Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 952: Double trap

Chapter 952 Double Trap

If you don't chase or win, that's the fighting melon among fools.

Therefore, after the four five-star forces of Ye Family, Pangu Sect, Xuanyue Sect, and Lihun Sect respectively met this group of ten-star monsters, they all chased after them for the first time.

This group of poor ten-star monsters escaped the clutches of the Thousand Fantasy Academy a little bit, but was chased by four teams in four directions, and their hearts collapsed.

Fortunately, these four teams are not as perverted as the people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy. They attacked with all their strength, and they could still rush out of the encirclement and injure some people by the way.

Upon seeing this, the four five-star forces still chased after them.

Above the Tianji Valley, Yao Shangtian, Yao Xuan and the City Lord of Star City stood on a flying monster.

The three of them were hundreds of meters away from the ground, and the night light also concealed their whereabouts well.

Seeing everyone from the five powers at their feet chasing the group of ten-star beasts towards the center of the Heavenly Pole Valley, the three of them smiled with satisfaction.

No matter how big the Tianji Valley is, these five teams will always meet with people chasing after this group of ten-star monsters.

Finally, half an hour later, when the group of ten-star monsters were chased to their respective homes, the five teams finally met and struggled as to who owned the group of monsters.

Of course, no matter which side it is, they insist that this group of monsters should belong to them.

This group of ten-star monsters that finally escaped to their nests squatted and shivered in their nests.

"Hey, you are still shameless. This group of monsters was clearly discovered by our Thousand Fantasy Academy first. You just saw the team joining the **** halfway through, and you actually had the face to claim that this group of monsters belonged to you. Break through the sky!"

On the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they worked hard to hunt down the beasts in the middle of the night, and finally when it was about to end, these four five-star forces unexpectedly emerged to grab the fruits of victory, and they were very upset.

Feng Yunqi couldn't accept it as the first person. When Ye Family, Pangu Sect, Lihunzong and Xuanyuezong announced their ownership of this group of monsters, they immediately stood up and retorted loudly.

"Huh, even if it was discovered by the Thousand Fantasy Academy first, is it the rules of the game whoever sees it first!"

"That's it, let's speak on their own strength!"

Among the other four, there were also some unwilling rebuttals.

But after they rebutted, they reacted and said the wrong thing.

Whatever depends on strength, depending on strength, Ye Family, Pangu Sect, Xuanyue Sect and Lihun Sect unite at best to tie with Qianhuan Academy.

If they rely on their strength, they will definitely not be able to win the Qianhuan Academy!

This is a lot of brain-dead, only to say this kind of words based on strength.

But they reacted to regret, it was too late.

Because Jun Mohuang had already walked out at this time, looked at them with a smile and said:

"Okay, then we will speak on our own merits. At that time, our Thousand Fantasy Academy will get more crystal nuclei than you, so don't cry."

These four teams intercepted and killed her prey halfway through, killing five ten-star monsters and seizing five crystal nuclei.

If you dare to **** her things, you must have the consciousness of being abused.

After Jun Mohuang smiled, he immediately rushed into the nest of this group of ten-star monsters with all the academies of Qianhuan Academy.

The leading disciple of Xuan Yuezong took the lead and proposed: "Everyone, the Thousand Fantasy Academy is too arrogant. If we want to win, we must unite."

"Yes, Senior Senior Brother of Xuan Yuezong is right, we must be united."

Regarding Xuan Yuezong's proposal, the Ye Family, Pangu Sect and Lihunzong all held a positive attitude.

There are definitely many ten-star monsters in the nest of ten-star monsters, which can be described as crisis-ridden.

(End of this chapter)

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