Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 954: Double trap 3

Chapter 954 Double Trap 3

"Keep on hunting first, and act according to the timing."

Jun Mohuang had discovered this more than half an hour ago.

She chose to turn a blind eye at the time, and she still chooses to turn a blind eye.

If this is Yao Shangtian's conspiracy, and if it doesn't continue, how can the conspiracy continue?

The students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy believed in Jun Mohuang 100%. When they saw her and said to continue, of course it was to continue.

"That... Thousand Fantasy Academy continues, shall we continue?"

"Of course we must continue. The people at Thousand Fantasy Academy are very cunning. If they do, it means there is no danger. We can't continue to fall behind!"

Ye Family, Pan Gu Sect, Xuan Yue Sect and Li Hun Sect saw the Qian Huan Academy continue, and they all continued.

In the mini-valley that quieted down for a short while, clanging battles sounded again.

There are constantly falling down, the red blood stains the land, and new ten-star monsters appear constantly, taking the place of their dead companions.

Time passed slowly by one minute, one second, one hour, two hours, three hours, and the sound of fighting in this mini-valley still lingered.

The red blood has spilled over the entire mini-valley. Most of this blood is from the dead Ten-Star Monsters, and a small number of them are wounded and dead.

Yes, with the endless supply of ten-star monsters, everyone fought for three hours continuously, and the fighting status continued to decline. Some people have been killed under the claws of monsters.

Of course, there are no people from the Thousand Fantasy Academy among the dead. They have the elixir of Jun Mohuang as a supply, so there is no need to worry about running out of aura or fatigue due to the long fighting time.

Thanks to the formation of Emperor Ling Tianjiao, they were able to attack and defend flexibly in Warcraft, and the injuries were only minor injuries.

After taking the elixir of Jun Mohuang and taking a short break for ten minutes, he can continue fighting again.

But the other four five-star forces do not have as good luck as the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Ten people from the four powers have died, and the rest of the people alive are not in good condition.

If this continues, ten-star monsters will continue to flow, and there will only be more people who die.

The four five-star forces have already begun to retreat.

But it was too late at this time. Just as they were preparing to unite to break through and retreat to the entrance of the Mini Valley, hundreds of beasts suddenly poured out of the Mini Valley.

This time, there were not only ten-star monsters, but also eight-star and nine-star monsters.

Upon seeing this, the four five-star forces had to bite the bullet and resist.

"Boss, there are so many monsters suddenly, do you want to retreat?"

Feng Yunqi's posture was as light and flexible as a monkey. After cutting off the front paws of a ten-star monster, he slipped to Jun Mohuang's side again and asked her what to do.

With the current number of Warcraft, it is not a problem for Thousand Fantasy Academy to break through.

Fear, be afraid, if Warcraft continues to increase in this trend, it will be difficult to handle.

The ten-star beast whose front paw was cut off by Feng Yunqi rushed towards Jun Mohuang angrily.

"No, continue hunting. Be careful, everyone. It will become more and more dangerous next. Don't get seriously injured."

Jun Mohuang sent out two phantom phoenix shadows, hitting this kind of beast on the head at an extremely fast speed.

Adding three huge aura blades, the brain of this ten-star beast was crooked, and it was too late to dodge, and the three aura blades were directly inserted into the heart.

With a loud bang, the giant ten-star monster fell to the ground and died instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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