several people around him to say:

"Hurry up and hurry up. It won't take long for the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy to be able to support it."

Many of these people who come and go are white-haired and white-bearded elders, and they are all suzerains and elders of the four major five-star forces.

After hearing the words of the City Lord of Star City, everyone immediately took out a space ring.

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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