Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 956: Double trap 5

Chapter 956 Double Trap 5

Then, towards the direction of the mini valley below, open the space ring.

In the next moment, countless monsters gush out from the space ring.

Each old man's space ring released fifty monsters, with nine-star monsters as the main ones, and eight-star and ten-star monsters as supplements.

The two hundred beasts released by the four old men smelled of blood, and immediately rushed towards the bottom of the mini valley and joined the melee at the bottom of the valley.

With the addition of new monsters, the battle in the mini valley is even more fierce.

For a while, the angry roars and screams of Warcraft and people continued to come.

Countless blood, swords and shadows fly across.

Ye Family, Pangu Sect, Xuanyue Sect, and Lihunzong each lost their lives under the claws of monsters.

"My Lord, how long will it take?"

The second elder of the Ye family couldn't help but feel very worried as he watched the tragic situation of the fighting under the valley.

The other three five-star forces were okay. Their Ye Family’s combat effectiveness was the weakest. Just after they released the monsters, the Ye Family died of two children.

If this continues, the younger generation of the Ye family will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

"Why, the second elder feels distressed? Why don't you think about it, if we don't kill all the students in the Thousand Fantasy Academy, if we want to deal with them in the future, we won't just die."

Seeing that the second elder of the Ye Family had the intention of retreat, the lord of Sky Star City snorted displeasedly.

Among the five-star forces in the Cangyuan Continent, he looked down on Ye Family the most.

Not to mention the worst strength, the Ye family's courage is also the least.

"Yeah, the second elder, you have also seen the potential of Thousand Fantasy Academy. If you really don't take them down in one fell swoop this time, and let the tiger return to the mountain in the future, when their strength reaches the door of the Ye family, hundreds of people will die. people."

"Yes, so it's nothing to sacrifice a few young disciples now. This is our smallest loss."

"What's more, this is the arrangement of the messenger, second elder, do you want to disobey the messenger's order!"

The other three old men nodded in agreement, completely agreeing with what the City Lord said.

The Sect Master of Xuan Yuezong even carried Yao Xuan out.

The rise of Thousand Fantasy Academy is really fast, even if there is no medicine profound, they will choose to do so.

The unstable factor of Thousand Fantasy Academy must be removed!

Yao Xuan heard this, but didn't say anything, just gave the second elder of the Ye Family a cool look.

The second elder of the Ye family hurriedly defended: "Don't dare, don't dare, Envoy, the villain doesn't mean that."

Yao Xuan said indifferently: "It's not the best. Tonight, everyone, as long as you kill the people from the Thousand Fantasy Academy, this messenger will definitely speak for you in front of the adults above."

"Yes, thank you Envoy!"

President Pan Gu, the three old men of Lihunzong and Xuanyuezong heard these words like chicken blood, after flattering and thanking Yaoxuandao, they immediately turned around and left at maximum speed.

Seeing this, the second elder of the Ye family did not dare to act differently from others, and followed them to leave.

Five minutes after the four people left, another four old men came.

The four of them are the elders of the four five-star forces, and they are obviously different from the four who left just now.

The four old men smiled at Yaoxuan, walked to the edge of the mini valley, opened the space ring, and another hundred monsters rushed down from the edge of the valley and joined the melee at the bottom of the valley.

After the four old men beamed out the beast in the space ring, they left without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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