Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 951: Please enter the urn 2

Chapter 951, please enter the urn 2

She was wanting a few gold element crystal nuclei.

"Yes, boss."

Feng Yun Qigang answered with a single voice, and the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy quickly formed a formation and headed southeast.

The ten-star monster is equivalent to the ninth-order Great Perfection of the human spirit casting realm.

However, the ten-star monsters have intelligence, but their wisdom is not as good as that of human beings. The cooperation between monsters is particularly bad.

The students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy had the formation of Emperor Ling Tianjiao, they surrounded and suppressed, and slowly killed all 30 ten-star monsters before dawn, it was not a problem.

Of course, the ten-star monsters are not vegetarian. The group of monsters perceives an extremely dangerous aura coming quickly, and their first reaction is to fight immediately.

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy had already set up a formation to welcome them.

After some melee, among the 30 ten-star monsters, three were killed and five were seriously injured.

The rest of the monsters saw something wrong, and immediately ran away.

"Hey, Hey, WoW, stop this uncle!"

Feng Yunqi yelled when he saw the monster about to run, and his feet were chasing fast.

This group of ten-star monsters were not the opponents of the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy. After several melees, before midnight on the moon, thirty ten-star monsters had been killed by everyone.

The remaining eighteen were all wounded and fled in embarrassment.

It's not that these eighteen ten-star monsters don't know how to resist, it's that they united to besiege and found that it was useless.

This group of humans has a degree of forward and retreat in attack and defense, is cunning and unusual, and also has various weird skills such as vertigo, crit, and aura stealing.

Faced with this group of humans who seemed to be hanging on, the hearts of these ten-star monsters were also very desperate.

Therefore, they can only run for their lives, escape to the deepest part of the Heavenly Pole Valley, and return to their lair to avoid this innocent disaster.


Thousand Fantasy Academy had good luck and encountered a group of ten-star monsters.

Following them, Xuan Yuezong, Ye Family, Lihunzong, and Pangu Sect's four five-star forces found that there were no beasts in the middle of the valley, and they all recognized that they were the work of Qianhuan Academy.

They did not stop under their feet, and went straight to the deepest part of the celestial pole valley.

Anyway, their goal is the most center of the Celestial Valley, and there are only turtles like the Thousand Fantasy Academy who have no internal information, and they will waste time in the middle.

The star of Warcraft in the center of the Celestial Valley is much more powerful than the Warcraft in the middle.

The celestial pole valley is very large, and the four five-star forces are scattered in action, so there is not much difference in the time of their four rushing to the same direction, but they did not meet together.

The group of Thousand Fantasy Academy stayed for a while in the middle of looking for monsters, and then went to the deepest part of the Sky Pole Valley.

But the four five-star forces rushed directly to the deepest part of the Celestial Valley because of internal news, so Thousand Fantasy Academy is being kept up with them.

By night, the five forces had already arrived at the most central part of the Heavenly Pole Valley.

It's just that the celestial pole valley is so big that they didn't meet each other.

Facts have proved that the internal information given by the City Lord of Star City is really accurate.

As they went deep into the valley of the celestial pole, they gradually encountered scattered nine-star monsters and ten-star monsters.

When the four five-star forces encountered these beasts, they never let it go.

Soon, the unlucky beasts became the dead souls of everyone.

The four five-star forces gained the sweetness and continued to deepen.

What made them even more unexpected was that they had encountered a group of ten-star monsters.

These eighteen monsters are still wounded, and the difficulty of winning has been drastically reduced. This is really the rhythm of the world's pie!

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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