Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 950: Please enter the urn

Chapter 950, please enter the urn

This gain can be described as pitiful.

"It is estimated that the Warcraft have gone to the middle of the valley for a vacation. Let's continue to the depths."

Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched, is it coming?

There are no powerful monsters in the outer and middle parts, so they can only continue deep.

Generally speaking, like this kind of valley terrain, the aura will follow the valley and concentrate in the deepest part of the valley.

Monsters have always lived in pursuit of spiritual energy, and there must be a large number of powerful, high-star Monsters in the depths.

The people of Thousand Fantasy Academy continued to go deep.

Sure enough, Jun Mohuang was right. After they used the fastest speed to get deeper and deeper, they began to discover a dozen eight-star monsters.

More than a dozen eight-star monsters are just a piece of cake for everyone.

The trainees stepped forward, finished it in minutes, and continued to move forward.

As they continued to deepen, they soon encountered several groups of eight-star monsters, and even two groups of nine-star monsters, and all the three ten-star monsters that were alone were killed. Nuclear is in the bag.

Time passed slowly, Wu Jin fell west in the celestial pole valley, and dusk had arrived.

As long as it gets dark and waits until tomorrow morning, it will be the deadline for the Five-Star Power Contest.

There are dense forests in the Celestial Valley, the sky is dimmed, and various plants in the dense forests begin to emit a faint green light.

The sky light has dimmed, but the actual light has not dimmed at all, but everyone can see it more clearly.

Facing the weird green light of the woods, no one expressed surprise.

On the Cangyuan Continent, as long as the small forests with sufficient aura are like this, it is not surprising that there are no plants that can emit fluorescence in places with thin auras like the Magic Cloud Kingdom.

On the tallest tree in this dense forest, Feng Yunqi was as light as a monkey, standing on a thin branch of chopsticks looking far away.

That slender branch bears all the weight of Feng Yun, but there is no sign of any downward pressure.

Seeing that his cultivation method was suitable, Jun Mohuang simply asked Feng Yunqi to run to the tree to detect the traces of the beast.

Anyway, monkeys, don’t they fit in the tree?

Feng Yunqi looked far away for a while, and suddenly shouted excitedly:

"Boss, a group of ten-star monsters were found in the southeast, one, two, three, four, five... twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty! Boss, there are actually thirty. Hahahaha, this time it is a big profit!"

Feng Yunqi found and counted the group of monsters in front of him, immediately jumped off and ran to Jun Mohuang.

Thirty monsters, all in the bag, are thirty ten-star monster cores.

This result definitely guarantees that Thousand Fantasy Academy will be awarded the title of Five Star Power this time.

The crystal nucleus of a ten-star monster has a high probability of having elemental attributes.

The crystal nucleus with elemental attributes has many benefits. Jun Jianlin's legs are cured by Jun Mohuang with the thunder element crystal nucleus. This is something everyone can see.

Moreover, the crystal nucleus of elemental attributes, maybe it is used to impact the body with the power of the elements in the hand, and there is a certain chance to wake up the power of the elements in the body.

Everyone has seen how powerful the ice element power is in Yun Lan's body, and they are also very envious.

Who doesn't want the nucleus of element attributes, who is the world's number one fool.

A gleam of light flashed across Jun Mohuang's eyes: "What are you waiting for, chase after it, and keep your formation."

It just so happened that she was trying to merge with the gold element recently, even with the guidance of myrtle, always failed at the last minute.

(End of this chapter)

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